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“Bullshit” as an Essential Part of Chinese Culture
送交者: 真正老胖子[布衣] 于 2015-04-16 21:49 已读 670 次 4 赞  



Harry Frankfurt is the one of philosophers that deals with the concept of “bullshit” worldwide. In his little book “ON BULLSHIT”, Harry Frankfurt firmly gave the definitions of the concepts of “Bullshit”.  I agree with Harry Frankfurt’s concept for “bullshit”. In this paper, I will use the definitions and conclusions of “bullshit” derived by Harry Frankfurt to analysis the sources and impacts of “Bullshit” in Chinese culture.

The concept and definition of “bullshit”

Harry Frankfurt said, in his book, bullshit was kind of statement that “is grounded neither in a belief that it is true nor, as a lie must be, in a belief that it is not true. It is just this lack of connection to concern with truth--this indifference to things really are—that I regard as of the essence of bullshit.” 

For the motive of bullshit, Harry Frankfurt said, bullshit “is not designed primarily to give its audience a false belief about whatever state of affairs may be the topic, but that its primary intention is rather to give its audience a false impression.

Harry Frankfurt also said: “Bullshit is unavoidable whenever circumstances require someone to talk without knowing what he is talking about.  Thus the production of bullshit is stimulated whenever a person’s obligations or opportunities to speak about some topic exceed his knowledge of the facts that are relevant to that topic.”

Finally, Harry Frankfurt pointed out the deep relationship skepticism and bullshit. He sadly said that based on skepticism’s point of the view, “sincerity itself is bullshit”.

The “bullshit” in Chinese culture

Based on the definitions described by Harry Frankfurt, I found that there were so many “bullshit” in Chinese culture. Bullshits were/are literally everywhere in the Chinese society. Ordinary people talk bullshit each other every day. I still remember, when I was in kid garden, one day, two of my teachers chatted about a big scissors flying in the sky, and many people saw it. I was so scared about this big flying scissors.  After I grown up, I knew the flying scissors was just bullshit. 

The bullshits are in the doctrine of Taoism. For example, there were more than 20 Chinese emperors and kings unfortunately died for eating the Taoism Dan (a kind of small balls of compounds of mercury and lead).

Bullshits are also found in the traditional Chinese medicine theory, in which, assuming the liver, lung, spleen, heart, and kidney represent wood, metal, earth, and water in the human body.  Liver has properties like wood; lung has properties metal; …; and so on.  Man can base these properties to cure patients.  For my understanding, all traditional Chinese medicine theory is “bullshit” explanations of the successes of herb medicine.

Bullshits are even found in the teachings of Kung Fu. Kung Fu is the pride of Chinese culture. But there are too much bullshits in it.  In bullshit, a Kung Fu person can fly or can kill people without even touch the one.

Now, people doubt everything they eat, or drink (milk for example). More than 99% of the antiques on Chinese market are found fake.  Almost every famous brand productions worldwide have their fake replicas in China.  Man could say that without “bullshit”, there will be no Chinese culture at all.

I think the following are the major reasons that introducing “bullshits” into Chinese culture:

Started 5000 years ago, ancient China stepped in agriculture era.  At around 500 BC, several brilliant thinkers appeared. They were Laozi, Confucius, Mengzi, Zhuangzi, Xunzi, etc.  These thinkers established the base of Chinese culture. Today, most of Chinese around world are still learning the above great Master’s teachings.

Different from the ancient Greek thinkers (like Plato and Aristotle, for example) at same era, the Chinese great masters, for some reasons, did not develop their own logics and epistemology systems. When we look at the teachings from Chinese great ancient Masters today, we could not find much words dealing with logics nor epistemology.  Without supports from logics and epistemology systems, the ancient Chinese culture did not, and could not focused on the “Truth” and “Accuracy”.  In Song dynasty (960-1279), several scholars point out that some of conclusions in the “Great Teachings” were absurd (Wang Anshi, 1021 ~ 1086) since they sounded so odd.  But, most of the followers never wanted to question their great Masters. Therefore, there was no revolutionary jump up in cognitions of the “Truth” and “Accuracy” realm in Chinese culture since it started 2500 ago.

Buddhism is another reason.  Buddhism deeply affected the Chinese culture. Chinese culture even created its own version of Buddhism (Zen.  ChanBuddhism).  Based on my understanding, Chinese version Buddhism does not believe there is anything real.  Everything is changing continuously in its appearance and its existence.  Man should not restrict on the “Truth” and “Accuracy” for a thing, but should focus on the broader and deeper principles of essence of the object.  “Truth” and “Accuracy” are trivial compared to the broader and deeper principles.  Buddhism likes skepticism on this point. It raised the questions: are there any “Truth” and “Accuracy”?  Are the “Truth” and “Accuracy” really matter?

