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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-12 3:44 已读 4394 次 2 赞  


Having Overtaken Tesla, BYD Is Running Into Problems Overseas



中国电动汽车制造商比亚迪(BYD)出海遇到挑战,该公司发现,在国内的迅猛增长未必可以在欧洲等大型海外市场迅速转化为成功。 6park.com

Chinese electric-vehicle maker BYD is running into challenges in its overseas expansion, finding that its rapid growth at home doesn’t necessarily translate into quick success in big foreign markets such as Europe. 6park.com

比亚迪高管表示,出海遇到的问题包括:市场需求疲软、定价过高、质量控制问题,以及公司内部围绕应该以多快的速度抢占市场份额存在的分歧。去年年底,以销量计,比亚迪超越特斯拉,成为全球最大的电动汽车制造商。 6park.com

Executives at BYD, which overtook Tesla late last year as the top global seller of EVs, said the issues included weak market demand, too-high pricing, quality control and internal tension over how quickly BYD should seek to grab market share. 6park.com

比亚迪高管称,一些已经出现的问题显现出公司存在经验不足的方面,比如,如何处理车内发霉,以及成千上万辆汽车堆积在欧洲仓库的问题。 6park.com

They said the company’s inexperience showed in some problems that have arisen, such as the handling of mold in cars and the piling up of thousands of vehicles in European warehouses. 6park.com


比亚迪的飞速增长主要集中在中国本土市场,这在电动汽车行业掀起了一场风暴。以总销量计,比亚迪已成为中国国内第一大车企。 6park.com

BYD has taken the EV industry by storm with breakneck growth, mostly in its home market, where it has become the No. 1 carmaker by overall sales. 6park.com

高管们表示,比亚迪不太可能实现领导层定下的内部目标,即今年在中国以外地区销售40万辆汽车。去年比亚迪在海外市场的销量为242,765辆。销量不足的部分原因是全球电动汽车销售增长放缓,以及比亚迪自身的问题。 6park.com

Executives said the company was unlikely to achieve the leadership’s internal target of selling 400,000 cars outside China this year, compared with 242,765 sold last year. The shortfall is partly because of a global slowdown in EV sales growth as well as issues specific to BYD. 6park.com

根据Jato Dynamics编制的注册数据,比亚迪2023年在欧洲的销量约为16,000辆,低于上一年该公司内部定下的欧陆销量目标。 6park.com

In Europe, BYD sold around 16,000 vehicles in 2023, according to registration data compiled by Jato Dynamics, below an internal target set the previous year for the continent. 6park.com


比亚迪的一位代表表示,《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)的报道与事实不符。该公司没有提及具体哪些内容与事实存在差异。 6park.com

A BYD representative said The Wall Street Journal’s reporting was “inconsistent with facts.” The company didn’t provide details about the discrepancies.

上述代表说,比亚迪对包括欧洲团队在内的海外团队所取得的成绩满意。这位代表还说,比亚迪出口电动汽车迄今仅两年时间,对海外业务发展充满信心。 6park.com

“BYD is very satisfied with the achievements made by our overseas teams, including the one in Europe,” the representative said, adding that the company has been exporting EVs for just two years and is confident about its overseas business. 6park.com

在董事长王传福领导下,比亚迪希望追随日韩车企的脚步,跻身国际品牌之列。 6park.com

Under Chairman Wang Chuanfu, BYD hopes to follow in the footsteps of Japanese and South Korean automakers that built themselves into global brands. 6park.com

这家得到巴菲特(Warren Buffett)支持的公司实力雄厚,2023年利润约合40亿美元,几乎是前一年的两倍。受电动汽车增长率放缓的担忧影响,比亚迪市值自去年夏天以来已缩水逾五分之一,但仍在700亿美元之上,高于福特汽车(Ford Motor)或通用汽车(General Motors)的市值。 6park.com

The Warren Buffett-backed company is building from a strong foundation, having earned the equivalent of about $4 billion in 2023, nearly double the previous year’s figure. Its market capitalization has fallen by more than a fifth since last summer because of concerns about the slowing EV growth rate but remains above $70 billion, more than either Ford Motor or General Motors. 6park.com

