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【回国04】游艇游千岛湖4岛 第一登陆龙山岛
送交者: jmzjmz[♂★★★★平凡之人★★★★♂] 于 2019-11-06 14:24 已读 6207 次 7 赞  


2019回国3 大雨中去千岛湖 千岛湖野菜 茶叶烧菜? 6park.com

上面是上集的连接。上集在大雨中开到了千岛湖,匆匆入住旅馆,匆匆到对面的餐馆叫了几个千岛湖的家常菜,味道不错的家常菜,然后就赶着到千岛湖的码头去了。雨还在下,不过比在开来的路上小了很多。 6park.com

游船有班次,我们已经晚到了,下一班要等很长时间,游船去三个岛,游艇去四个岛,票价游艇要贵,但游艇要至少6,7人才肯开,我们看见另外一家在犹豫是不是要坐游艇,觉得贵了,在我们的劝说下,答应和我们拼船,拼船不是省船票,价格一样的,但不拼船游艇不肯开,这样买了票后我们马上就出发了, 省了不少时间。从码头出发开到第一个岛龙山岛也要约半小时,具体我忘了,上船时还在下小雨,等到快到龙山岛时,不下了,而且天亮了不少,真是天助我也,不然下雨登岛也是很辛苦的。 6park.com



千岛湖位于浙江省杭州西郊的淳安县境内,东距杭州129公里,西距黄山130公里,是“杭州——千岛湖——黄山”这条名城、名湖、名山黄金旅游线上的一颗璀璨明珠。它与杭州西湖,安徽黄山、西递宏村,江西婺源、三清山,福建武夷山等国家级风景区构成了一个有机的旅游网络,千岛湖处于浙赣皖区域旅游合作体的中心部位,上海、江苏、安徽、江西、福建等多个地区大城市都可一路高速直达千岛湖。 6park.com





前面的集子 https://club.6parkbbs.com/life7/index.php?app=forum&act=threadview&tid=13878949 2019回国记 飞回上海|入境|到警察区报道|上海交通 6park.com

https://club.6parkbbs.com/life7/index.php?app=forum&act=threadview&tid=13880328 2019飞回上海 接风宴上海美食 回国礼物买什么 6park.com

这一集内容比较多,所以配上了英语解说,解说词如下: We drove to Qiandaohu Wharf. It was still raining. September is supposed to be a good season with a lot of sunshine. However we ran into rain after rain. We found a spot to park our car. Qiandaohu Wharf is like a very beautiful park. Rated as 5A tourist attraction in China. There were motorboats and tour boats that you can choose. The Motorboat took you to 4 islands while the tour boat took you to 3 islands Motorboats are more expensive We bought motorboat tickets costing 280 yuan a person which includes an island entrance fee and boat riding fee. Our motorboat is number 705. It was still raining. Dark clouds covered the lake. It took around 30 minutes to reach the first island. Dragon Hill Island. The raining stopped and the sky turned brighter. We were very lucky. On this island, you need to take a tour bus which costs 20 yuan a person. It takes you half of the trail which does not have much to see. This was the end of tour bus, the rest of the island you should walk along the trail. According to the directions, there are 3 attractions on this island. Hairui temple, Buran Pool and clock tower We went to Hairui temple We did not know which one was Buran Pool. We just followed the crowds. We did not go to the clock tower, the driver of the motorboat said it was not high enough to have a good view compared to the next island we were going to visit. We need to follow the others of the same boat. The steps seemed slippery after the rain, so we did not climb up. It is beautiful to watch the lake from the island. 6park.com

贴主:jmzjmz于2019_11_06 14:26:04编辑 6park.com

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