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码农之歌(Song of code farmers)
送交者: goofegg[布衣] 于 2022-08-12 21:34 已读 18680 次 1 赞  


码农之歌(Song of code farmers)

那是一双怎样神奇的手 What magical hands were they
在拨弄这个世界的琴弦 Plucking at the strings of the world
那劈里啪啦作响的键盘 That crackling keyboard
在发出他们弹奏的琴声 Making the music they play
这听起来很普通的声音 It sounds very common
在不断向远深邃的绵延 In the continuous deep stretching
伴随着他们大开的脑洞 With their imaginations wide open
回荡着这个世界的空灵 Echoing the emptiness of the world
当你我都在酣酣的沉睡 When you and I are asleep
他们的意志依然在飘荡 Their will is still floating
那零壹排列的丝线交缠 The scattered threads of silk were tangled
轻抚又渗透静谧的繁华 Stroke and permeate the quiet prosperity
他们这时心思缜密绵软 They were thoughtful and tender
我们入梦时酣恬的陪伴 The company of our dreams
直到我们又慢慢地苏醒 Until we slowly wake up again
继续对我们问候的温暖 The warmth that continues to greet us
有时他们意志驱动铿锵 Sometimes they are driven by strong will
把我们推向高飞的云天 Lift us up into the sky
远致火星以及太阳系外 To Mars and beyond
他们的意志也延伸弥漫 Their will extends and diffuses
他们向外可以无限延伸 They can go out to infinity
意志向内同样也能深潜 The will can also dive inward
万种生灵的遗传和密码 The genetics and code of all creatures
也只需他们动一动手指 They just need to move their fingers
上帝也是最伟大的码农 God is also the greatest coder
也同在编写我们的生命 He is also writing our lives

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