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平安夜的歌:O holy night——大家圣诞快乐🎄
送交者: 学习不是很好[★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2020-12-24 6:43 已读 2501 次 10 赞  


此歌为传统圣诞颂歌。原曲出现于1843年圣诞节,法国南部阿维尼翁附近小镇Roquemaure,作曲 Adolphe Adam,作词 Placide Cappeau。1847年第一次公开演唱。1855年由 John Sullivan Dwight 翻译改写英语版歌词,之后风靡于世。现在流行的不同歌手的演唱版本歌词各有些出入。我学唱采用的是 Jackie Evancho 的伴奏版本和歌词。 6park.com

祝2021年,大家平安健康快乐🎄! 6park.com


O holy night 作词:John Sullivan Dwight(英) 作曲:Adolphe Adam(法) O holy night, the stars are brightly shining; It is the night of our dear Savior's birth! Long lay the world in sin and error pining Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn Fall on your knees, O hear the angel voices! O night divine, O the night when Christ was born! O night divine, O night, O night divine! 6park.com

Truly He taught us to love one another; His law is love and His Gospel is peace Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother And in His name all oppression shall cease Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we Let 
us all praise within His holy name! Christ is the Lord! Forever we shall prasie him His power and glory forever more proclaim! His power and glory forever more proclaim! 6park.com

O night divine, O the night when Christ was born! O night 
divine, O night, O night divine!
贴主:学习不是很好于2020_12_24 8:22:43编辑

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