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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-30 23:42 已读 3486 次 2 赞  


China Moving Forced Laborers Amid U.S. Crackdown, Biden Official Says


美国劳工部负责国际事务的副次官Thea Lee周二说:“劳动者转移项目日益壮大。这是一个严重的问题,”

拜登政府的一位官员说,越来越多的被强迫劳动者被从新疆地区转移到中国其他地方,这个问题可能会考验企业为遵守美国供应链打击措施所做的努力。 6park.com

Forced laborers are being transferred from China’s Xinjiang region to elsewhere in the country in growing numbers, a Biden administration official said, a problem that could test corporate efforts to comply with a U.S. supply-chain crackdown. 6park.com

美国劳工部负责国际事务的副次官Thea Lee说,中国正在越来越多地把家在新疆的维吾尔族被强迫劳动者和其他少数民族转移到中国其他地方工作。 6park.com

Thea Lee, the deputy undersecretary for international affairs at the U.S. Labor Department, said China is increasingly transferring Uyghur forced laborers and other minorities, whose homes are in Xinjiang, to work elsewhere in the country. 6park.com

虽然Lee没有提及这些工人被送到何处,但一个非营利记者组织的调查发现,有些工人被送到全国各地的海产品加工厂。 6park.com

Though Lee didn’t mention where the workers were being sent, investigations by a nonprofit journalist group have found, for example, that workers were being sent to seafood-processing plants around the country. 6park.com

美国正在努力执行一项出台近两年的禁令,禁止进口大部分与新疆有关的商品。这是一项因出于对强迫劳动的担忧而通过的法律。 6park.com

The relocations come as the U.S. works to enforce a nearly two-year-old ban on the import of most goods with ties to Xinjiang, a law passed because of forced-labor concerns. 6park.com

“劳动者转移项目日益壮大。这是一个严重的问题,”Lee在华盛顿举行的美国国会及行政当局中国委员会(Congressional-Executive Commission on China)听证会上说。该委员会是一个官方的中国问题监督机构,由政府官员和参众两院的议员组成。她说,这种转移正在帮助规避美国在新疆问题上的努力。 6park.com

“The labor transfer program has been growing. It is a significant problem,” Lee said at a hearing in Washington before the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, an official China watchdog made up of administration officials and lawmakers in the House and Senate. The transfers are helping to circumvent U.S. efforts focused on Xinjiang, she said. 6park.com

中国否认新疆存在侵犯人权的行为,并指责美国干涉中国内政。 6park.com

China has denied that human-rights abuses are occurring in Xinjiang and accused the U.S. of interfering in the country’s internal affairs. 6park.com

Lee警告说,旨在检查供应链合规性的审计工作可能无法完成任务。 6park.com

Audits intended to check for supply-chain compliance might not be up to the task, Lee warned. 6park.com

“中国的社会审计不应被视为企业反映实地人权状况的权威来源,”Lee说。“商界需要意识到,在中国境内开展的任何审计,坦率地说,任何业务运营,都存在更高的劳工和人权风险。” 6park.com

“Social audits in China should not be seen as an authoritative source for companies reflecting on-the-ground human-rights conditions,” Lee said. “The business community needs to be aware that any audits, and frankly, any business operations, undertaken inside China carry heightened labor and human-rights risks.” 6park.com

自2022年以来,美国已禁止进口大部分与新疆有关的产品,以打击强迫劳动,大众汽车(Volkswagen)等公司受到这一新行动的影响。随着人权组织、维吾尔族倡导者以及美国劳工和行业利益集团不断要求有所作为,许多公司都加强了尽职调查的力度。 6park.com

Since 2022, the U.S. has banned most imports linked to Xinjiang in an attempt to fight forced labor, snaring Volkswagen and other companies in the new enforcement dragnet. Many companies have ramped up their due-diligence efforts, as human-rights groups, Uyghur advocates and U.S.-based labor and industry interests continue to press for action. 6park.com

中国已将其国家安全法转向针对尽职调查公司,并于上个月提高了对美思明智集团(Mintz Group)北京办事处的罚款。中国国内生产商也被施压不要配合购买其产品的美国公司的合规工作。 6park.com

China has turned its national security laws against due-diligence firms, and last month increased fines on the Beijing arm of Mintz Group. Chinese domestic producers also have faced pressure not to cooperate with compliance efforts of the U.S. companies that buy their products. 6park.com

美国国会两党的对华强硬派人士都呼吁拜登政府加大施压力度,并确保美国和盟友的供应链中没有强迫劳动制造的商品。 6park.com

Congressional China hawks in both parties have called for the administration to ratchet up pressure and ensure U.S. and allies’ supply chains are free of goods made with forced labor. 6park.com

在周二的听证会上,美国国会及行政当局中国委员会主席、众议员Christopher Smith将矛头对准了企业的合规工作。 6park.com

At Tuesday’s hearing, Rep. Christopher Smith, who chairs the CECC, took aim at corporate compliance efforts. 6park.com

Smith在开场白中表示:“合规部门请注意,在企业披露信息上签字的律师事务所和会计师事务所也请注意。”他宣布,他将要求美国证券交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission)考虑根据该机构对企业披露的误导性信息进行监管的权力,对上市公司采取行动。 6park.com

“Compliance departments, please take note, as well as the law and accounting firms that sign off on corporate disclosures,” he opened, declaring that he would ask the Securities and Exchange Commission to consider taking action against public companies under the agency’s authority to police misleading corporate disclosures. 6park.com

这位新泽西州共和党人称公司对中国业务的审计 “掩人耳目”和“近乎虚构”。 6park.com

The New Jersey Republican called corporations’ audits looking into China operations a “fig leaf” and “near fiction.”

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