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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-27 3:36 已读 4007 次 2 赞  


Russian Court Extends WSJ Reporter Evan Gershkovich’s Detention


一家俄罗斯法院把《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)记者埃文·格什科维奇(Evan Gershkovich)的拘留期延长了三个月。格什科维奇是自冷战结束以来首位因间谍指控在俄罗斯遭拘留的美国记者,他已被监禁将近一年时间。 6park.com

A Russian court extended the detention of Evan Gershkovich by three months, almost a year to the day since The Wall Street Journal reporter became the first U.S. journalist to be detained there on an allegation of espionage since the end of the Cold War. 6park.com

自去年3月29日以来,这位32岁的记者一直被关押在莫斯科列福尔托沃监狱;他本人、《华尔街日报》和美国政府都强烈否认他所受的指控。美国政府认定格什科维奇是被不当拘留的。 6park.com

The 32-year-old reporter, whom the U.S. government deems wrongfully detained, has been held in Moscow’s Lefortovo Prison since March 29 last year, on an allegation that he, the Journal and the U.S. government vehemently deny. 6park.com

在莫斯科市法院(Moscow City Court)的一场闭门听证会上,一名法官批准了俄罗斯联邦安全局(Federal Security Service, 简称FSB)调查人员的请求,同意让格什科维奇继续在狱中候审,直至6月30日。 6park.com

In a closed hearing at the Moscow City Court, a judge granted the request of investigators from the Federal Security Service, or FSB, that Gershkovich remain behind bars awaiting trial until June 30. 6park.com

根据俄罗斯法律,对于被认为特别复杂的刑事案件,调查人员可以有最多一年的时间为庭审做准备,但在特殊情况下这个时限可以进一步延长。 6park.com

Russian law allows investigators up to a year in criminal cases deemed particularly complex to prepare for a trial, but grants further extensions in exceptional circumstances. 6park.com

周二的裁决意味着格什科维奇的拘留期第五次延长。到本周五,格什科维奇被拘留将满一年,目前拜登(Joe Biden)政府正为争取确保他获释而努力。美国政府称,格什科维奇从未为美国政府工作过,不是间谍。 6park.com

Tuesday’s ruling, the fifth extension of Gershkovich’s detention, comes ahead of the one-year mark of his detainment on Friday and amid efforts by the Biden administration to secure his release. The U.S. government says Gershkovich has never worked for it and isn’t a spy. 6park.com

美国驻俄罗斯大使特雷西(Lynne Tracy)在法庭外说,格什科维奇仍然非常顽强,但鉴于本周他的拘留期将满一年,继续拘留会令他尤其感到痛苦。 6park.com

U.S. Ambassador to Russia Lynne Tracy said outside the court that Gershkovich remained remarkably resilient but his continued detention was “particularly painful” given that this week marks a year since he was detained. 6park.com

特雷西说:“对埃文的指控完全不属实。这些指控不是对具体情况的不同解读,而是虚构出来的。” 6park.com

“The accusations against Evan are categorically untrue. They are not a different interpretation of circumstances. They are fiction,” she said. 6park.com

特雷西说,拘留格什科维奇“与证据、正当程序或法治无关”。她还表示,这是“利用美国公民作为实现政治目的的棋子”。 6park.com

Gershkovich’s detention is “not about evidence, due process or rule of law,” Tracy said. It is about “using American citizens as pawns to achieve political ends,” she added. 6park.com

《华尔街日报》在一份声明中说:“这一裁决会使埃文在俄罗斯监狱被关押的时间远超一年。这也是埃文第12次出庭,毫无根据的诉讼程序错误地将他描绘成了另一个人,而非一个做着本职工作的记者。他本不该被拘留。新闻报道不是犯罪,我们继续要求立即释放他。” 6park.com

The Wall Street Journal said in a statement, “It’s a ruling that ensures Evan will sit in a Russian prison well past one year. It was also Evan’s 12th court appearance, baseless proceedings that falsely portray him as something other than what he is—a journalist who was doing his job. He should never have been detained. Journalism is not a crime, and we continue to demand his immediate release.” 6park.com

俄罗斯调查人员尚未公开提交指控格什科维奇的证据。莫斯科方面已表示是在依据本国法律行事。该案的大部分法庭程序都是闭门进行的。 6park.com

Russian investigators haven’t publicly presented evidence for their allegation against Gershkovich. Moscow has said it is acting in accordance with its laws. Most of the court proceedings have taken place behind closed doors. 6park.com

上周,《华尔街日报》出版商道琼斯公司(Dow Jones)的总法律顾问Jason Conti在华盛顿国家新闻俱乐部(National Press Club)主办的一个小组讨论会上表示,美国政府应考虑让不当拘留记者的威权国家立即承担包括制裁在内的后果。 6park.com

Last week, Jason Conti, general counsel for Journal publisher Dow Jones, told a panel hosted by the National Press Club in Washington that the U.S. government should consider immediate consequences, including sanctions, against authoritarian countries that wrongfully detain reporters. 6park.com

格什科维奇是得到俄罗斯外交部资格认证能够从事新闻报道工作的记者,他在俄罗斯做报道期间被拘留,大约一个月后,拜登政府制裁了俄罗斯联邦安全局。美国政府高级官员当时表示,制裁措施在格什科维奇被拘留前就已开始酝酿,总统拜登称此举将进一步向俄罗斯施压。 6park.com

The Biden administration sanctioned the FSB about a month after Gershkovich, who was accredited by Russia’s Foreign Ministry to work as a journalist, was detained during a reporting trip in Russia. The sanctions were in the works before Gershkovich’s detention, senior administration officials said at the time, with President Biden saying the move would apply further pressure on Russia. 6park.com


