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TerraMaster D5-300C USB3.0 5-Bay NAS 税前170刀
送交者: love_cary[♂☆小泽玛利奥☆♂] 于 2020-09-16 9:19 已读 3359 次  


TerraMaster D5-300C USB3.0(5Gbps) Type C 5-Bay RAID Enclosure Support RAID 0/1/Single Exclusive 2+3 RAID Mode Hard Drive RAID Storage (Diskless) 6park.com




链接: https://www.newegg.com/noontec-terramaster-d5-300c-enclosure/p/0VN-00AD-00004?Item=9SIAA3N5WB9440&cm_sp=Dailydeal_SS-_-9SIAA3N5WB9440-_-09162020 6park.com

5-bay RAID storage, compatible with 2.5"/3.5" SATA hard drive or SSD, supports 16TB hard drive, total capacity up to 80TB. (Note: users need to purchase their own hard drives. These are not included.)Unique 2+3 RAID: hard drive #1 & #2 can be configured as RAID 0, RAID 1 or Single disk. The remaining drives #3-5 work as single, independent drives.Adopts real SUPERSPEED USB3.0(5Gbps) Type-C interface, the read/write speed is up to 410MB/s.Compatible with Mac, Windows and Linux computers.D5-300C adopts aluminum enclosure and low-noise fan, which is firm and reliable, of good heat dissipation, and low noise.
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