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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-08 18:55 已读 3294 次 2 赞  


近日,网传一报考南京大学研究生的男子,以专业课排名第一的成绩被刷,原因疑似其思想品德考核不过关。之前多名网友向学校反映,该生曾在学校宿舍录视频虐杀猫,还加入过一个以虐猫为乐的网络团伙。 6park.com

A candidate who was rejected by Nanjing University supposedly for torturing cats was once again caught in a storm of public opinion and sparked heated discussion after he recently applied for a transfer to Lanzhou University. 6park.com

随后该名考生被发现已进入兰州大学复试调剂名单。于是,在兰州大学官微下方,众多网友“洗版”“刷屏”留言,希望兰州大学对该生采取慎重态度,“不能录用品行恶劣学生”,“德智体,德在第一”。 6park.com

Many netizens left messages on the official Weibo account of Lanzhou University to suggest that the university maintain appropriate standards for postgraduate enrollment, with many saying that candidates with moral issues should not be enrolled in any course.

在南京大学物理学院公示的信息中,徐某初复试总成绩相加为506.78分,在本次考试中位于粒子物理与原子核物理专业第一名,学校在其姓名后备注“复试不合格”。 6park.com

The candidate, surnamed Xu, had scored the highest among all the candidates in the written exams for the professional courses of the major which he applied for at Nanjing University. However, he failed to pass the interview component of the postgraduate entrance exam after netizens exposed online that he had allegedly engaged in torturing cats.


在此之前,有多名网友在网络平台发帖,向学校反映该名学生存在严重素质问题,曾在学校宿舍录视频虐杀猫。 6park.com

Before the exam results were announced, several netizens filed complaints to the university that Xu had serious character issues and have filmed himself torturing cats at his university dormitory at the School of Civil Engineering of Southeast University where he finished his undergraduate studies. Netizens said that he also joined an online group who abuse cats for fun. 6park.com

4月3日,记者从南京大学相关部门了解到,网传信息部分为真。接受采访的工作人员称,学校官网已经公示了他未能通过考核的原因,“上面写得很清楚。考研有初试有复试,学校会综合考量。” 6park.com

A faculty member of Nanjing University said on April 3 that Xu failed the second-round exam, noting that the university applies comprehensive criteria when it comes to enrollment and Xu’s cat-abusing behavior could also have some impact on the university’s assessment.  6park.com

随后记者追问是否考量了虐猫事件,工作人员表示这些行为都有可能会影响最终结果。 6park.com

此前于3月24日,南京大学物理学院在官网上传了一份《2024年硕士研究生复试录取工作细则》。其中特别指出:根据教育部相关规定,学校将在复试的同时组织对考生思想政治素质和品德进行调查考核。对于思想品德考核不合格者不予录取。 6park.com



当时,南京市公安局就此事件回应称:“公安机关已迅速开展调查工作,已对徐某某(该名同学)及家人进行约谈,徐某某已认识到错误,并写下悔过书,承诺不再有类似情况发生。” 6park.com

据了解,教育部发布的《2022年全国硕士研究生招生工作管理规定》中有多条内容涉及考研考生思想政治素质和品德考核。管理规定指出,招生单位可采取“函调”或“派人外调”的方式对考生的思想政治素质和品德进行考核。 6park.com


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