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美媒, 砖家称大学生们的挺巴抗议是因为新冠关门引起的心理障碍导致
送交者: 卢火[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2024-04-28 9:25 已读 975 次  


COVID shutdowns, isolation to blame for pro-Palestine protests, experts say
By Social Links forLauren Elkies Schram 6park.com

Published April 28, 2024, 6:07 a.m. ET 6park.com

Blame it on Covid. 6park.com

Campus protesters roiling colleges across the nation are part of a generation shaped by the pandemic, who grew up isolated and angered by school shut-downs and social distancing and are desperate to find a connection, community and a voice, experts told The Post. 6park.com

The pro-Palestinian cause allows discontented youth to express “long-withheld rage,” said forensic psychiatrist Carole Lieberman. It gives them an “opportunity to identify with the ‘oppressed’ against ‘oppressors.'”
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