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Mentioning ONLY One Event about Li Li over the Months
送交者: 王利民[♂☆品衔R3☆♂] 于 2023-09-30 14:32 已读 107 次  


Mentioning ONLY One Event about Li Li over the Months
September 28, 2023, Thu.
by Limin Wang 6park.com

Today, the Psychotic woman Li Li was text-messaging me that some male voice was asking to open the apartment door of 153-51 Horace Harding Expressway, 2nd floor, and pounding on the door at probably around 05:15 PM while Li Li was preparing a SIMPLE dinner, mostly of warming up the not many leftovers, in the kitchen! Li Li didn't answer the door, nor did any other apartment-mate(s). 6park.com

Li Li texted me this only when answering my text-message which asked her to bring out an umbrella to me away in a walking distance! Li Li did NOT even bother to come out, but falsely claimed I had brought an umbrella with me. About one hour later, the rain practically stopped for a while. When I arrived home and asked more specifics about the "matter" of stranger-asking-for-opening-the-APARTMENT-door, the PSYCHOPATH Li Li would NOT EASILY answer me. INSTEAD, PSYCHOPATH LI LI CLAIMED I SHOULD NOT ASK HER AND THEN SHE WENT ON WITH HER TYPICAL HYSTERICAL RANTING, MOSTLY AVOIDING THE SPECIFIC QUESTION WHILE SHIFTING TO HER GIBBERISH OF NONSENSE. Then, during the ensued verbal argument, when I mentioned specifics of the PROSTITUTE LI LI'S past, she often showed PSYCHOTIC "laughing" or "nauseating"! 6park.com

At ~20:20 PM, when I happened to see the Filthy And Stinky man came out of his room in the front half of the apartment, he answered me that he was at his room the whole afternoon, but he clearly and repeatedly claimed he did NOT hear anyone knocking at the 2nd-floor apartment door or asking to open it. 6park.com

I was almost certainly sure that a 2nd apartment-mate was staying home this day. On the 09/30/23 morning, I had a good chance to ask him, and he clearly answered that he was at home and did NOT hear such a thing around that time. The 3rd apartment-mate was not even close to the apartment, an almost 100% certain thing. 6park.com

Physically, a stranger man had to be able to come through the almost-always-locked building entrance of 153-51 Horace Harding Expressway, Flushing, NY 11367, to reach the 2nd-floor apartment door. Or it could be a stranger man from other floors within this 3-stories+basement townhouse building. If a man had really come and knocked the 2nd-fl apartment door, either one of the two men in the apartment should have certainly heard or might have answered. Although the apartment-mates can lie, I evaluate they were most probably telling me the simple truth on this. 6park.com

So, I reasoned, with some other evidence, that the HUMANSCUM Li Li as my "wife" was SHAMELESSLY LYING to me with such a stranger-knocking-apartment-door story, in order to refuse to come out to help me any bit as well as to fabricate stuff to justify or corroborate her OLD but SERIOUS lies or acts! Then at the night, I brought out MANY of the PROSTITUTE Li Li's VICIOUS LIES AND ACTS over the past DECADES. The PSYCHOPATH Li Li was keeping acting SMIRKING or NAUSEATING and later staying silent as her response, instead of screaming hysterically as her routine, because I was video-recording the vehement verbal argument. With this event in the context of a few other things happening WITH Li Li in recent days, I have to watch more closely this TREACHEROUS Li Li, because I sense THE "PSYCHOTIC" HUMANSCUM LI LI INTENTIONALLY CREATES AS MANY ISSUES AS POSSIBLE BETWEEN ME AND ANY OTHER PEOPLE, WHILE SOME THINGS ARE SURELY DONE BY LI LI HERSELF, DESPITE OF HER HYSTERICAL AVOIDING OR DENYING.
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