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送交者: caspase[♂☆★★青莲门下走狗★★☆♂] 于 2019-04-02 20:14 已读 1456 次 4 赞  


本版出现过的多个版本,大家文明赏诗,互相促进。 6park.com

中文原文:《垓下歌》(项羽) 6park.com

力拔山兮气盖世, 6park.com

時不利兮骓不逝, 6park.com

骓不逝兮可奈何, 6park.com

虞兮虞兮奈若何。  6park.com

版本一:  6park.com

英译史上最壮丽败寇诗歌《项羽 垓下歌》(豌博)  6park.com

English Translation of Historically Leading Loser's Magnificent Poetry by Xiang Yu "Melodies off the Battle Ground"  6park.com

Mighty me can erase mountains enforcing all to tame; 6park.com

It's just not my time and not a loyal horse to blame. 6park.com

My dear horse not parting but what difference it makes, 6park.com

Yu Yu my beloved beauty we just can't change the game.  6park.com

版本二: 6park.com

也乱译项羽的《垓下歌》 (贺兰山) 6park.com

I could pull out mountains by might, 6park.com

And I could bit all enemies in fight. 6park.com

My horse moves not as my days are gone, 6park.com

What can I do for you, my sweetheart, 6park.com

As my fame is falling down.  6park.com

版本三: 6park.com

试译项羽《垓下歌》 (边砦)  6park.com

By might and main I could pull the mountain out 6park.com

My steed won’t gallop because my time runs out. 6park.com

I don’t care if my steed still fights in a battle 6park.com

I do care what my lady will become in sabre rattle  6park.com

版本四: 6park.com

二把刀乱译项羽的《垓下歌》 (曹雪葵) 6park.com

"Farewell Song in the Battle Fields"  6park.com

Pulling out mountains wasted all my might, 6park.com

My horse escapes not from the lost fight. 6park.com

Let him die with me, as we both dare, 6park.com

It is you, my girl, that I forever care. 6park.com

以上四个版本由喀什提供,原帖见 https://club.6parkbbs.com/life10/index.php?app=forum&act=threadview&tid=13516927 6park.com

版本五: kawanonagare 原创, 原帖见 https://club.6parkbbs.com/life10/index.php?app=forum&act=threadview&tid=13517114 6park.com

The Ballad of Gaixia 6park.com

My strength may lift the mountain,  6park.com

My ambition certainly transcends the world.  6park.com

Yet the timing is not conducive,   6park.com

And now the stallion hesitates to go further.  6park.com

If he refuses to go, what shall I do?  6park.com

And Lady Yu, what shall I do to you?  6park.com

版本六: 桂花酒原创,原帖见 https://club.6parkbbs.com/life10/index.php?app=forum&act=threadview&tid=13517140 6park.com

Battlefield singing 6park.com

I am the most powerful person and could pull the mountain out, 6park.com

But  the current situation is not good and my war horse does run not 。 6park.com

My war horse does not run and what can I do? 6park.com

My dear beautiful girl, tell me what should I do? 6park.com

版本七: sprusr原创,原帖见 https://club.6parkbbs.com/life10/index.php?app=forum&act=threadview&tid=13517154 6park.com

My strength is mountain lifting and valor no one is matching 6park.com

yet they mean nothing in this time of falling 6park.com

even though the brave horse never consider leaving 6park.com

with which I could donothing 6park.com

the same for you, my dear lady Yu 6park.com

what could I do to you without regretting 6park.com

版本八: 职业牧师原创,原帖见 https://club.6parkbbs.com/life10/index.php?app=forum&act=threadview&tid=13517233 6park.com

The Last Poem 6park.com

where is my power? that can pull up the mountain, selah  6park.com

where is my people? my black wind with me, selah  6park.com

do you want leave? selah my baby 6park.com

you and my lover who are only i have now, selah 6park.com

版本九: 老轮原创,原帖见 https://club.6parkbbs.com/life10/index.php?app=forum&act=threadview&tid=13517322 6park.com

moved a mountain and shaken a sea. 6park.com

what a fate, my horse wouldn't escape. 6park.com

can help him, before ultimate doom. 6park.com

how to save you,my beauty yu. 6park.com

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贴主:caspase于2019_04_02 20:18:14编辑 6park.com

贴主:caspase于2019_04_02 20:20:31编辑 6park.com

贴主:caspase于2019_04_02 20:21:05编辑 6park.com

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