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recall on Whiskas! read if you feed Whiskas to your cat
送交者: cheesecakke[布衣] 于 2013-09-21 7:27 已读 851 次  


Product Detail: 
Whiskas (Mars Petcare Australia)—Adult (Aged 1-7) 
Chicken & Rabbit Flavour Dry Cat Food - 1kg box
Specially formulated for adult cats aged 1-7 years 

Identifying features
Best Before date code: 010215

What are the defects?
A small number of boxes may contain foreign objects between 5 to 25mm in size.
What are the hazards?
If foreign objects are consumed, it may pose a food safety risk, with the potential to cause harm to animals including choking and/or lacerations.

What should consumers do?
Consumers should not feed the affected product to their pet and should return the product to the point of purchase for a full refund.

The recall only relates to the above product with the Best Before date code of 010215. No other WHISKAS® products are affected by this recall. If further information is required about the recall, consumers may also call Consumer Services toll free number on 1800 640 111.
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if you love your cat, dont feed it Whiskas!
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