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Class Action Lawsuit Filed Over LG Fridge Compressors
送交者: 小欣欣[★★唯恐美国不乱★★] 于 2020-07-14 15:48 已读 1342 次  


A class action lawsuit has been filed against LG Electronics alleging a defect is causing some of its fridges to stop cooling.

The refrigerators at issue contain linear compressors, which were supposedly meant to make the fridges more reliable and durable. For many consumers, however, the refrigerators have stopped working within 36 months of use in what one news outlet calls a “pandemic of dying fridges.”

you own one of these fridges and had issues with it not cooling,
attorneys working with ClassAction.org would like to hear from you. 
Tell us what happened to you by filling out the form on this page. 6park.com

Compressor Issues Stem from Defect, Lawsuit Says

lawsuit says that the cooling problem stems from a defect that’s
causing the linear compressor – the part that’s responsible for cooling
the refrigerator – to fail. When this happens, the fridge will start to
warm and food will begin to spoil. Some consumers who had this problem
have reportedly been forced to “live out of coolers” or prematurely
replace their fridges.  

According to the lawsuit, the problem starts in the tubing of the evaporator, a part that works in conjunction with the linear compressor. The suit says that the tubing is “prone to corrosion and pitting” and that small holes can develop,
which can cause leaks and allow air to enter. Because of this “air
leakage,” the refrigerant that moves from the evaporator to the
condenser generates excess pressure that puts stress on the compressor,
according to the suit.

The compressor can’t take this additional
pressure, the suit says, and begins to fail. It is usually the discharge
valve in the compressor that is the first to go, as it is the weakest

Even if the fridges are
serviced, they will likely fail again within two years because LG
technicians are allegedly using the same defective parts in repairs. So,
even though their refrigerators were “fixed,” several of the plaintiffs
later noticed that food was again going bad and that their fridges
weren’t keeping cool.

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