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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-15 1:05 已读 4360 次 1 赞  


SpaceX’s Starship Makes Major Progress in Third Flight Test



SpaceX的星舰(Starship)航天器在其第三次测试任务中实现在太空中飞行更长时间,标志着这一有朝一日可能将宇航员送到月球及更远地方的火箭取得了重大进展。 6park.com

SpaceX’s Starship spacecraft pulled off an extended flight through space on its third test mission, marking major progress for a vehicle that could one day transport astronauts to the moon and beyond. 6park.com

根据该公司的直播,在周四发射这一近400英尺高的火箭后不久,SpaceX成功地将助推器与飞船分离,飞船继续飞行了大约一个小时,然后在重新进入地球大气层时失联。 6park.com

Shortly after launching the nearly 400-foot-tall rocket Thursday, SpaceX successfully separated the booster from the spacecraft, which proceeded to fly for around an hour before it was lost while re-entering Earth’s atmosphere, according to a company livestream. 6park.com

这次任务比该公司前两次星舰试飞走得更远。这次任务是一次里程碑,星舰不仅是SpaceX商业雄心的核心,还是是美国国家航空航天局(NASA)太空探索计划,以及该公司创始人马斯克(Elon Musk)有朝一日将人类送上火星这一目标的核心。 6park.com

The mission advanced much farther than the company’s previous two Starship test flights. It was a milestone for a vehicle that is a centerpiece of SpaceX’s commercial ambitions, NASA’s space exploration plans, and company founder Elon Musk’s goal of one day sending humans to Mars. 6park.com

马斯克在X上的帖子中标注了飞行中的关键时刻,包括星舰达到轨道速度,以及飞船从太空重新进入大气层时的高温。 6park.com

In posts on X, Musk marked key moments during the flight, including the Starship spacecraft reaching an orbital velocity and the intense heat blasting the vehicle as it re-entered the atmosphere from space. 6park.com

他在这次任务结束后不久说:“星舰将实现跨星球生活。” 6park.com

“Starship will make life multiplanetary,” he said not long after the mission ended. 6park.com

星舰于美国东部时间上午9时25分从SpaceX位于得克萨斯州的发射台升空。飞船在发射后不久与助推器分离,并在升空约10分钟后进入滑行阶段。 6park.com

The rocket lifted off from the company’s launchpad in Texas at 9:25 a.m. ET. The spacecraft was able to separate from the booster shortly after launch, and reached a coast phase about 10 minutes following liftoff. 6park.com

SpaceX展示了该飞船在太空中的图像,数据显示,飞船在距离地球约145英里的高空一度以超过16,000英里的时速飞行。 6park.com

SpaceX showed images of the vehicle in space, with data indicating it was traveling at one point at more than 16,000 miles an hour at about 145 miles above Earth. 6park.com


飞船试图进行发动机点火时,助推器失联,该飞船原本会利用这个发动机降落在墨西哥湾。SpaceX表示,飞船在大约1500英尺的高度爆炸。 6park.com

The booster was lost as it tried to conduct an engine burn that would have brought it down in the Gulf of Mexico. Instead, it exploded at an altitude of about 1,500 feet, SpaceX said. 6park.com

负责发放商业太空飞行许可证的美国航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration, 简称FAA)称,发射后没有人员伤亡或公共财产受损的报告。 6park.com

No injuries or damage to public property had been reported following the launch, according to the Federal Aviation Administration, which licenses commercial space flights. 6park.com

在地球上空高空飞行后,星舰开始重新进入地球大气层,由于极度的高温,这项操作难度很大。星舰原本的目标是溅落到印度洋,但根据该公司的现场直播,飞船在某个时刻失联。SpaceX的管理人员说,该公司原本预计飞船无法承受住这一影响。 6park.com

After flying high above Earth, the Starship spacecraft began to re-enter Earth’s atmosphere, a difficult maneuver given the immense heat. It was aiming to splash down into the Indian Ocean, but the vehicle was lost at some point, according to the company’s livestream. The company hadn’t expected the spacecraft to survive that impact, SpaceX officials said. 6park.com

