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送交者: 两极的世界[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2019-04-21 11:44 已读 2284 次  


Schools must do more to protect female teachers following an "enormous growth" in the number of reports of upskirting, a teachers' union says.

The NASUWT union says it was aware of cases of upskirting - where pictures are taken without permission under a skirt - involving pupils aged 14, with "some as young as 11".

The union says head teachers should consider banning mobile phones in school and filling in open stairwells to protect both staff and pupils.

On 12 April, upskirting became a criminal offence in England and Wales.

This followed a campaign led by Gina Martin, who became a victim of upskirting at a music festival in London in 2017.

Offenders now face up to two years in prison for taking a photo or video under someone's clothing.

The NASUWT, which is meeting for its annual conference in Belfast over the Easter weekend, says often victims are unaware that the abuse has taken place.

"Talking to members about it, the thing they find the most difficult is that quite often they don't know that this has happened - the video has been out there and then it is drawn to their attention," said general secretary Chris Keates.

"Then they think, if I go and report it, is that going to make it worse because it will draw attention to the fact that the video is there."
Upskirting now a crime after campaignPupil guilty in teacher upskirting caseTeachers call for upskirting law change

Ms Keates said the union had seen "an enormous growth in the number of women contacting us".

"We haven't had a case of upskirting in primary schools - it's been secondary schools. We've had it in all age ranges. We've had some 14-year-olds and we've had some as young as 11."

She said banning mobile phones was the best way to protect staff, as well as pupils.

"Taking the mobile phones off pupils when they come into school is the best way to go because it ensures the health and safety and protection of everybody - pupils and teachers," she said.

No open staircases

Ms Keates said new school building designs should not include open stairwells, to protect privacy and dignity.

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