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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-21 19:16 已读 3310 次 2 赞  



网传视频显示,一趟列车上,一位阿姨吐槽年轻人在卧铺下铺挂帘子,不让70岁老人坐,呼吁网友们评评理。画面中,两个相对的下铺都被挂上了帘子,帘子背后一名年轻人低头坐着,面对指责没有理会。该视频在网络热传,有关话题一度登上微博热搜榜。 6park.com

A short video recently circulated on the internet has sparked a heated debate among netizens. In the video, an elderly woman complains about young people hanging curtains on lower bunks, preventing a 70-year-old from sitting there. The video shows both lower bunks draped with curtains, behind which a young person sits, seemingly ignoring the criticism. The video quickly went viral, making the topic a top trend on Sina Weibo.

相关视频发布后,舆论讨论热烈。有观点认为下铺是实打实加钱买的,年轻人的行为无可厚非;也有人认为,下铺让人坐也无妨;还有网民提出,没地方坐应该找铁路部门解决。 6park.com

Following the video's release, public opinion has been divided. Some believe that since the lower bunk is paid for, the behavior of young people is justified, while others think it's acceptable to let others sit there. Some suggest that those without a seat should address the issue with railway authorities. 6park.com

针对“卧铺挂帘”现象,铁路部门也做出了回应。据媒体近日报道,12306客服回应称,没有明确规定不能使用挂帘,不影响其他旅客情况下可以使用,但需要跟各位旅客协商好。关于下铺的使用权,媒体报道12306客服在去年曾回应:乘客在购买车票后,相应位置使用权仅限购票乘客。如果期间产生了纠纷,可以找列车工作人员处理。 6park.com

In response, 12306, the official railway customer service, stated that there is no explicit rule against using curtains as long as it doesn't affect other passengers, but it should be negotiated with other passengers. Regarding the right to use the lower bunk, media reports cited 12306 customer service as saying that after purchasing a ticket, the right to use the corresponding seat is limited to the ticket holder. In case of disputes, passengers can seek assistance from train staff. 6park.com

火车卧铺的下铺别人能不能坐?新华社微博正在进行的一项“你买下铺会让别人坐吗”的调查显示,超过一半网民选择“不会”,选择“会”和“看情况”的分别占20%和28%。 6park.com

“‘卧铺挂帘’引热议,本质上是群众出行观念的变化,即更重视个人空间和使用权利,折射出对出行体验的更高期待。”重庆市委党校教授方旭说。 6park.com

多位受访乘客表示,之所以部分人认为下铺承担了一定的“共享”座位功能,和卧铺车厢的设计有一定关系:中铺、上铺空间较小,车厢内唯一的桌板在两个下铺的中间。此外,普通硬卧车厢通常有6个卧铺席位,但只有两个活动板凳。 6park.com

西南政法大学教授冯子轩认为,根据《中华人民共和国铁路法》的相关规定,旅客与铁路运输企业构成合同法律关系,旅客对其购买的座席具有使用权。从票价来看,卧铺下铺旅客购买价格一般比中铺或者上铺高,其中原因之一即是下铺位更加方便坐,下铺旅客多付费用的价值应当有所体现。提倡下铺旅客为中铺上铺旅客让座,但应本着自愿原则,不应做强制要求。 6park.com

According to Feng Zixuan, a professor at Southwest University of Political Science and Law, passengers and railway transport enterprises have a contractual legal relationship, and passengers have the right to use the seats they purchased. The price difference between lower bunks and middle or upper bunks reflects the added convenience of the lower bunk, and the additional payment made by lower bunk passengers should be respected. While it's encouraged for lower bunk passengers to offer their seats to middle or upper bunk passengers, it should be based on voluntary principles and not mandatory. 6park.com

“应该看到,‘卧铺挂帘’被吐槽,背后是双方的权益与诉求,也是老百姓对出行体验的更高期待,但下铺数量毕竟是有限的。随着我国老龄化程度的加深,公共服务应当看到并尊重这种新趋势,从资源分配的源头上,拿出智慧来解决‘座位’问题,更好回应社会关切。”方旭说。 6park.com

The criticism of "curtain hanging" reflects the rights and demands of both sides, as well as the public's higher expectations for travel experiences. However, with the limited number of lower bunks, public services should recognize and respect this new trend, and use wisdom to solve the "seat" problem from the source of resource allocation, better responding to social concerns," said Fang Xu, a professor at the Chongqing Party School. 6park.com

今年1月,交通运输部、国家铁路局等六部门联合发布《关于进一步加强适老化无障碍出行服务工作的通知》,明确要求优化完善12306网站、手机客户端等购票功能,推动实现自动识别并优先安排老年人选择下铺。 6park.com

In January of this year, the Ministry of Transport, the National Railway Administration, and six other departments jointly issued a notice on further strengthening services for aging-friendly and barrier-free travel, explicitly requiring the optimization and improvement of functions such as the 12306 website and mobile app to automatically identify and prioritize lower bunk selections for the elderly. 6park.com

冯子轩说,长远来看,可以进一步完善相关道路交通领域法律法规,加强对旅客的引导,铁路运输企业可结合乘客新需求,提高运输服务质量,改善运输设施,通过为卧铺乘客提供足够的座位、设置爱心座等方式来减少类似情况发生。 6park.com


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