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百宝福袋 Treasure in Bean curd bags
送交者: lilisa0270[♀☆品衔R3☆♀] 于 2020-01-23 10:23 已读 1059 次  



Ingredients 6park.com

豆腐袋 12个 (Bean curd bags12 pieces),

鸡腿肉6安士 (Chicken meat 6oz),

中虾6安士 (Shrimp meat 6oz),

冬菇 三只 (Mushroom 3 pieces),

红萝卜两安士 (Carrot 2oz),

西芹两安士 (Celery 2oz),

韭菜半磅 (Chives ? lb)。 6park.com

鱼籽0.5 安士 (Flying Fish Roe 0.5 oz ),

白菜仔 10 棵 (Little bok choy 10 strips)


Stuffing Seasoning

生抽一汤匙 (Soy sauce 1T),

糖1茶匙 (Sugar 1 t),

胡椒粉麻油少许 (Sesame oil & Pepper a little bit), 6park.com

粟粉开水半茶匙 (Cornstarch solution 1/2 t)。

蒸豆腐袋调味料: Steam Tofu Bags Seasoning

鸡汤 一杯半 (Chicken broth 1.5 C),

美极鲜酱油少许 (Maggi sauce a little bit),

蠔油 一汤匙 (Oyster sauce 1T),

糖 一茶匙 (Sugar 1 t),

胡椒粉麻油各少许 (Sesame oil & Pepper a little bit), 6park.com

粟粉开水 一汤匙 (Cornstarch solution 1 T)。



把所有材料切幼粒备用. 韭菜切去硬梗部分, 取较长的叶片, 用沸水稍微川烫一下, 捞起过冷水备用. (扎实袋囗用), 余下的韭菜切粒做饀料用.

Cut all the ingredients into small pieces for later use. Cut the stalks of leeks。Pick some long leaves of leeks and boil them in water for a little bit. Remove the leaves from hot water and rinse them with cool water (use the leaves to tie the Toufu bags later). Leave the rest of leeks as stuffing.

热镬下油, 放入材料炒香, 加入炒馅料兜匀后盛出, 用汤匙把饀料装进豆腐袋中, 用韭菜扎实袋口便可.

Heat the oil, add the ingredients and stir-fry, add the fried fillings and stir well. Fill the tofu bag with a spoon, and use the leek to tie the bag up. 6park.com

将福袋及已经混合好酱汁料放入深碟中, 盖上锅盖蒸五分钟.

Put the lucky bag and the mixed sauce into a deep saucer, cover the pot and steam for five minutes.

白菜仔用油盐水灼熟放在碟中央.把豆腐袋取出排放在碟上, 再用粟粉水拌匀锅中酱汁, 淋在福袋上便成.最后放上少许鱼籽在豆腐袋上装饰, 以増潻美感.

Boil the Little bok choy strips with salty water with oil. Place the bok choy on the center of the plate. Remove the toufu bags from the pot and arrange them on the plate. Mix the seasoning sauce with corn starch water, and pour the sauce on the toufu bags. Lastly, decorate the dish with fish roe.


* Chef’s Tips:

豆腐袋可以在日本或华人超市买到. 作为新春菜式很有好意头呢! 6park.com

You may buy the Toufu bag in Japanese or Chinese supermarkets. It is a creative dish for Chinese New Year.

本食谱及照片由 [ 梁厨美食] 烹饪节目梁师傅提供

Recipe and Photo developed by Master Chef James Leung

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