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Sydney man arrested for online child abuse
送交者: Ftacy[★品衔R5★] 于 2021-01-29 19:35 已读 1196 次  



JANUARY 30 2021 - 8:53AM 6park.com

Sydney man arrested for online child abuse

Greta Stonehouse

National 6park.com


 THE AFP were alerted by the FBI about an internet user trading videos and images of children. 6park.com

A Sydney man allegedly trading child abuse material online using a social media platform has been charged following an FBI tip-off. 6park.com

Australian Federal Police were alerted by the US agency in October 2020 about an internet user trading videos and images of children. 6park.com

Investigations led to a 41-year-old Kirrawee man charged with numerous offences including possessing or controlling child abuse material obtained or accessed using a carriage service. 6park.com

AFP Acting Commander Benjamin McQuillan said children were being re-victamised each time abuse material was downloaded and shared online. 6park.com

[iframe][/iframe] 6park.com

"This investigation shows that the AFP and our international counterparts are working closely to tackle the rising global issue of child exploitation," he said in a statement on Saturday. 6park.com

"No one country can combat this borderless crime alone, which is why our international partnerships are crucial for law enforcement to not only identify the individuals and groups producing and sharing this abhorrent material, but to remove these vulnerable children from further harm." 6park.com

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