此次发射是SpaceX的最新展示,该公司称该火箭是有史以来最强大的火箭。 6park.com

The launch was SpaceX’s latest demonstration mission of what the company has called the most powerful rocket ever built. 6park.com

星舰是SpaceX商业计划的重要组成部分。该公司的目标是利用这款火箭为其星链(Starlink)互联网部门部署卫星,运送私人太空旅行者,并将计划中的空间站和月球探测器等所有东西送入太空。 6park.com

Starship is a major part of SpaceX’s business plans. The company aims to use the rocket to deploy satellites for its Starlink internet division, transport private space travelers and fly everything from a planned space station to moon rovers. 6park.com

NASA已与SpaceX签订合同,在未来几年内使用星舰的一个版本将美国宇航员再度送上月球表面。 6park.com

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has contracted with SpaceX to use a version of Starship to return U.S. astronauts to the moon’s surface in the coming years.


NASA局长Bill Nelson就此次飞行对SpaceX表示祝贺。他在X发布的一篇帖子中称:“我们正携手大步前进,通过阿尔忒弥斯(Artemis)让人类再次登陆月球,然后着眼火星。”他指的是NASA探索太空的计划。 6park.com

Bill Nelson, the administrator for NASA, congratulated SpaceX on the flight. “Together, we are making great strides through Artemis to return humanity to the Moon—then look onward to Mars,” he said in a post on X, referring to the agency’s exploration program. 6park.com

星舰的第一次和第二次试验发射分别于去年4月和11月进行。这两次发射都在远没有实现完整飞行计划前就爆炸了。SpaceX表示,这两次任务产生了大量数据,工程师和技术人员一直在利用这些数据进一步改进火箭。 6park.com

The first and second Starship test launches occurred last April and November. Both ended well before the full flight plans were achieved—in fiery explosions. Those missions, SpaceX has said, yielded troves of data that engineers and technicians have been using to further refine the rocket. 6park.com

SpaceX公司希望在周四的飞行中实现一系列目标,其中包括一次推进剂转移演示。该公司称这项目标完成。 此前,SpaceX的技术人员向这个飞船上装载了1千万磅的推进剂。 6park.com

SpaceX aimed to achieve a number of objectives during Thursday’s flight, including a propellant-transfer demonstration it said it completed. Earlier, technicians at SpaceX had loaded 10 million pounds of propellant into the vehicle. 6park.com

这个火箭由两级组成:超重(Super Heavy)助推器和和星舰飞行器,星舰堆叠在助推器上进行第一阶段飞行。这个航天器的设计是在发射后不久与助推器分离并独立飞行。 6park.com

The rocket consists of two stages: the Super Heavy booster and the Starship spacecraft, which is stacked on the booster for the first phase of flight. The spacecraft is designed to separate from the booster and fly on its own shortly after launch. 6park.com

SpaceX希望通过星舰开辟新的天地,但面临着巨大的技术障碍。马斯克在2021年《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)的一次活动上说:“星舰这个项目非常、非常、非常、非常难。” 6park.com

SpaceX is aiming to break new ground with Starship, but faces formidable technical hurdles. “Starship is a hard, hard, hard, hard project,” Musk said at a Wall Street Journal event in 2021. 6park.com

其中的挑战包括:使火箭的两级都可以重复使用,并证明用于深空任务的星舰可以在轨道上补充推进剂。这一过程尚未达到该公司设想的程度。 6park.com

Among the challenges: making both stages of the rocket reusable and demonstrating that Starships used for deeper-space missions can take on propellant while in orbit. That procedure hasn’t been demonstrated at the scale the company has envisioned. 6park.com

SpaceX现任和前任领导人表示,该公司迅速接受失败,试图快速找出修复和改进措施。据FAA的数据,该公司采取了63项纠正措施来解决首次发射过程中出现的问题,第二次发射后又采取了17项纠正措施。 6park.com

Current and former SpaceX leaders have said the company embraces failing fast to try to rapidly identify fixes and improve. The company took 63 corrective actions to address issues that emerged during the initial launch, and an additional 17 following the second, according to the FAA. 6park.com

SpaceX是一家非上市公司,该公司尚未透露每次任务的成本,但正在准备在2024年大大加快发射星舰的步伐。 6park.com

Closely held SpaceX hasn’t said how much each mission costs, but it is preparing to launch Starships at an aggressive pace in 2024. 6park.com