比亚迪的亚洲先行者们在海外市场也经历过波折。1991年,韩国现代(Hyundai)因为一个可能导致失火的发动机问题,不得不召回几乎所有在1986至1989年间生产、在美国销售的Excel车型;Excel当时属于该公司最受美国人欢迎的车型之列。现代提供了保修大礼包,以重新赢得消费者的青睐;后来其质量评级也有所提升。 6park.com

BYD’s Asian forerunners had overseas learning curves. In 1991, South Korea’s Hyundai had to recall almost all of its 1986-89 Excel models sold in the U.S., its most popular car among Americans at the time, owing to an engine problem that could lead to fires. It took an outsize warranty offer by Hyundai to win over consumers, and later its quality ratings improved. 6park.com

到目前为止,比亚迪避免了会影响大量消费者的重大质量问题。不过,还是发生了一些影响乘用车和商用车的事件。 6park.com

BYD has avoided major quality issues affecting a large number of consumers. Still, incidents have occurred affecting both passenger and commercial vehicles. 6park.com

今年1月,伦敦一辆比亚迪公交车发生起火事故,导致英国有关部门召回近2,000辆公交车。事故中没有人员受伤。有关部门称,这些车辆的加热、通风和空调系统存在问题,在无人看管的情况下可能引发火灾。 6park.com

In January, a BYD bus in London caught fire, prompting U.K. authorities to recall nearly 2,000 buses. No one was hurt. Authorities cited a problem with the vehicles’ heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system that could result in fires when they were left unattended. 6park.com

比亚迪内部的一个关切是,从中国出口的乘用车型在可以出售给消费者之前需要进行多少次修复或修理。 6park.com

One internal concern involves the number of fixes or repairs that passenger-car models exported from China require before they can be sold to consumers. 6park.com

该公司高管和处理这些汽车的人员说,汽车进口后进行补修,在行业司空见惯,但比亚迪车型往往需要比大多数车型更全面的修复,他们觉得,这在一定程度上反映了该公司处理长途物流的经验不足。 6park.com

Post-import touch-ups are common in the auto industry, but BYD models often require more extensive fixes than most, executives and people handling the cars said, reflecting in part what they see as the company’s inexperience in handling long-distance logistics. 6park.com

他们说,最近运抵日本的车辆表面都有瑕疵,比如凹痕、划痕,以及需要更换才能符合当地标准的零件,而在欧洲,一些从中国运抵的车辆则有发霉的状况。他们说,众所周知,霉菌会在长途运输的汽车中滋生,因此,问题不是发霉,而是担心这些车辆没有专业离子工艺处理,完全清除霉菌。 6park.com

Recently, vehicles have arrived in Japan with surface imperfections such as dings, scratches and parts that need replacing to meet local standards, while in Europe, some vehicles have arrived from China containing mold, they said. The issue wasn’t so much the existence of mold, which is known to grow in cars shipped over long distances, but concern that the vehicles didn’t receive professional treatment with an ionization process to remove spores fully. 6park.com

比亚迪的一系列质量问题已被曝光,包括在泰国被投诉油漆和塑料脱落,在以色列被投诉车身在车顶行李架的重压下变形。比亚迪电动汽车在以色列的销售一直很强劲。一位比亚迪高管称,海外客户对比亚迪汽车的评价就好比“去一家体面的餐厅吃饭,却发现盘子有缺口”。 6park.com

A smattering of BYD quality issues have become public, including complaints about paint and plastics peeling in Thailand and vehicles warping under the weight of roof racks in Israel, where its EV sales have been strong. One BYD executive described overseas customers’ reception of BYD vehicles as similar to “going to a decent restaurant but finding the plate is chipped.” 6park.com

比亚迪的高管们已在公司内部提出了一些担忧,即对出口汽车在目的地进行维修的方式虽然尚能应付少量汽车,但对比亚迪希望建立的大规模业务来说是行不通的。 6park.com

Executives have flagged concerns internally that the system of ad-hoc fixes to imported vehicles, while perhaps manageable for a small number, wouldn’t work for the kind of large-scale business BYD hopes to build. 6park.com

比亚迪的人士说,该公司最高领导层下达的全球销售目标会按地区分配给当地业务主管,但这些目标往往没有考虑到每个市场的情况。 6park.com

People at the company said global sales targets issued by top leaders in China are broken down by region and relayed to local business heads, and they often don’t factor in each market’s situation. 6park.com