美国政府认定格什科维奇被不当拘留,因此会努力争取他获释。格什科维奇和保罗·惠兰(Paul Whelan)是仅有的两名被美国国务院认定在俄罗斯遭不当拘留的美国人。惠兰是密歇根州的一名企业安全管理人员,正因间谍罪在俄罗斯一处流放地服刑,刑期16年。 6park.com

Gershkovich’s designation as wrongfully detained commits the U.S. government to work to secure his release. He and Paul Whelan, a Michigan corporate-security executive serving a 16-year sentence for espionage in a Russian penal colony, are the only Americans categorized by the State Department as wrongfully detained in Russia. 6park.com

本月早些时候赢得五连任的俄罗斯总统普京(Vladimir Putin)曾在2月份表示,如果俄美两国政府达成协议,他将对格什科维奇的换俘计划持开放态度。普京拒绝给出达成协议的时间框架,也没有具体说明俄罗斯要求用谁来交换格什科维奇。但他明确提到了俄罗斯特工克拉西科夫(Vadim Krasikov),后者因2019年在柏林一个公园枪杀一名车臣侨民而被判处终身监禁,目前正在德国服刑。 6park.com

President Vladimir Putin, who was re-elected for a fifth term earlier this month, indicated in February that he would be open to a prisoner swap for Gershkovich if Moscow and Washington reached an agreement. Putin declined to give a time frame for a deal and didn’t specify who Moscow was demanding in return for Gershkovich. But he made clear reference to Russian operative Vadim Krasikov, now serving a life sentence in Germany for gunning down a Chechen émigré in a Berlin park in 2019. 6park.com

普京发表讲话几天后,今年2月死于一座北极监狱的俄罗斯反对派政治家纳瓦尔尼(Alexei Navalny)的伙伴说,之前一直在讨论用纳瓦尔尼和莫斯科关押的两名未透露姓名的美国公民交换克拉西科夫的提议。 6park.com

Days after Putin’s remarks, associates of Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny, who died in an Arctic penal colony in February, said a proposal to trade him and two unnamed American citizens held by Moscow for Krasikov had been under discussion. 6park.com

普京在本月早些时候的一次新闻发布会上说,在纳瓦尔尼去世前几天,他曾同意用西方国家扣押的囚犯交换纳瓦尔尼,条件是这位反对派政治家、普京最强有力的批评者永远不能返回俄罗斯。 6park.com

Putin told a news conference earlier this month that, days before Navalny died, he had agreed to exchange him with prisoners in the West, on the condition that the opposition politician—the Kremlin leader’s most potent critic—never return to Russia.


美国国家安全顾问沙利文(Jake Sullivan)后来告诉记者,美国官员从未在双方的任何对话中听到俄罗斯官员“将纳瓦尔尼作为换囚的一部分”。自2022年2月俄罗斯入侵乌克兰以来,美俄关系已急剧恶化。 6park.com

U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan later told reporters that U.S. officials had never heard a Russian official “raise Navalny as part of a prisoner swap” in any conversations between the two sides. Relations between Washington and Moscow have deteriorated starkly since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022. 6park.com

克里姆林宫没有回应置评请求。 6park.com

The Kremlin didn’t respond to a request for comment. 6park.com

沙利文说,美国政府一直在努力争取格什科维奇和惠兰获释,“我们对让他们两人获释的热情丝毫没有松懈”。 6park.com

Sullivan said there are continuous efforts to secure the release of both Gershkovich and Whelan and the U.S. government had “not slackened one inch in our zeal to get the two of them out,” he said. 6park.com

白宫还呼吁释放拥有美俄双重国籍的Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty记者库尔玛舍娃(Alsu Kurmasheva),她于去年10月被拘押,之后被指控未登记为外国代理人。她随后还被指控散布有关俄罗斯军方的虚假信息。美国国务院官员曾表示,俄罗斯对库尔玛舍娃提出的指控毫无根据。美国国务院一位官员说,美国正密切关注对库尔玛舍娃的拘留,但尚未确定她是否被不当拘留。 6park.com

The White House has also called for the release of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty journalist Alsu Kurmasheva, who was taken into custody in October and later charged with failing to register as a foreign agent. She was subsequently also charged with spreading false information about Russia’s military. State Department officials have said Russia has brought baseless charges against Kurmasheva, a dual U.S.-Russian citizen. The U.S. is closely monitoring her detention but hasn’t reached a decision on whether she is being wrongfully detained, a State Department official said. 6park.com

莫斯科市法院驳回了格什科维奇律师的数次上诉,其中至少有一次上诉要求将他转为软禁、同意对他的行动加以限制或准予保释。格什科维奇最初的审前拘留原定于去年5月29日到期。 6park.com

The Moscow City Court has rejected several appeals by Gershkovich’s lawyers, at least one of which requested that he be transferred to house arrest, agree to constraints on his movements or be granted bail. The reporter’s initial pretrial detention was scheduled to expire on May 29 last year. 6park.com

根据俄罗斯法律,调查人员和检察官有很大的自由度,可以在案件开庭审理前要求进一步延长拘留时间。间谍罪可判处10至20年监禁。在此类案件中,法院很少宣判被告无罪。 6park.com

Under Russian law, investigators and prosecutors have wide latitude to request further extensions of detention before the case goes to trial. A conviction for espionage can carry a prison sentence of 10 to 20 years. It is rare for a court to acquit a defendant in such cases.

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