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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-24 18:53 已读 4066 次 2 赞  


4月23日,“500万粉丝女网红李某某北电艺考作弊”的相关话题冲上热搜。有博主称,北京电影学院将取消其考试资格、合格证。 6park.com

Beijing education authorities are investigating the case of Li Minxuan, an Internet celebrity with over five million followers on Douyin, who is suspected of cheating during an art exam at Beijing Film Academy.

博主发布的爆料帖 图源:微博

4月23日晚,当事人李闽轩发视频致歉,并回应相关质疑。李闽轩在视频中表示,事先未仔细查看北京电影学院的复试考生须知内容,穿了绿色的形体服,“当时确实没有意识到自己违规了”。在自我介绍环节,自己因过于紧张而报出了自己的姓名。她还透露,自己已放弃报考北京电影学院。 6park.com

Li Minxuan issued a video apology and responded to related questions on Tuesday. In the video, Li Minxuan stated that she had not carefully reviewed the admission instructions for the Beijing Film Academy beforehand and wore a green suit. 6park.com

She admitted, "At the time, I truly didn't realize that I was in violation." During the self-introduction segment, she inadvertently disclosed her own name due to nervousness. She also revealed that she has decided to withdraw her application to the Beijing Film Academy. 6park.com

据极目新闻此前报道,有知情网友称,据北京电影学院考试要求,考生要穿深色形体服,且不能以任何形式透露姓名。但据同考场考生透露,李闽轩考试当天穿了浅色形体服,并自曝姓名。 6park.com

The exam requirement for the Beijing Film Academy stipulates that examinees must wear dark-colored training attire and are prohibited from disclosing their names in any form. However, according to other students in the same exam room, Li wore light-colored clothing and disclosed her name.

李某某发布的视频中,透露了她艺考时的装扮 来源:网络截图



4月23日,北京电影学院招生办公室工作人员表示,如果查明考生确实存在考试违规的情况,学校肯定会按照政策进行处理,但具体的处理结果因涉及考生的个人隐私,他们不方便对外公布。 6park.com

23日下午,北京市教育委员会工作人员告诉极目新闻,目前校方正在进行本年度艺术类本科专业成绩复核工作,收到投诉举报后,校方高度重视。经初步核实,考生李某某在专业考试期间,确实存在透露本人姓名的情况,校方已经依据相关招生办法和违纪程序进行处理。 6park.com

On Tuesday, a staff member at the Beijing Municipal Education Commission told Jimu News that after a preliminary investigation, Li was confirmed to have revealed her name during the exam. 6park.com

The school is taking action against Li's behavior in accordance with the relevant admission policies and disciplinary procedures. The case remains under investigation.

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