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送交者: sinophile[布衣] 于 2016-11-17 7:24 已读 1385 次 2 赞  


做法餐很复杂吗? no!

这是一道传统的法国家常菜 鲜奶油和鸡油菌,白蘑菇,包裹在酥皮里面烘培出来的菌汤,鲜美温暖,非常适合冬天食用暖身。 做法也很简单。 视频在这里:


废话不多说,大家看菜单吧。 (Translation by Anne ZHOU) Recette : Mushroom  300g Chanterelle  200g Shallote  one Garlic  one clove Cream  150ml   Flour Egg yolk with a teaspoon of water 1,Cut the earthy feet of the white mushrooms and peel the tops. Cut the mushrooms in 4 or 8 according to their size. Clean the chanterelles with a damp brush and chop them. Peel and chop the shallot. Peel the garlic clove, degermer it, crush it and then chop it. 2, Fry the shallot in the melted butter in a large saucepan. Add the mushrooms, mixing constantly for 3 to 4 minutes until the mushrooms have made their water. Add the garlic and cook for 30 seconds until it is odorous. Season.

贴主:sinophile于2016_11_17 9:30:23编辑

贴主:sinophile于2016_11_17 9:31:30编辑
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