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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-22 1:04 已读 3710 次 1 赞  


China’s Xi Jinping to Meet U.S. CEOs in Beijing Next Week

中国国家主席习近平计划下周在一个由政府主办的论坛后会见一批美国商界领袖。目前在外资流出的背景下,中国政府正加大努力向美国公司示好。 6park.com

Chinese leader Xi Jinping plans to meet a group of U.S. business leaders next week after a government-sponsored forum as Beijing steps up efforts to woo American firms amid an exodus of foreign capital. 6park.com


知情人士称,与中国最高领导人的会晤定于下周三举行,保险公司安达(Chubb)的首席执行官格林伯格(Evan Greenberg)、美中关系全国委员会(National Committee on U.S.-China Relations)会长欧伦斯(Stephen Orlins)和美中贸易全国委员会(U.S.-China Business Council)会长艾伦(Craig Allen)预计将出席。与会人员名单仍在进行最后的敲定,知情人士说,中国政府也有可能在最后一刻取消习近平的这次会见安排。 6park.com

The meeting with China’s top leader is set for Wednesday, and insurer Chubb’s CEO, Evan Greenberg, along with Stephen Orlins, president of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, and Craig Allen, president of the U.S.-China Business Council, are expected to attend, people familiar with the matter said. The list of participants is still being completed and the people said that Beijing could cancel the Xi meeting at the last minute. 6park.com


会议主办方中国国务院未回应置评请求。 6park.com

The sponsor of the meeting, China’s State Council, didn’t respond to a request for comment. 6park.com


本周末,美国公司高管将前往北京出席中国发展高层论坛(China Development Forum),这是全球商界领袖与中国政策制定者共聚一堂的年度盛会。这次为期两天的会议定于周日开始。根据《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)看到的一份议程草案,会议议题将包括中国经济增长、人工智能(AI)和气候变化。 6park.com

U.S. executives are heading to the Chinese capital this weekend for the China Development Forum, an annual gathering where global business leaders rub shoulders with Chinese policymakers. The two-day meeting is slated to start on Sunday. The topics set to be discussed include China’s economic growth, artificial intelligence and climate change, according to a draft agenda seen by The Wall Street Journal. 6park.com


今年的论坛举行之际,正值中国这一世界第二大经济体面临经济放缓、消费疲软和私营部门投资下降等不利因素。外国公司也希望看到中国政府能消除它们对监管不一致和经营风险上升的担忧。 6park.com

This year’s forum takes place as the world’s second-largest economy faces headwinds including an economic slowdown, weak consumption and declining private-sector investment in China. Foreign companies are also seeking reassurances from Beijing about inconsistent regulation and rising operational risks. 6park.com

在低调参加去年的论坛之后,美国公司CEO们今年将重新大批现身。据《华尔街日报》看到的一份发给与会者的代表名单草案,在本月的会议上,美国将成为最大的全球商业代表团,预计出席会议的逾85位高管中有34位将来自美国跨国公司。 6park.com

After keeping a low profile at last year’s forum, American CEOs will be back in force this year. According to a draft delegate list circulated to attendees and viewed by the Journal, the U.S. will make up the largest global business delegation at this month’s gathering, with 34 of the more than 85 top executives expected to attend coming from American multinationals. 6park.com

去年3月,只有23位来自美国公司的商界领袖出席了该论坛,在中美政治关系陷入数十年来最动荡局面的情况下,许多商界领袖选择避而远之。2023年初,美国空军在南卡罗来纳州海岸附近上空击落了一个其所称的中国侦察气球,华盛顿方面也因流行短视频应用TikTok与中国的关联而加大了施压力度。 6park.com

Last March, only 23 business leaders from American companies turned up, with many staying away amid some of the rockiest political relations between the U.S. and China in decades. In early 2023, the U.S. Air Force had shot down what it said was a Chinese surveillance balloon off the coast of South Carolina, and Washington had been stepping up pressure over popular short-video app TikTok’s ties to China. 6park.com

今年预计出席会议的CEO包括苹果公司(Apple)的库克(Tim Cook)、黑石集团(Blackstone)的苏世民(Stephen Schwarzman)、对冲基金城堡(Citadel)的Ken Griffin和汇丰控股(HSBC)的祈耀年(Noel Quinn)。今年出席会议的其他企业高管预计还包括芯片制造企业的CEO,如美光科技(Micron Technology)的Sanjay Mehrotra、AMD的苏姿丰(Lisa Su)和能源公司埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil)的伍德伦(Darren Woods)。 6park.com

