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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-12 3:31 已读 4141 次 2 赞  


U.S. Dominates Foreign Weapons Market as Russian Exports Plummet



一份新报告显示,美国巩固了作为世界主要武器出口国的地位,在最近五年间占全球武器贸易的40%多,而俄罗斯则因乌克兰战争导致其海外销售额下降了一半以上。 6park.com

The U.S. bolstered its position as the world’s dominant arms exporter, accounting for more than 40% of the global trade in weapons over a recent five-year period, while Russia saw its sales abroad drop by more than half because of the war in Ukraine, according to a new report. 6park.com

斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究院(SIPRI)周日发布的最新数据在一定程度上反映了乌克兰引发的全球冲突。俄罗斯调整了国防工业方向,以支持在乌克兰的战争,美国则向基辅运送了大量武器。对中国军事野心的担忧也刺激了美国向其亚洲伙伴和盟国的武器销售。 6park.com

The latest data, released Sunday by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, SIPRI, reflects, in part, the global conflict in Ukraine. Russia has reoriented its defense industry to support its war there, while the U.S. has sent weapons in large quantities to Kyiv. Concerns over China’s military ambitions are also fueling U.S. sales to its partners and allies in Asia. 6park.com

SIPRI是全球武器贸易和生产的权威研究机构,考虑到国家间的武器交易从订购、生产到运输要经过多年周期,该机构每年发布以五年为一个周期的数据。周日的数据涵盖了截至今年1月的五年期,以武器交付量为基础。 6park.com

SIPRI, a global authority on arms trade and production, releases data annually in five-year blocks, since arms deals between states run on multiyear cycles of ordering, production and shipment. Sunday’s figures cover the five-year period ending in January and are based on weapons deliveries. 6park.com

“美国加强了作为武器供应国的国际地位,这是美国外交政策的一个重要方面,”SIPRI武器转让项目主任Mathew George说。“美国的经济和地缘政治主导地位正受到新兴大国的挑战。” 6park.com

“The U.S.A. has increased its global role as an arms supplier—an important aspect of its foreign policy,” said Mathew George, the director of Sipri’s arms transfers program. “This comes at a time when the U.S.A.’s economic and geopolitical dominance is being challenged by emerging powers.”

在武器出口方面一度与美国并驾齐驱的俄罗斯已跌至第三位,而法国则跃居第二位。中国排名第四,德国排名第五。SIPRI榜单上排名前五位的国家占武器出口总量的75%。 6park.com

Russia, at one point a U.S. peer in arms exports, has fallen to third place, while France leapfrogged to second place in the rankings. China was fourth, Germany fifth. The five top countries on the SIPRI list accounted for 75% of all arms exports. 6park.com

美国出口增长了17%,在全球出口中所占份额从34%增至42%。美国向107个国家出口武器,超过了排在其后的两个最大出口国的总和。 6park.com

U.S. exports grew 17%, with the American share of global exports expanding to 42% from 34%. The U.S. sent arms to 107 countries, more than the total for the next two largest exporters combined. 6park.com

在全球冲突和不稳局势不断扩大激发武器需求的背景下,美国利用国内国防生产来加强联盟和伙伴关系。 6park.com

Amid expanding global conflict and instability, and a resultant hunger for weapons, the U.S. has used domestic defense production to strengthen alliances and partnerships. 6park.com

在SIPRI的报告覆盖期,乌克兰的武器进口占到美国武器总出口的4.7%,占美国对欧洲武器出口的17%。而在不久之前,乌克兰对美国武器的进口一直较为有限。 6park.com

Ukraine, until recently a limited importer of U.S. arms, accounted for 4.7% of U.S. weapons exports in the study’s time period and 17% of those that the U.S. sent to Europe. 6park.com

根据SIPRI的数据,在过去两年中,乌克兰是全球第四大武器进口国,接受了来自30多个国家的主要武器转让。 6park.com

In the past two years, according to SIPRI figures, Ukraine was the world’s fourth-largest arms importer, receiving transfers of major arms from more than 30 countries. 6park.com


