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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-24 3:29 已读 4486 次 1 赞  


Google delays cookie phase-out following regulatory pushback


谷歌表示,如果获得英国监管机构的批准,它现在计划于2025年开始逐步淘汰 Cookie。

谷歌(Google)将无法实现在年底前改变占据主导地位的Chrome浏览器的广告发布方式这一目标,该公司多年来力图改善互联网上消费者隐私的努力遇挫。 6park.com

Google will miss its end-of-year target for changing the way advertising is delivered in its dominant Chrome web browser, a setback in its yearslong efforts to improve consumer privacy on the internet. 6park.com

谷歌周二表示,将无法按照原定时间表取消第三方cookies,原因是“在协调来自业界、监管机构和开发者的不同反馈意见方面的持续挑战”。广告主一直迫切期待这方面的调整,因为几乎三分之二的互联网流量都流经Chrome浏览器,使其成为接触消费者的重要门户。 6park.com

Google said Tuesday it would no longer be able to eliminate third-party cookies on its original timeline, citing “ongoing challenges related to reconciling divergent feedback from the industry, regulators and developers." The changes have been eagerly anticipated by advertisers because almost two-thirds of internet traffic flows through Chrome, making it an important gateway for reaching consumers. 6park.com

第三方cookie是在互联网上跟踪用户的软件。广告主将cookies用于方方面面,从针对性的广告到衡量营销活动的效果等等,cookies由此成为年度规模达6,000亿美元的在线广告产业的基础。 6park.com

Third-party cookies are bits of software that follow users around the internet. Advertisers use them for everything from targeting ads to measuring the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, making them the basis for much of a $600 billion-a-year industry. 6park.com

英国竞争和市场管理局(U.K. Competition and Markets Authority)料将在几天后公布情况报告,该机构负责监督谷歌在全球取消cookies的行动。 6park.com

Google’s announcement came days before an expected status report from the U.K. Competition and Markets Authority, which is overseeing the company’s global efforts to eliminate cookies.

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