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Lockheed will likely deliver between 75 and 100 F-35s this year instead of a planned 156
送交者: bc007[★KO舔狗★] 于 2024-02-20 14:56 已读 933 次  


Lockheed Martin is again pushing back its
timeline for upgrading the F-35 Lighting II, which prompted the company
to cut the number of the fifth-generation fighter jets it expects to
deliver to the U.S. military this year. 6park.com

The first deliveries are likely to begin in the third quarter of 2024, CEO Jim Taiclet said during an earnings call Tuesday. 6park.com

The latest iteration of the F-35
was originally slated to roll out in April 2023. Then the second quarter
of 2024 became the target. 6park.com

The delays stem from Technology
Refresh 3, an upgrade that would provide better target recognition and
advanced sensing, jamming and cybersecurity capabilities, among other
things, according to the company.   6park.com

Because of the setbacks, Lockheed will likely deliver between 75 and 100 F-35s this year instead of a planned 156, Taiclet said. 6park.com

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