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Kellyanne Conway说都COVID 19了 不是COVID 1 现在也中了病毒
送交者: sunnysky[☆★★专注台海风云★★☆] 于 2020-10-02 23:35 已读 1249 次 2 赞  


川普的前顾问Kellyanne Conway 新冠测试阳性。这个顾问很有特色。她的惊人语言是:现在都COVID 19了,不是COVID 1。 你们怎么还不懂呢?她是第七个川普病毒轨迹被测试阳性的人。估计是一周前参加白宫集会感染的。那次白宫聚会很少人带口罩。 6park.com

Kellyanne Conway tests positive for virus
Kellyanne Conway mocked for 'COVID-19, not COVID-1' comment on 'Fox & Friends' 6park.com

Ms Conway is now the seventh person with the virus who attended an event in the White House’s Rose Garden a week ago, where Mr Trump announced he had chosen Judge Amy Coney Barrett to fill the Supreme Court’s vacant seat. 6park.com

The others are Mr Trump himself, his wife Melania, Utah Senator Mike Lee, North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis, the University of Notre Dame’s president, Reverend John Jenkins, and a White House reporter who has not been identified. 6park.com


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