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夏威夷鲨鱼湾两重点,如何冬季浮潜潮汐池|夏威夷指南| 8K视频
送交者: zhangd[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2024-01-05 16:40 已读 13100 次 2 赞  


夏威夷鲨鱼湾两重点,如何冬季浮潜潮汐池|夏威夷指南| 8K视频 6park.com


Shark's Cove is a lava-rock beach on the North Shore of Oahu and is part of Pūpūkea Beach Park. It is known for being a snorkeler’s paradise. Don’t be scared that you will be swimming with sharks - it actually got its name from its aerial view shape, as the outline of a reef looks like the silhouette of a shark. There are two sections to Shark's Cove. There is a much larger and deeper swimming hole that is the official "Sharks Cove" to the north that has way better diving but is more open and dangerous. This is good when the waves are calm. Huge waves break into this bay often in the winter, especially in December when waves are truly massive, so today we will focus on the south side of Shark’s Cove, the Pūpūkea tide pools. 6park.com

The tide pools are well-sheltered from currents and other open water hazards. It’s the place to be for those who want to see a variety of Hawaii's colorful underwater denizens without having to swim into the deep—or really without having to swim at all. The tide pools, home to more than 70 native fish species, serve as a refuge for juvenile schools of fish looking to feed on the loose micro-algae in the water. 6park.com

In this shallow water, because of matching camouflage, I almost missed this creature on the bottom. It is not moving much. I am more scared of it than it is scared of me. If you know what it is (we did not), please leave comments below. 6park.com

The weather in December can rain one moment and then stop the next. No lifeguards are stationed here. The water entrance for snorkeling Sharks Cove is not easy. It is mostly rocky, although you can pick your way through a little sandy trail. If you want to go wading or swimming at Shark's Cove, it is a good idea to wear reef shoes or sandals because of the sharp coral and rocks that are everywhere – if there are any waves at all, you can easily lose your balance while weaving your way through the rocks so keep an eye on the waves washing in so that you don’t unexpectedly stumble or fall.  If you want a perfect sandy entry area where you can simply walk into the water, Three Tables Beach is only a short walk away. 6park.com

You must navigate around some rocks and through some more shallow areas. There can be a lot of fish through this area, so if the current and surge aren’t tossing you around too much, it can be a good place to spend some time. It is only 2-4 feet deep so you don’t even have to swim. If you go further it begins to drop off to 6-20 feet in the rest of the area.

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