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送交者: 王文清[♂★★★棋圣★★★♂] 于 2020-04-28 8:06 已读 306 次 1 赞  



小爬虫一直造谣美国搞出针对中国人的新冠病毒,只有中国人会得,白人不会。下面统计数据出来了,事实上新冠病毒中国死亡率只有0.3, 而欧美高几十倍,数据显示事实跟小爬虫说的正相反,可见此人造谣不打草稿,呵呵。 6park.com

At President Trump’s April 18 press briefing on the Covid-19 Pandemic, Dr. Deborah Birx, coordinator of the US response to the outbreak, criticized China’s reports on the Covid-19 data.   6park.com

She did so by showing a chart with data from the following countries.  (I have updated the chart with data[1] from the New York Times of April 19, but the two data sets differ by only a small and negligible amount.).

Mortality, Deaths per 100,000 population Belgium: 49.8 Spain: 43.8 Italy: 39.2 France: 29.4 UK: 24.2 Netherlands: 21.4 USA: 10.9 Iran: 6.3 Germany: 5.2 China: 0.3

Dr. Birx called China’s low number “unrealistic,” saying, “I put China on there so you could see how basically unrealistic this could be.”  That was after President Trump pointed at China’s number and interrupted Birx to ask rhetorically, “Excuse me. Does anybody really believe this number? Does anybody really believe this number?”  (Transcript here; see minute 37:08 and following.)

The argument that Blix and Trump were making was clear.  China’s number was way out of line with the others, lower by more than a factor of 10.  Therefore, China’s report was a lie.

But in her chart Dr. Birx omitted data coming from countries of East Asia and nearby which have been praised by the US media for their performance and whose data are unquestioned in the West.  Here are some relevant omitted data, taken again from the New York Times of April 19, with China included again for comparison

Deaths per 100,000 population South Korea: 0.5 Japan: 0.5 Australia: 0.3 China: 0.3 Singapore: 0.2 Taiwan: <0.1 Hong Kong<0.1

贴主:王文清于2020_04_28 8:22:49编辑
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