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【Vlog】我投票了 I voted Oh yeah 金色十月小小历险记
送交者: jmzjmz[♂★★★★平凡之人★★★★♂] 于 2020-10-12 16:17 已读 3457 次 9 赞  


2020年是个特殊的年份,新冠病毒第二波卷来了,第一波从来没停止过,又来了第二波,虽然出去买菜,超市都写着不带口罩不许进来的招牌,每天确诊的人数从原来的1000上升到3000了,这只是我们一个州而已,全美那就更吓人了。疫情还是那么的严重,但又是总统选举年,今年要参与了,以前从不用操心投票的事因为我们州是民主党州,你投什么票都不影响民主党最后的胜利,但今年感觉要投上自己的一票,于是就有了第一次正儿八经的投票。 6park.com

我们采用邮寄方式,收到后就填,很多人候选人的名字一个个上网查,看他的竞选主张,然后选yes or no。Trump和巴登是列在第一行的。这个早想好了票投给谁了。 6park.com

前阵说Trump让邮局缓慢送邮件,要拖延邮寄的vote,所以填好后就到很远的总局去寄,好久没出去了,这是个好借口外出远足,于是带上了相机,想要拍拍十月秋天的故事,没想到碰到了不少事,算是个小小的历险记。请点击视频看我的Vlog 金色的十月。这里就是这一天的视频日记。 6park.com




3,4天后收到email说已经收到了,会count,原来这么快就收到了,看来不是每个州都有阴谋的。今年总统的选举里有我的一票,感觉有点自豪了。I voted!Yeah!



一个这样的原创帖真的是很花时间的,请多多支持。 6park.com

前面的Vlog也附上来 6park.com

请点击看Vlog 4月里的一天,疫情中的美国城市!


Vlog 我记得居家令是在3/21日发的,最热闹的繁华一英里会是个什么景色


Vlog 开到Chinatown时,感觉就不一样了,这里真的空了。


金色的十月解说词 6park.com

解说词,自己匆忙写的,可能会有错。 The year of 2020 is a special year because of Covid 19. President Trump got the virus a couple of days ago. Many of us have been trapped home for months. 6park.com

It is a sunny Sunday, I went to the post office to drop the vote. It is so nice to be outside. Many people are wearing masks now. 6park.com

Does this look like a dog on the wall? 6park.com

One the way back, I saw the beautiful yellow flowers. 6park.com

I took some videos and photos and climbed over the hill and came down on the other side. A Railroad extends in front of me. 6park.com

When I was walking along the railroad towards the street, a police car stopped behind me. 6park.com

He questioned me and checked my identification. He told me they were chasing bad people. 6park.com

Do I look like a bad guy? absolutely not. 6park.com

This is an interesting experience to be stopped and questioned by a policeman. 6park.com

He gave me a direction to walk out of the railroad and told me this is not a safe place. 6park.com

I walked out the railroad to the street and came upon the Memorial to Fallen 21 The memorial is for the loss of firefighters at the Union Stockyard Blaze in 1910. 6park.com

On December 22 of 1910, a fire started in the Nelson-Morris Meat Packing Company. The collapse of the seven-story building killed 21 firefighters instantly. 6park.com

Bill Cosgrove, a retired fireman, wrote a book on the fire and became the driving force raising monies for the 8-foot bronze memorial. 6park.com

Artist S. Thomas Scarff recreated the scene of that fateful fire, showing the chief of the brigade, James Horan, holding a bugle upwards to warn the men of the falling wall; a truckman raising his axe to protect himself as he falls backwards;an engine man focusing his hose on the fire unware of the danger. 6park.com

The granite base includes the names of those who died that day as well as others who have perished in the line of duty. 6park.com

October shows the golden color everywhere 6park.com

a small rose 6park.com

red unknown fruits are cute 6park.com

quite a lot of railroads 6park.com

This fence must be very effective to prevent thieves 6park.com

She wears mask too. 6park.com

Flowers at street side are all beautiful. 6park.com

What an evenful day today. First time to vote for the president;first time to be stopped by a policeman when I am walking;first time to see so many railroads in this part of the city;first time to see the Memorial to Fallen 21, a tradgedy of history. 6park.com

As the flowers show me life is beautiful, we should respect life. 6park.com

Wish everyone a good day and my family to stay safe and sound.
贴主:jmzjmz于2020_11_21 11:35:11编辑
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