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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-12 1:08 已读 3697 次 2 赞  


Biden Budget Seeks More Aid for Families, Higher Taxes on Wealthy Households, Corporations



美国总统拜登(Joe Biden)周一提出了规模7.3万亿美元的下一财年预算案,拟提高对富人和大公司的征税、削减赤字,降低处方药、儿童保育和住房成本。 6park.com

President Biden proposed Monday a $7.3 trillion budget for the next fiscal year that would raise taxes on wealthy people and large corporations, trim the deficit and lower the costs of prescription drugs, child care and housing. 6park.com

这项预算提案预计不会在国会获得支持,但将被拜登当做竞选连任的基石,因为他希望自己的经济政策能与共和党总统候选人特朗普(Donald Trump)的政策形成鲜明对比。美国政府尚未与国会就始自10月1日的本财年预算达成协议,众议院共和党人批评拜登的新预算提案是鲁莽的。 6park.com

The proposal isn’t expected to gain momentum in Congress, but will be a cornerstone of Biden’s re-election campaign as he looks to contrast his economic policies with those of presumed Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The administration has yet to reach an agreement with Congress on the budget for the current fiscal year, which began Oct. 1, and House Republicans have blasted Biden’s new proposal as reckless. 6park.com

按照拜登的2025财年预算案,拟在未来十年里把赤字削减3万亿美元,使税收净增4.9万亿美元,这个数额相当于比美国在不改变政策情况下的税收高出7%以上。 6park.com

The fiscal 2025 budget would cut the deficit by $3 trillion over the next decade, and it would raise taxes by a net total of $4.9 trillion, or more than 7% above what the U.S. would collect without any policy changes. 6park.com

拜登提议在下一财年拨款8,950亿美元用于军事项目,高于今年预计的8,860亿美元,目前全球多地存在冲突,其中包括俄罗斯对乌克兰的进攻及以色列在加沙发动的战争。美国联邦政府设定本财年的总支出约为6.9万亿美元,拜登提出的包括军费在内的多项开支增加将使下一财年总支出同比增加3,000亿美元。 6park.com

Biden proposes spending $895 billion on military programs in the coming fiscal year, up from an expected $886 billion this year, amid conflagrations around the world including Russia’s assault on Ukraine and Israel’s war in Gaza. The increase is one of several that lifts overall outlays by $300 billion from the roughly $6.9 trillion the federal government is set to spend this year. 6park.com

这份预算计划在很大程度上只是象征性的,列出了十年的支出和收入计划,这通常标志着政府与国会将就下一财年规划开启辩论。但分裂的美国国会目前正疲于批准本财年的拨款计划,令最新提出的预算案在大选年被国会通过成为法律的几率变得更低。 6park.com

The largely symbolic document, which sets out spending and revenue plans for a decade, typically marks the start of the debate with Congress over plans for the next fiscal year. But the divided Congress is straining to approve funding plans for the current fiscal year, giving the latest set of proposals even lower odds of becoming law in an election year. 6park.com

美国联邦政府每年的大部分开支属于法定支出,由以前的立法和美国政府对债权人的义务来决定,而这些义务正随着联邦债务的膨胀而不断增加。拜登政府将要求国会批准大约1.6万亿美元,作为下一财年拨款法案里的一部分,这略低于白宫对今年预计的自主支出额。 6park.com

Much of what the federal government spends every year is mandated by previous pieces of legislation and the U.S. government’s obligations to its creditors, which have grown as the federal debt has ballooned. The Biden administration is asking Congress to approve roughly $1.6 trillion as part of annual funding bills next year, a slight decrease from the discretionary spending the White House expects this year. 6park.com

在拜登与众议院共和党人去年达成的一项提高债务上限的协议中,对开支进行限制是内容之一。这些限制有助于减少赤字,美国国会预算办公室(Congressional Budget Office)预计,本财年的赤字将降至1.6万亿美元;在拜登和前总统特朗普(Donald Trump)执政期间,支出与收入之间的差距均有扩大。 6park.com

Biden and House Republicans agreed to spending limits last year as part of a deal for raising the debt limit. Those caps are helping to reduce the deficit, with the Congressional Budget Office expecting the gap between spending and revenue to dip to $1.6 trillion this fiscal year after widening under Biden and former President Trump. 6park.com

白宫发言人Olivia Dalton说,拜登的预算案“投资于美国各个方面,以确保每个人都有公平的机会,我们不让任何人掉队”。她说,国会共和党人“在此期间已经明确表达了他们的价值观;他们一再设法削减美国人民赖以生存的关键项目”。 6park.com

White House spokeswoman Olivia Dalton said Biden’s budget “invests in all of America to make sure everyone has a fair shot, we leave no one behind.” She said congressional Republicans “have made their values clear in the meantime; they have repeatedly fought to slash critical programs that the American people rely on.” 6park.com

众议院共和党领导人在一份声明中说,“拜登总统拟议预算的金额是又一个鲜明的提醒:这届政府贪得无厌地追求不计后果的开支,而民主党人则无视财政责任”。他们称这份预算案是一份“加速美国衰落的路线图”。 6park.com

House Republican leaders said in a statement that “the price tag of President Biden’s proposed budget is yet another glaring reminder of this administration’s insatiable appetite for reckless spending and the Democrats’ disregard for fiscal responsibility.” They called the budget a “roadmap to accelerate America’s decline.” 6park.com