Among the expected CEO attendees this year are Tim Cook of Apple, Stephen Schwarzman of Blackstone, Ken Griffin of hedge fund Citadel and HSBC’s Noel Quinn. Other senior leaders in attendance this year include chip maker CEOs such as Sanjay Mehrotra of Micron Technology, Lisa Su of AMD and energy company Exxon Mobil top executive Darren Woods. 6park.com


美国食品公司嘉吉(Cargill)、制药公司百时美施贵宝(Bristol-Myers Squibb)和辉瑞(Pfizer)的高层也计划前来参会。而星巴克(Starbucks)的Laxman Narasimhan、休闲食品公司亿滋国际(Mondelez International)的Dirk Van de Put和惠普(HP Inc.)的Enrique Lores这几位CEO将首次出席该论坛。 6park.com

The top executives from American food company Cargill, pharmaceutical companies Bristol-Myers Squibb and Pfizer also plan to come. CEOs Laxman Narasimhan of Starbucks, Dirk Van de Put of snack food company Mondelez International and Enrique Lores of HP will make their first appearance at the forum. 6park.com


此前,《华尔街日报》报道了库克和苏世民预计将出席论坛。 6park.com

The Journal previously reported the expected attendance of Cook and Schwarzman. 6park.com

尽管预计与会人数众多,但今年的会议一直笼罩着神秘的面纱,会议主旨发言人是谁——通常是一位中国高层领导人——一直悬而未决,与会者也没有得到确切细节。中方还没有就该论坛发布公告,也没有设立专门的网站。 6park.com

Despite the expected large turnout, this year’s gathering has been shrouded in mystery, with the identity of the keynote speaker for the conference—typically a senior Chinese leader—up in the air, with no definitive details given to participants. There have also been no public announcements about the forum nor any website dedicated to it. 6park.com

据知情人士透露,中国政府计划在此次论坛结束后安排企业高管与习近平会面,这是继去年11月美中关系全国委员会和美中贸易全国委员会在旧金山为习近平的来访举办晚宴之后,中方进行的一次后续安排。习近平去年11月前往美国,与美国总统拜登(Biden)进行了一年来的首次面对面会谈。 6park.com

The planned get-together with Xi after the forum is Beijing’s follow-up to a dinner hosted by the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations and the U.S.-China Business Council for Xi in San Francisco in November, according to the people familiar with the matter. Xi had traveled to the U.S. for his first face-to-face meeting with President Biden in a year. 6park.com

在去年11月的那次晚宴上,习近平曾试图争取美国公司帮助缓和中美紧张关系,但由于中国政府日益重视国家安全和认定的来自西方的威胁, 高管们对此焦虑不安,习近平此举并没有让他们安心。出席这次晚宴的人士需要每人支付4万美元才能有机会与习近平同桌进餐。 6park.com

At the November dinner, where participants paid $40,000 each for a seat at Xi’s table, the Chinese leader sought to enlist American corporations’ help in easing bilateral tensions but provided no reassurance for executives jarred by Beijing’s increased focus on national security and perceived Western threats. 6park.com

商业咨询机构奥尔布赖特石桥集团(Albright Stonebridge Group)驻上海的高级顾问Ken Jarrett说,与会企业可能会向习近平强调中美紧张关系对商业的影响,并表示希望中美关系保持稳定。他还说,高管们可能还会提到数据传输法规、剩余的市场准入壁垒、政府采购和补贴等问题。 6park.com

The companies would likely emphasize to Xi the impact that U.S.-China tensions have on commerce, and express hope that ties will remain stable, said Ken Jarrett, a senior adviser at business consulting firm Albright Stonebridge Group in Shanghai. Executives might also bring up issues such as data-transfer regulations, remaining market-access barriers, government procurement and subsidies, he added. 6park.com

在去年11月的旧金山晚宴上,与会的美国CEO曾起立为习近平鼓掌。而在此之前,习近平与一群美国高管上一次公开会面是在2018年6月,当时习近平在北京呼吁全球商界领袖帮助抗击保护主义,并承诺进一步向外国投资者开放中国市场。 6park.com

Before the San Francisco dinner in November, where U.S. CEOs gave Xi a standing ovation, the last publicized meeting between the Chinese leader and a group of high-profile U.S. executives was in June 2018, when Xi asked global business leaders in Beijing to help fight protectionism, promising to open China’s market further to foreign investors.

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