SpaceX项目开发高级主管Nick Cummings在最近的一次行业会议上说:“我们在星际基地(Starbase)基本上已经建造了四套星舰和超重助推器,为接下来的飞行做好了准备。” 6park.com

“We’ve got four sets of Starships and Super Heavies basically already built at Starbase, ready to go for the next flights,” Nick Cummings, senior director of program development at SpaceX, said at a recent industry conference. 6park.com

NASA前副局长Lori Garver说,任何任务,只要能让公司在前两次飞行的基础上取得更大进步,都将被视为成功。她说:“任务的目标是获得数据——尽可能多的数据。” 6park.com

Lori Garver, a former deputy administrator at NASA, said any mission that advances the company beyond what it learned from the first two flights would be seen as successful. “The goal of this is data—as much data as you can get,” she said. 6park.com

该公司已经在推广中称星舰可用于商业卫星发射和私人载人飞行,但预计在该飞行器的开发水平大大改进之前,这些都不会发生。SpaceX的星舰面临的一个更紧迫的最后期限事关NASA的一项任务。 6park.com

The company has promoted Starship for commercial satellite and for private human flights, but those aren’t expected to happen until the vehicle is much further developed. A more immediate deadline SpaceX faces for Starship is with NASA. 6park.com

今年1月,NASA的官员推迟了一项计划中的让宇航员返回月球表面的任务,部分原因是与星舰有关的挑战。 6park.com

In January, officials at the agency delayed a planned mission to return astronauts to the surface on the moon, in part because of challenges tied to Starship. 6park.com

按照NASA的阿尔忒弥斯探索项目,两名宇航员将从NASA的猎户座(Orion)飞船登上星舰着陆器,届时两者都将在月球轨道上。从那里,星舰着陆器将把宇航员带到月球表面。这项任务原定于明年年底进行,现在最早也要等到2026年9月。 6park.com

Under the agency’s Artemis exploration program, two astronauts would board a lander Starship from a NASA spacecraft called Orion while both are in lunar orbit. From there, the Starship vehicle would take the astronauts down to the surface of the moon. That mission, previously scheduled for late next year, is now slated for September 2026 at the earliest. 6park.com

SpaceX的高管们对FAA是否有能力许可星舰进行飞行表示担忧,眼下该公司正寻求频繁进行测试任务。SpaceX负责建造和飞行可靠性的副总裁Bill Gerstenmaier在去年10月的参议院听证会上表示,FAA的太空办公室需要更多资源,以便更快地批准安全发射。 6park.com

SpaceX executives have raised concerns about the FAA’s ability to license Starship for flights as it seeks to conduct frequent test missions. Bill Gerstenmaier, SpaceX’s vice president for build and flight reliability, said at a Senate hearing last October that the FAA’s space office needed more resources to more quickly permit safe launches. 6park.com

他当时说:“监管很重要,但与开发和运营像星舰这样的变革性飞行器系统相关的技术挑战也同样重要。” 6park.com

“Regulation is important, but so are the technical challenges associated with developing and operating transformative vehicle systems like Starship,” he said at the time. 6park.com

FAA太空办公室的最高级别领导人Kelvin Coleman上个月告诉记者,考虑到SpaceX今年的发射计划,该机构正在就星舰与SpaceX密切合作。 6park.com

Kelvin Coleman, the FAA’s top leader for its space office, told reporters last month that the agency is working closely with SpaceX on Starship, given the company’s launch plans for this year. 6park.com

“我们一直在与SpaceX夜以继日地沟通,一起想办法解决这个问题,”他说。 6park.com

“We’ve been talking to SpaceX constantly, around the clock, coming together and trying to figure out how do we do this,” he said. 6park.com

FAA周四表示,SpaceX将调查是什么原因导致了这次任务中星舰助推器以及飞船失联。分析完成后才会进行下一次火箭试飞。 6park.com

The FAA said Thursday that SpaceX will investigate what caused the loss of the Starship booster and spacecraft during the mission. Completing that analysis would precede the rocket’s next test flight.

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