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送交者: 关注者[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2012-12-24 10:49 已读 91 次  


特战指挥官都自杀了,真的是心理压力太大了吗。而且名字还是Price, 这是COD吗 www.6park.com

(CNN) — The Navy is investigating the death in Afghanistan of one of its most senior SEAL officers as an apparent suicide, a U.S. military official tells CNN. www.6park.com

Navy Cmdr. Job W. Price, 42, of Pottstown, Pennsylvania, died Saturday while serving as the commanding officer of SEAL Team 4, a special warfare unit based in Virginia Beach, Virginia. www.6park.com

The official, who has direct knowledge of the event, spoke on the condition of anonymity because the death remains under full investigation by the U.S. military. www.6park.com

The official said the family has been notified of the death and that it is being investigated as an apparent suicide. There is no indication at this time that Price was involved in any military-related investigations or controversies, the official said. www.6park.com

Apparently, when Price did not appear at an expected time, other military personnel went to look for him and discovered his body with an apparent gunshot wound. www.6park.com

As the commanding officer of the team, Price oversaw more than two dozen commandos and support staff conducting counterterrorism operations in Uruzgan Province in Afghanistan, a longtime center of insurgent activity, according to a statement from the Defense Department.

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