Chinese agricultural economy is also the major reason. Ancient Chinese agricultural economy is basically depended on the nature. There was no need of techniques that must find truth and accuracy so badly like the techniques for trading and navigational business.  In ancient China, people had enough lands and enough foods.  Laozi even opposed the developments of any kind of reasoning and techniques, since they would make people more greedy and sly, and eventually causing wars among people.  Let’s just bullshit each other, at least we are alive, this was what Laozi thought.

The psychology medical effect was the one of major reasons for producing the bullshit in Chinese culture.  Agricultural economy in the ancient time needed a lot hard labor works and gained not very much.  After a long hard working day, people do not want to talk anything really serious. Beside of hard labor works, continuously wars and natural disasters made ancient Chinese life a lot worse. Bullshit did have some kind entertainment effects to reduce pressures and pains on mental and exhaustion and starving on body.  Actually, a lot of Chinese folktales and folk arts were directly come from these “Bullshit”.  The most popular folk art “Er Ren Zhuan” (a sort of Chinese duet) is a typical example.

 “Bullshit” does have its reasons existing in the Chinese culture.  But it really hurts the Chinese society for a long, long time. 

The first, it damaged good faith of the Chinese society.  Good faith is very important to keep a society together.  I think that “Bullshit” poisoned Chinese society by destroying the trust among people.  There is an old saying: “If there is one Chinese there might be a dragon; if there are three Chinese get together, there might be one insect.” It means, when three Chinese get together, they will make “Bullshit” each other, and they will damage their abilities to do anything.

Second, “Bullshit” is a bad source of “folk psychology”.  Folk psychology, based on Paul Churchland, is composed by false beliefs and false desires of human being.  The most of false beliefs and false desires are come from“Bullshit”.  In Chinese, we have an idiom “San Ren Cheng Hu”, which means if a word have been repeated three times by three different people, then the word must be true.  If bullshit has been repeated thousands times by many people, it will become one kind of “folk psychology”.  A few years ago, a temple in the northern part of China collapsed. It caused panic in people of several provinces. People were hurry to fruit store to buy all kinds peaches, since people believe: “One must eat peaches when temple collapses”.  Collapsing of temple has no any relationship with eating peach.  It should start by someone bullshit it for impressing others. Then, the bullshit had been repeated millions time.  Eventually it became a false belief.  This kind of massive panic events happens every year in China. 

In 1958, there was a “Great Leap” movement in China.  Hundreds millions people were involved. Technically, it was a huge bullshit scandal.  At that time, almost all leaders in agriculture business of China unscrupulous made bullshit on their output of crop productions.  Today, we are still so shameful to read these bullshit on newspaper printed in year 1958.  The consequence of this huge bullshit scandal was millions people died by starving in next three years of 1958.

Chinese intellectuals struggled with this bullshit culture for a long, long time. 2500 years ago, Confucius said: “Say the things you knew, don’t say the things you don’t know. This is called knowledge”.  Confucius even thought that the people were not benevolent, who tried to get false impression by talking. Intellectuals in and after Qing dynasty, started to contact west philosophies and sciences, and began to re-think Chinese culture.  Chinese bullshit culture was seriously criticized.  Lu Xun (1881 ~ 1936) and Bo Yang (1920 ~ 1980) were the famous two. It was Lu Xun who made modern Chinese started to know the bullshit in the Chinese culture.  Lu Xun’s novels and articles, for example, “Medicine”, “The true story of Ah Q”, and etc., like sharp knifes stabbing to bullshit culture.

Chinese intellectuals fought to bullshit culture very hard. But comparing the width and depth of bullshit affects in Chinese culture, it was too little and too weak.  In his book “The Ugly Chinaman”, Bo Yang said: “We are ugly because we don’t know we are ugly”. 


 Because of effects of lack of logics and epistemology systems, impacts from Buddhism and Daoism, agriculture economical type, and harsh ordinary life, “Bullshit” plays very important roles in Chinese culture.  In modern science era, “Bullshit” factor is still very strong and hurting Chinese society.  Chinese civilization needs a new enlightenment movement on logics, on critical thinks, on analytical philosophy, and so on, to let people know what bullshit is and how bullshit affects on our life.  Harry Frankfurt’s little book “ON BULLSHIT” will be very helpful.

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