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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-22 18:56 已读 3761 次 2 赞  


继“i人”和“e人”之后,“淡人”成为2024年一种新社交人设,许多网友自述患上了“淡淡综合征”。 6park.com

"Souls of serene" emerged as a new social persona recently as many identify with an unperturbed demeanor following the rise of the introvert and extrovert personas.

“淡淡综合征”不是一个医学术语,而是描述在部分当代年轻人中较为常见的一种状态。“随便吧”“都可以”“无所谓”“没必要”……这样的对话是否经常出现在你的日常生活中?如果是,那么多半你可以被确诊为“淡淡综合征”了。 6park.com

While not a clinical term, "souls of serene" describes a state of equanimity increasingly common among contemporary youth. If conversations filled with "whatever," "I don't care," "it doesn't matter" frequently occur in your life, you may be one embodying this unperturbed demeanor.


何为“淡人”?他们就像水豚一样,无论处于何种环境或与哪种人为伍,都能保持一副安安静静、半睁着眼睛的状态,给人一种平和、淡定的感觉。他们可以用几个关键词来概括:淡定、钝感、稳定和自在,拥有“老僧入定的淡泊感”和“要死不活的松弛感”。 6park.com

What defines these "souls of serene?" Like capybaras, which trending online for their calm lifestyle, "souls of serene" maintain a composed, half-awake presence no matter the environment or company, exuding an aura of tranquility. Key traits are: calmness, steadiness, and being at ease.


▌生活方式淡淡的 6park.com

冰箱里的面包过期3天,闻闻:死不了,吃了。在理发店被告知染发需要1600元,起身:不好意思没这么多钱,不做了。 6park.com

需要注意的是,“淡学”和“佛系”有本质区别:佛系是“算了”,淡学是“嗯,那就算了”。 6park.com

Important to note, this serene philosophy differs from the "buddha-like" mindset — the latter dismisses, while the unperturbed accept with "oh yes, I understand."

▌社交关系淡淡的 6park.com

维护关系全靠对方努力,做过最大的挽留是:行,那就这样吧。所以“淡人”普遍没什么朋友,也不会双向奔赴组成“淡仔派对”——因为都不想努力。 6park.com

They put minimal effort into relationships, the biggest attempt being a composed "very well, as you wish." So the imperturbably calm tend to have fewer friends, unbothered by organizing "serene gatherings" — as that would require exhaustive effort. 6park.com

“淡人”偶尔也会被朋友的丰富生活淡淡地刺激到,但好在五分钟之后也就忘了。如果你的“淡人”朋友突然没消息了,请不要紧张,他只是“淡”出了你的生活。 6park.com

A serene soul may occasionally be mildly inspired by friends' vibrant lives, but the feeling passes like a fleeting breeze. If such an unflappable friend drifts from your life, don't fret, they've simply allowed your presence to disengage seamlessly.

▌精神状态淡淡的 6park.com

他们很难被惹怒,就算生气也是淡淡的,所以怒了也看不出来;也不会发疯,千言万语都汇成一句“好吧”。 6park.com

It's challenging to provoke anger in them, and if angered, it manifests as an imperturbable simmer not outwardly disruptive. Nor will they be thrown into a frenzy. 6park.com

不要误解,淡跟社恐没关系。“淡人”只是觉得,理你不理你有什么区别呢,毕竟千百年后谁又记得谁。 6park.com



在这届年轻人确诊“淡淡综合征”之前,主打的是“发疯”的状态。那么,从“发疯”到“一切都淡淡的”,究竟是什么促成了这一转变? 6park.com

Before this generation diagnosed themselves as "souls of serene", the prevalent state was more one of "agitated frenzy." So what sparked this shift from "frenetic overwhelm" to "embracing unperturbed serenity?"

▌天生淡 6park.com

有一部分“淡人”,是从记事开始,好像就对许多事情都淡淡的。比如上学时,两个班对决篮球场,大家群情激昂,唯独自己淡淡的,“输赢这么重要吗?” 6park.com

这部分“淡人”,可能是属于安静型的高级神经活动类型,即拥有高强度、均衡、不灵活的神经活动。由于神经过程的不灵活性,这样的个体通常不能立刻根据外部变化而做出敏锐的反应,甚至如果变化太快,他们会很难适应。也因此,他们总显得迟缓,却很坚韧。 6park.com

For some people, they seemed innately composed towards life's matters from a young age. a high-intensity but balanced, steady neural activity type. Due to this neural equilibrium, they tend not to react impulsively to external changes, instead adjusting gradually with persistent calm.

▌无助淡 6park.com

也许,现在对什么都无所谓的你,曾经历过梦想的一次次破灭。在面临不可控情境时,形成努力也没用的不可控认知,继而导致放弃,这正是习得性无助的状态。 6park.com

For those now indifferent to everything, it may stem from dreams repeatedly shattered. Facing uncontrollable situations bred the belief that effort is futile, leading to a sense of learned helplessness. 6park.com


习得性无助有两种: 6park.com

▪ 普遍无助(universal helplessness):面对某个情况时,觉得自己无能为力,而且换谁来都一样; 6park.com

▪ 个人无助(personal helplessness):同样觉得无能为力,但认为这是因为自己很差劲,换别人说不定就成功了。 6park.com

这种因为无助感而被迫变淡的“淡人”,是“淡人”中最需要警惕起来的一类人。要积极调整心态,请求心理专业人士的帮助。 6park.com

Learned helplessness hypothesis refers to the uncontrollable perception that efforts are useless when faced with uncontrollable situations, which then leads to giving up. It includes universal helplessness and personal helplessness, which can easily lead to depression.

▌平和淡 6park.com

平和的“淡人”不是一群对生活充耳不闻、避之不及的人,他们也想勇敢活一次,但是发疯总是伴随着巨大的情绪起伏,这何尝又不是一次精神上的内耗? 6park.com

Some unperturbed souls aren't tuning out life itself. They too crave living fully and courageously. But constant emotional frenzies bring draining ups and downs — an exhausting inner turmoil.   6park.com

淡淡的,对一切都释然,也就不再有内耗的烦恼。年轻一代更加注重边界感与个人空间,对经验的认知和整合,让平和的“淡人”们在内心建筑起了一套自我秩序。 6park.com


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