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送交者: 采菊东篱下[♂☆★悠然品菊花★☆♂] 于 2019-07-23 13:52 已读 299 次  


回答: 告诉你个好消息,你马上就不用等待了 由 zxdongfs 于 2019-07-23 12:46

REDDIT 网友说一般要等一年,如果是酱紫那么谁家出了买谁家的吧,市场竞争肯定免不了的~~
那么搭载桌面级GPU的MSI泰坦和ALIENWARE AREA 51M有可能咯~~ 6park.com

iterateandgit • 16d
I cannot answer the SUper Mobile question but I am in your situation and here're my suggestion: 6park.com


If you are not in a rush to buy a gaming laptop, then wait, if nothing else, a good sale will reduce any sticker shocks. 6park.com

ALso, nVidia released the Super line 6 months after the originals, and will likely release something at the 1 year from original mark. SO if you don't need a new machine that can also game at high performance, then wait. 6park.com


If you are unwilling to wait, and only want the laptop for gaming and transportability, but don't intend to use it like an ultra-portable workhorse, then get a custom one, something like : https://www.eluktronics.com/MECH-15-G2 (don't forget to enable the overclocking option in the parts picker) or its 17in variant. 6park.com


The most sensible option would be to get the Acer Helios 300 with 1660Ti. Checkout the review:



This one is excellent for high quality 1080p gaming, costs 1200 USD & is a great fit until Ray Tracing becomes more mainstream. Its also cheap enough that you will not be unhappy replacing it in 2 years if you wish. 6park.com


If you want top of the line performance in a compact factor then the Razer Blade Pro 17, though expensive, is well worth the money. Check out the review here:



They have over-clocked the 2070MQ GPU by 700MHz above reference, to the point it outperforms 2080MQ in other laptops, almost to the level of 2080 Non Max Q Mobile version, without compromising on thermals and leaving nice headroom to adjust fan noise. The keyboard is shallow however, YMMV.
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