与近年来的情况一样,在美国武器出口中,中东国家的进口占比最大,为38%;欧洲国家的进口占到28%。美国25年来首次成为亚洲和大洋洲最大的武器供应国,这反映出华盛顿对中国在台湾和整个亚太地区的意图日益担忧。 6park.com

As has been the case in recent years, the largest share of U.S. arms exports—38%—went to countries in the Middle East; 28% went to European countries. For the first time in 25 years, the U.S. was the largest arms supplier to Asia and Oceania, reflecting Washington’s rising concern over China’s designs on Taiwan and the region broadly. 6park.com

印度、沙特和卡塔尔是前三大武器进口国。 6park.com

India, Saudi Arabia and Qatar were the top three weapons importers. 6park.com

俄罗斯与乌克兰的战争、主要是两年前战争的扩大,影响了莫斯科的防务出口业务。从2022年到2023年,俄罗斯的武器出口量锐减了52%。 6park.com

Russia’s war with Ukraine—principally the expansion of that war two years ago—has withered Moscow’s defense-export business. Russian export volume plummeted 52% from 2022 to last year. 6park.com


“俄罗斯的武器销量已从苏联冷战时期的高位回落,针对乌克兰战争的内部需求最近导致了俄罗斯可转让的武器数量减少,”曾在美国国会研究处(Congressional Research Service)担任分析师几十年的军售专家Richard Grimmett说。 6park.com

Russia’s arms sales have fallen from the Soviet Union’s Cold War highs, and “the internal needs of the war against Ukraine has contributed, more recently, to the decline in Russian weapons available for transfer,” said Richard Grimmett, an expert on arms sales who served for decades as an analyst at the Congressional Research Service. 6park.com

2019年,俄罗斯向31个国家输送了大件武器。去年随着俄罗斯将产能用于供给本国军队,仅向12个国家出口了武器。 6park.com

In 2019, Russia shipped major weapons to 31 countries. Last year, that number fell to just a dozen, as Russia exploits its production capacity for use by its own forces. 6park.com

中国的武器出口量和进口量都有所下降,这些数字反映出俄罗斯武器供应受到挤压,中国政府需要用国产系统和弹药取而代之。中国占全球武器出口的近6%,向40个国家出口了大件武器,但其中61%出口到了巴基斯坦。 6park.com

China’s arms exports decreased, as did its weapons imports, the figures reflecting a squeeze in the availability of Russian arms and Beijing’s need to replace them with domestic systems and munitions. China, which accounted for nearly 6% of global arms exports, sent major arms to 40 states, although 61% of these exports went to Pakistan. 6park.com

伦敦防务与安全智库皇家联合军种研究所(Royal United Services Institute)所长Trevor Taylor说:“中国正在大力提高其系统的技术先进性和能力,但像歼-20飞机这样的项目还没有做好出口准备。” 6park.com

“China is making a great effort to improve the technological sophistication and capabilities of its systems but items such as the J-20 aircraft are not ready for export,” said Trevor Taylor, a director at the Royal United Services Institute, a London defense and security think tank. 6park.com

中国日益增长的军事实力似乎正在推动美国向盟国和合作伙伴出售武器,尤其是日本、韩国和澳大利亚。报告称,在过去五年中,美国对日本的武器出口增长了161%。 6park.com

China’s growing military power appears to be driving U.S. arms sales to allies and partners, particularly Japan, South Korea and Australia. Over the past five years, according to the report, U.S. arms exports to Japan increased by 161%. 6park.com

SIPRI的数据显示,法国首次成为世界第二大武器出口国。出口几乎增加了一倍,原因是“阵风”(Rafale)战斗机的转让急剧增加,主要是面向尽力避免依赖美国或俄罗斯的中东、南亚和东南亚国家。 6park.com

SIPRI figures show that for the first time, France is the world’s second-largest arms exporter. Its exports nearly doubled because of a sharp increase in transfers of Rafale combat aircraft, mostly to countries in the Middle East and South and Southeast Asia, which have sought to avoid dependence on either the U.S. or Russia.

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