该公司的销售目标在去年底的一次会议上引发了摩擦。据参会人士和获悉会议内容的人士透露,比亚迪的一位欧洲高管质疑这些目标的可行性,并称,由于需求疲软且需要解决质量问题,欧洲的目标无法实现。 6park.com

The company’s sales targets resulted in friction at a meeting late last year. A BYD executive in Europe questioned their feasibility and said the European goals couldn’t be met because of problems such as weak demand and the need for quality fixes, said people at BYD who attended the meeting or were briefed on it. 6park.com

这些人士说,王传福对欧洲领导层的干劲提出了质疑,他和其他高管已经介入,更直接地参与欧洲业务的管理。 6park.com

BYD’s Wang questioned the drive of the Europe leadership, they said, and he and other executives have stepped in to oversee operations in Europe more directly.


比亚迪的汽车在海外的售价远高于中国国内,这削弱了该公司在价格上与知名品牌的竞争力。为扩大利润空间,比亚迪的旗舰出口车型Atto 3在德国的售价超过41,000美元。在把比亚迪和大众汽车(Volkswagen)的降价措施都考虑进去之后,这一价格比大众汽车的可比车型ID.3紧凑型跨界电动车低5%。德国是比亚迪在欧洲的第一大市场。 6park.com

BYD vehicles cost a lot more overseas than in China, which diminishes the company’s ability to compete with better-known brands on price. BYD’s flagship export model, the Atto 3, costs more than $41,000 in Germany, its biggest European market, as the company seeks to widen profit margins. That price is 5% lower than Volkswagen’s comparable ID.3 compact crossover EV after price cuts from both brands. 6park.com

同款比亚迪汽车在中国的售价折合不到2万美元。 6park.com

The same BYD car sells for less than $20,000 in China. 6park.com

分析师和经销商表示,去年年底德国电动汽车购买补贴退坡,比亚迪没在欧洲各国电动汽车销量下滑前抓住销售机会,到推出的经销商网络、新车型和产品促销活动时,为时已晚。 6park.com

BYD rolled out dealer networks, new models and product promotions too late to catch EV sales before they fell off in countries including Germany late last year when subsidies for EV buyers were phased out, said analysts and dealers. 6park.com

比亚迪已开始从海运公司租船将其汽车运往欧洲和其他地区。第一艘最多可运送7000辆汽车的运输船今年1月启航,之后王传福在2月表示,该公司计划在未来两年内再多使用七艘远洋运输船。 6park.com

BYD has begun chartering ocean carriers to ship its cars to Europe and elsewhere. After an initial ship with capacity of up to 7,000 vehicles was dispatched in January, Wang said in February that the company planned to use an additional seven ocean carriers over the next two years. 6park.com

该公司的人员表示,与此同时,截至去年年底,比亚迪在欧洲的仓库中有超过1万辆乘用车库存。授权在欧盟销售这些汽车的证书即将到期,意味着比亚迪可能无法在欧洲销售这些汽车。 6park.com

Meanwhile, as of the end of last year, more than 10,000 BYD passenger cars were waiting in warehouses in Europe, people at the company said, and the certificates authorizing them to be sold in the European Union are set to expire soon, meaning it may not be possible to sell them in Europe. 6park.com

目前,比亚迪最大的出口市场是泰国和巴西,在这两个国家,比亚迪是最畅销的纯电品牌,带动了电动汽车在这两个新兴市场的增长。比亚迪将在这两个国家以及乌兹别克斯坦和匈牙利开设新工厂。 6park.com

For now, the Chinese carmaker’s biggest export destinations are Thailand and Brazil, where it is the bestselling brand and driving EV growth in a nascent market. BYD is opening new factories in both of these countries, as well as in Uzbekistan and Hungary. 6park.com

去年,比亚迪在澳大利亚销售了超过12,000辆汽车,这是该公司在海外的亮点之一。今年1月,比亚迪也开始在澳大利亚对其最受欢迎的电动汽车车型提供超过1300美元的返现。 6park.com

BYD sold more than 12,000 vehicles in Australia last year, one of its bright spots overseas. In January, it began offering rebates of more than $1,300 for its most popular EV model there.

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