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法拉盛附近或纽约市地区 哪里可以买到鸡子?info inside
送交者: 6park777[布衣] 于 2013-10-30 0:14 已读 3112 次 1 赞  


please, is here anybody know where can I get those 鸡子.it is not gizzard please don't get confused with these two items, it is a 'tofu' kind of alike, and wrapped up in a very thin layer thing. Cantonese use to do it in hot pot. it is very  command food in Hong Kong, but for some reason, they don't have it here, I mean tri-state area, which I really don't know why. I have been in all supermarket in NY,BK.QU,FLU,and some time Shiprite in Jersey, some people says it is a bladders from turkey birds from Canada. So sorry , I type too much.

版主:胖胖熊2011于2013_10_30 1:16:37编辑

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