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消息2023 年 12 月 12 日2023 年有超过 10,000 篇研究论文被撤回——创历史新高 6park.com

今年被撤稿的文章数量急剧增加。诚信专家表示,这只是冰山一角。 6park.com

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随着出版商努力从文献中删除虚假文章,撤稿数量猛增。图片来源:Klaus Ohlenschläger/Getty

随着出版商努力清理大量虚假论文和同行评审欺诈,2023 年研究论文的撤稿数量已超过 10,000 篇,打破了年度记录。在研究成果大国中,沙特阿拉伯、巴基斯坦、俄罗斯和中国在过去二十年中的撤稿率最高,Nature 的一项分析发现,在研究成果大国中,沙特阿拉伯、巴基斯坦、俄罗斯和中国在过去二十年中的撤稿率最高。

2023 年的大部分撤稿来自 Hindawi 旗下的期刊,Hindawi 是出版商 Wiley 的伦敦子公司(请参阅“撤稿丰收年”)。今年到目前为止,Hindawi 期刊在内部编辑和内部编辑发起调查后,已撤下 8,000 多篇文章,理由是“担心同行评审过程受到损害”和“对出版和同行评审过程的系统性操纵”。研究诚信侦探对数千篇论文中不连贯的文本和不相关的参考文献提出了质疑。

Hindawi 的大部分撤稿来自特刊:通常由客座编辑监督的文章集,这些文章因被骗子利用而迅速发布低质量文章而臭名昭著或假论文

12 月 6 日,Wiley 在财报电话会议上宣布,将完全停止使用 Hindawi 品牌名称,此前该公司已关闭了四本 Hindawi 图书,并在 2022 年底暂停了特刊出版。 Wiley 将把现有的产品重新整合到自己的品牌中。 Wiley 临时首席执行官马修·基斯纳 (Matthew Kissner) 表示,由于这些问题,该出版商预计本财年将损失 3500 万美元至 4000 万美元的收入。


Wiley 的一位发言人表示,出版商预计会有更多撤稿——他们没有透露具体数量——但该公司认为“特刊将继续在服务研究界方面发挥重要作用”。该发言人补充说,Wiley 已经制定了更严格的流程来确认客座编辑的身份并监督手稿,从其系统中删除了“数百名不良行为者”(其中一些人曾担任客座编辑的角色),并扩大了研究规模。诚信团队。它还“寻求合法手段”与其他出版商以及工具和数据库提供商共享有关不良行为者的数据。

Hindawi’s retracted papers might have been mostly sham articles, but they were still collectively cited more than 35,000 times, says Guillaume Cabanac, a computer scientist at the University of Toulouse in France who tracks problems in papers, including ‘tortured phrases’ — strange wording choices used in efforts to evade plagiarism detectors — and signs of undisclosed use of artificial intelligence. “These problematic papers get cited,” he says.

Retractions are rising at a rate that outstrips the growth of scientific papers (see ‘Rising retraction rates’), and this year’s deluge means that the total number of retractions issued so far has passed 50,000. Although analyses have previously shown that the majority of retractions are due to misconduct, this is not always the case: some are led by authors who discover honest errors in their work.

The world’s largest database to track retractions, collated by the media organization Retraction Watch, does not yet include all of 2023’s withdrawn papers. To analyse trends, Nature combined the roughly 45,000 retractions detailed in that data set — which in September was acquired for public distribution by Crossref, a non-profit organization that indexes publishing data — with another 5,000 retractions from Hindawi and other publishers, with the aid of the Dimensions database.

Rising rates

Nature’s analysis suggests that the retraction rate — the proportion of papers published in any given year that go on to be retracted — has more than trebled in the past decade. In 2022, it exceeded 0.2%.

Among countries that have published more than 100,000 articles in the past two decades, Nature’s analysis suggests that Saudi Arabia has the highest retraction rate, of 30 per 10,000 articles, excluding retractions based on conference papers. (This analysis counts an article for a country if at least one co-author has an affiliation in that country.) If conference papers are included, withdrawals from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in New York City put China in the lead, with a retraction rate above 30 per 10,000 articles (see ‘Countries with highest retraction rates’).

The analysis shows that around one-quarter of the total number of retractions are conference papers — and the bulk of those comprise withdrawals by the IEEE, which has pulled more than 10,000 such papers in the past two decades. The IEEE was the publisher with the highest number of retractions. It does not record when it retracts papers, but most of those removed were published between 2010 and 2011.

Preventive measures

Monika Stickel, director of corporate communications at the IEEE, says that the institute thinks its preventive measures and efforts identify almost all submitted papers that do not meet the organization’s standards.

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However, Cabanac and Kendra Albert, a technology lawyer at Harvard Law School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, have found issues, including tortured phrases, citation fraud and plagiarism, in hundreds of IEEE papers published in the past few years, Retraction Watch reported earlier this year. Stickel says that the IEEE has evaluated those papers and found fewer than 60 that didn’t conform to its publication standards, with 39 retracted so far.

The 50,000 or so retractions recorded around the world thus far are only the tip of the iceberg of work that should be retracted, integrity sleuths say. The number of articles produced by ‘paper mills’ — businesses that sell bogus work and authorships to scientists — is estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands alone, quite apart from genuine papers that might be scientifically flawed. “Paper-mill products are a problem even if no-one reads them, because they get aggregated with others into review articles and laundered into the mainstream literature,” says David Bimler, a New Zealand-based research-integrity sleuth also known by the pseudonym Smut Clyde. 6park.com

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-023-03974-8 6park.com

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