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关于VPN的问题 cloudflare warp
送交者: 哇咧[品衔R2☆] 于 2022-08-17 8:09 已读 19128 次  


前些年在这个版面的提问都得到了很好的回答。感谢各位。 6park.com

为了替代这个服务,作为试验,两周前在ebay买了一个cloudflare warp激活码。 6park.com

第一个问题,这个  cloudflare warp 能否完全替代 NORD VPN,满足我的用途?
1. torrent 下载,不要被版权部门发现之后还发函到ISP提供
2. 上网发帖的时候不要暴露真实 IP (大致上不暴露)
3. 能用teamviewer, remote desktop 遥控合作者的电脑   6park.com

第二个问题,这个 cloudflare warp 自称有很多特殊功能,背后有啥原因。 
我注意到 它有三个不同的 DNS protocol 可以选择(WARP,TLS,HTTPS)。显然WARP 是个特色选项,这个啥影响? 6park.com


Cloudflare WARP+ VPN features:
🔵 Easy to use. 
🔵 Increased privacy. 
🔵 Increased speed and high fault tolerance with WARP Unlimited VPN replaces the connection between the device and the Internet with a modern, optimized Cloudflare DNS protocol. According to the service, it occupies one of the highest positions for a long time.
In November 2021, it was the first in terms of performance, uptime, quality.
Thanks to a modern and large network of Clouflare servers in Europe and Russia, Cloudflare bypasses Yandex DNS and Google DNS in many respects.
🔵 Ability to read blocked resources on the Internet.
Thanks to the built-in VPN service.
The work of torrent clients and trackers and other resources is not blocked

🔵 Speed ​​with Cloudflare WARP+
Every second, Cloudflare tests thousands of routes across the internet to determine which ones have the best performance. The developers promise to make thousands of sites 30% faster when using a paid WARP+ subscription. In this VPN, it is impossible to select a specific country for connection, the service automatically selects the best location specifically for you. 
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