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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-23 18:53 已读 4129 次 3 赞  


出门前,中国人民大学哲学院教授朱锐倒出一大把止疼片,伴着温水吞下了肚。这样,在接下来的时间里,他的身体就不会那么疼了。 6park.com

In the bustling corridors of China's Renmin University, a remarkable story unfolds—a tale of resilience, passion, and the unwavering pursuit of knowledge. Professor Zhu Rui, a distinguished faculty member at the Philosophy School, defies the limitations of his diagnosis to inspire both students and colleagues alike.

4月16日晚6点,朱锐准时走进教室。与周围人相比,他的装束显得格格不入:戴着厚厚的帽子和毛线手套,一只专业登山杖紧紧攥在手心。 6park.com

四月中旬的北京,最高气温已达28℃,但朱锐仍觉得冷。他克制着股股寒意,与学生们侃侃而谈。讲到兴奋处,甚至还摘掉了手套。 6park.com

台下,很多人早已湿了眼眶。朱锐今年55岁,两年前就确诊癌症,但他一直瞒着,不想就这样离开心爱的讲台。 6park.com

Diagnosed with terminal cancer two years prior, Zhu Rui's journey is one of quiet determination. Despite the debilitating effects of his illness, he continues to grace the lecture halls with his presence, donning thick hats and gloves to combat the persistent chill he feels, even in the warmth of Beijing's spring.

一番话出口,朱锐释然了,学生们流泪了。学生们舍不得朱锐,他们想留下来,陪着他。朱锐感谢学生们,因为这方讲台,或许是他唯一能坚持下去的热爱了。 6park.com

曾经的他,是那样爱着这个世界。他爱山川,一有时间就带着登山杖出发;他爱游泳,在国外时曾经穿越过海峡;他爱古诗词,尤其喜欢白居易。如今的他,剪掉了长发,接受着每天醒来身体上发生的一些变化。他已无法翻山越岭,但登山杖还在,撑着他走向热爱的讲台。 6park.com

It was only recently that Zhu Rui chose to disclose his condition to his students, fearing that his health might overshadow the classroom experience. Instead of withdrawal, he is met with an outpouring of support and admiration. Students, moved by his honesty and determination, pledge to stand by him, cherishing the opportunity to learn from his wisdom. 6park.com

Zhu Rui's passion for life transcends the confines of his illness. Once an avid mountaineer and swimmer, he now finds solace in the intellectual pursuit of philosophy. He believes that, in facing death, one discovers the true breadth of existence—an idea he shares with his students with unwavering conviction. 6park.com


朱锐曾经的发型充满了艺术气息 图源:新华社

从此,朱锐每周都期待着上课的那天,那是他最快乐的时光。他想把自己的所学都传给学生,他说,这是他作为师者“最大的使命”。 6park.com

即使生病,朱锐也从未取消一次课程,也没有一节课中途休息过。哲学院硕士生胡可欣清楚地记得,有一次,朱老师迟到了,来时手腕上还留着病房的手环。“他是从医院跑出来的,被医生按着签了‘后果自负’的生死状”。 6park.com

Despite undergoing grueling treatments, Zhu Rui remains committed to his craft, never once canceling a class or seeking respite. His dedication is exemplified by a poignant moment when he arrives late, still bearing the hospital bracelet—a testament to his unwavering resolve. 6park.com

再后来,朱锐甚至跟学生们宣布了一个“好消息”:“以后终于可以好好上课了,因为不需要再去化疗了。”朱锐说,不是因为病治好了,而是化疗对他已经不起效果了。 6park.com

As the semester progresses, Zhu Rui delivers what he terms a "good news" announcement—not of remission, but of the cessation of chemotherapy. He confronts mortality with dignity, inspiring his students to contemplate their own approach to life's inevitable end. 6park.com


在《艺术与人脑》的课堂上,他和学生们畅谈着自己喜欢的艺术画作与诗词,探讨着人脑与艺术的奇妙联结。一个半小时的课程里,有讲解、有对谈、有讨论,朱锐始终神采奕奕,说到兴奋处眼睛里闪着光。 6park.com

In his lectures on "Art and the Human Brain," Zhu Rui's passion for knowledge shines through, captivating his audience with profound insights and infectious enthusiasm. Despite the shadow of illness, his lectures serve as a beacon of hope and enlightenment. 6park.com


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