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双语资讯速览 | 津巴布韦推出“黄金支持的”货币取代崩溃的原货币
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-08 18:55 已读 3336 次 1 赞  




Zimbabwe has replaced its collapsed local dollar with a new gold-backed currency, the latest move by President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government to tackle decades of monetary chaos. 6park.com

津巴布韦已用一种由黄金支持的新货币取代崩溃的津巴布韦元,这是总统埃默森•姆南加古瓦(Emmerson Mnangagwa)领导的政府为解决数十年货币混乱所做的最新举措。 6park.com

John Mushayavanhu, governor of the troubled southern African nation’s central bank, admitted on Friday that money printing had wrecked the five-year-old Zimbabwe dollar as he launched the ZiG, its replacement. 6park.com

这个陷入困境的非洲南部国家的央行行长约翰•穆沙亚万胡(John Mushayavanhu)上周五承认,印钞毁了有5年历史的津巴布韦元,他已推出津巴布韦元的替代品津巴布韦金(ZiG,全称为Zimbabwe Gold)。 6park.com

The ZiG, which stands for Zimbabwe Gold, will have an initial value of 13.56 to the US dollar, Mushayavanhu said, after the former currency lost over three-quarters of its value this year alone to trade at Z$36,000 to the dollar. 6park.com

穆沙亚万胡表示,津巴布韦金的初始价值将为1美元兑13.56津巴布韦金。仅在今年,原货币津巴布韦元就贬值逾四分之三,目前为1美元兑3.6万津巴布韦元。 6park.com

——本文2024年4月8日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Zimbabwe launches ‘gold-backed’ currency to replace collapsing dollar



Food inflation across rich nations has dropped to its lowest level since before Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, with a slowdown in price growth easing pressure on millions of households hit by the two-year surge in food costs. 6park.com

富裕国家的食品通胀已降至俄罗斯全面入侵乌克兰之前以来的最低水平,价格上涨放缓缓解了数百万家庭的压力,两年以来,这些家庭受到食品价格飙升的打击。 6park.com

The annual change in consumer food prices across 38 industrialised countries eased to 5.3 per cent in February, down from 6.2 per cent in the previous month and well below a peak of 16.2 per cent in November 2022, according to the latest OECD data. 6park.com

经合组织(OECD)的最新数据显示,今年2月,38个工业化国家的消费者食品价格同比涨幅降至5.3%,低于前一个月的6.2%,也远低于2022年11月16.2%的峰值。 6park.com

Food prices surged in 2022 due to rising energy costs and lower trade caused by the war in Ukraine, while larger than expected droughts and Covid-related supply chain disruptions also took a toll. Higher prices contributed to a record 333mn people experiencing acute food insecurity in 2023, according to the World Food Programme. 6park.com

由于能源成本上升和乌克兰战争导致的贸易减少,粮食价格在2022年飙升,而比预期更严重的干旱和与新冠疫情相关的供应链中断也造成了损失。世界粮食计划署(World Food Programme)的数据显示,2023年,粮价上涨导致创纪录的3.33亿人遭遇严重粮食不安全。 6park.com

——本文2024年4月8日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Food inflation across rich nations drops to pre-Ukraine war levels



Ecuador is facing a tide of condemnation over a late-night raid on the Mexican embassy in its capital Quito that saw the capture of the Andean nation’s former vice-president and triggered a diplomatic crisis between the two countries. 6park.com

厄瓜多尔深夜突袭首都基多的墨西哥大使馆,以逮捕厄瓜多尔前副总统,该事件引发两国之间的外交危机。这个安第斯山脉国家正因此面临谴责浪潮。 6park.com

The US, EU and a host of countries in Latin America joined the growing chorus of criticism aimed at Ecuador over the raid on Friday, an act almost unheard-of even in military dictatorships. 6park.com

美国、欧盟以及许多拉丁美洲国家加入了对厄瓜多尔的批评声浪,对上周五的突袭行动表示强烈谴责,这种行为即使在军事独裁国家中几乎都是闻所未闻。 6park.com

The foreign ministry in Madrid called it a “violation” of the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, while its Brazilian counterpart said the move “must be subject to strong repudiation, whatever the justification for its implementation”. 6park.com

西班牙外交部称其“违反”1961年《维也纳外交关系公约》(Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations),而巴西外交部表示这一举动“必须受到坚决谴责,无论其实施的理由是什么。” 6park.com

——本文2024年4月8日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Ecuador condemned over late-night raid on Mexico’s embassy in Quito



Wall Street banks have warned that their next wave of hiring in France may be stunted without restrictions on dismissal costs for highly paid traders, a flagship measure that has been left out of a reform package intended to bolster Paris as a financial centre.  6park.com

华尔街银行警告称,如果不限制高薪交易员的解雇成本,它们在法国的下一波招聘可能会受到阻碍。而在旨在提升巴黎金融中心地位的改革方案中,这一旗舰措施被排除在外。 6park.com

Paris has emerged as the main winner among European cities vying to become Europe’s top financial centre post Brexit, and the caps were meant to be part of an “attractiveness bill” discussed in parliament this week. However, they have not been included for now as the French government and lawmakers seek legal workarounds for implementation under the country’s protective labour laws.  6park.com

英国脱欧后,巴黎已成为争夺欧洲最大金融中心地位的欧洲城市中的主要赢家,这些上限本应是本周议会讨论的一项“吸引力法案”的一部分。然而,由于法国政府和议员在该国的保护性劳动法下寻求法律上的变通办法,它们目前还没有被包括在内。 6park.com

US investment banks such as JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, Citi, Goldman Sachs and Bank of America, which have hired or transferred hundreds of people to Paris since Britain left the EU, have led lobbying for the changes in recent months, although French banks would benefit too.  6park.com

近几个月来,摩根大通(JPMorgan)、摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)、花旗(Citi)、高盛(Goldman Sachs)和美国银行(Bank of America)等美国投资银行带头游说相关改革,尽管法国的银行也将从中受益。自英国退出欧盟以来,这些美国投资银行聘用或调派了数百名员工到巴黎。 6park.com

——本文2024年4月8日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为US banks warn Paris cost of dismissing traders will harm financial hub ambitions

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