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送交者: 杰克_JK[♂☆★★无马甲的ID★★☆♂] 于 2021-02-19 11:57 已读 4376 次 3 赞  


泰坦尼克主题歌【我心永恒】[英文] 6park.com

【TITANIC- My Heart Will Go On】。这次唱英文部分,原唱是是歌星,席琳•迪翁(Celine Dion)。唱了数十遍,才勉强能够对上,不太走形,还有待改进的空间。 6park.com

》杰克独唱 6park.com


》杰克傍歌星席琳•迪翁隔网同唱 6park.com


》Make it count! Meet me at the dock. 6park.com

》激情画像 6park.com

》歌词: 6park.com

My Heart Will Go On [Celine Dion] 6park.com

Every night in my dreams 6park.com

I see you I feel you. 6park.com

That is how I know you go on 6park.com

Far across the distance 6park.com

And spaces between us 6park.com

You have come to show you go on 6park.com

Near, far, wherever you are 6park.com

I believe that the heart does go on 6park.com

Once more you open the door 6park.com

And you're here in my heart 6park.com

And my heart will go on and on 6park.com

Love can touch us one-time 6park.com

And last for a lifetime 6park.com

And never let go 'til we're gone 6park.com

Love was when I loved you 6park.com

One true time I'd hold to 6park.com

In my life we'll always go on 6park.com

Near, far, wherever you are 6park.com

I believe that the heart does go on 6park.com

Once more you open the door 6park.com

And you're here in my heart 6park.com

And my heart will go on and on 6park.com


You're here, there's nothing I fear 6park.com

And I know that my heart will go on 6park.com

We'll stay forever this way 6park.com

You are safe in my heart and 6park.com

My heart will go on and on
贴主:杰克_JK于2021_02_19 11:58:45编辑

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