这份预算案留下了一些空白。该预算案列出了加强社会保障的原则,但没有给出一项具体的计划。预算案呼吁支付2025年后为大多数家庭减税政策延期的费用,但没有详细说明如何支付。预算案还呼吁恢复扩大后的儿童抵税额,但只是暂时性的,将其纳入了有关2025年税项事务的整体辩论中。 6park.com

The budget leaves some blank spaces. It lists principles for shoring up Social Security, without specifying a plan. It calls for paying for extensions of tax cuts for most households after 2025 but doesn’t detail how that would be paid for. And it calls for restoring the expanded child tax credit, but only temporarily, lumping that into the broader 2025 tax debate. 6park.com


这份预算案的提出时间距离美国大选日不到八个月,目前的民调显示,特朗普以微弱优势领先拜登。随着拜登将工作重点转向大选,预计他将越来越多地寻求与他的推定对手形成对比,给特朗普戴上与选民优先事项脱节、是一个对民主构成危险之人的帽子。而特朗普已对拜登进行了抨击,指责了他在清洁能源等问题上的支出。 6park.com

The budget proposal comes less than eight months before Election Day and amid polls that show Trump with a narrow lead over Biden. As he shifts his focus to the general election, the president is expected to increasingly seek to draw a contrast with his presumed opponent, casting Trump as out of touch with voters’ priorities and a danger to democracy. Trump, in turn, has railed against the president, targeting his spending on issues such as clean energy.


美国今年大选的一个核心议题将是经济。白宫在预算中预测,在经济增速较当前水平上放缓的同时,到2025年,通货膨胀率将向美联储2%的目标下降。白宫表示,未来数年利率将维持在高位,而失业率将保持在低位。 6park.com

A central topic in the election will be the economy. As part of its budget, the White House forecast that inflation will fall toward the Federal Reserve’s 2% target by 2025 while growth slows from its current pace. Interest rates will stay elevated for years, the White House said, while the unemployment rate remains low. 6park.com

这份预算蓝图重提了拜登在2020年竞选期间提出的许多政策优先事项,这些政策在国会遭到了共和党人和一些民主党人的反对。不过,如果民主党赢回众议院并保持对参议院的控制权,尽管该前景不确定性相当大,但白宫希望在这种情况下上述提案能得到重新审视。拜登的顾问们还指出,在拜登主政后头几年反对其主要议程的两位温和派议员已决定不再寻求连任,他们是西弗吉尼亚州民主党Joe Manchin和亚利桑那州独立参议员Kyrsten Sinema。 6park.com

The budget blueprint revives many of the policy priorities Biden laid out during his 2020 campaign, and which faced opposition from Republicans and some Democrats in Congress. But the White House is hoping those proposals could get a second look if Democrats win back the House and keep control of the Senate, a prospect that is far from guaranteed. Biden advisers also note that two moderate lawmakers who objected to key portions of Biden’s agenda in his first years in office—Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and independent Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona—have decided not to seek re-election. 6park.com

拜登的顾问们认为,注重减少家庭开支将有助于推动拜登连任。据白宫称,拜登的预算案将在10年内为中低收入美国人减税7,650亿美元,这是基于拜登长期以来对年收入低于40万美元的人不加税的承诺。 6park.com

Biden’s advisers are betting that a focus on lowering costs for families will help push the president to re-election. His budget would lower taxes for middle and low-income Americans by $765 billion over a decade, according to the White House, building on the president’s longstanding pledge not to raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 a year. 6park.com

根据他的计划,将保障年收入低于20万美元的家庭获得有补贴的儿童保育服务,最低收入家庭无需支付任何费用。拜登提议建造或保留200多万套住房,并出台一系列税收减免,以减轻高昂的购房成本。他呼吁投入120亿美元来制定降低大学费用的策略,同时扩大佩尔助学金(Pell Grants),并提供免学费的社区大学。他还再次提出了一项联邦带薪探亲假和病假计划。 6park.com

Under his plan, families making less than $200,000 a year would be guaranteed subsidized child care, with the lowest income families paying nothing. The president proposed building or preserving more than two million housing units, and a series of tax credits to ease the high cost of purchasing a home. He calls for spending $12 billion to come up with strategies to reduce the cost of college, while expanding Pell Grants and offering tuition-free community college. And he again outlined a federal paid family- and medical-leave program.


拜登的预算案将通过上调对年收入超40万美元个人的工资、投资收益和自营职业收入的税收,来确保一个美国联邦医疗保险医院保险信托基金的偿付能力。拜登已发誓要保留美国联邦医疗保险。特朗普也已表示,不会削减美国联邦医疗保险,尽管他之前的预算提案呼吁削减该项目开支。 6park.com

Biden’s budget would ensure the solvency of a Medicare hospital-insurance trust fund by increasing taxes on the wages, investment gains and self-employment income of people earning more than $400,000 a year. The president has vowed to preserve Medicare. Trump has also said he wouldn’t cut Medicare, although his previous budget proposals called for spending reductions in the program. 6park.com

拜登的这份提案将大幅扩大美国联邦医疗保险(Medicare)价格谈判清单中的药品数量,从每年最多20种增加到50种。美国联邦医疗保险是一项面向老年人和残疾人的联邦卫生计划。该提案将把美国联邦医疗保险中处方药自付费用的2000美元上限和糖尿病药物胰岛素一个月35美元的费用分担上限扩展到商业市场。 6park.com

The president’s proposal would significantly expand the number of drugs subject to price negotiation in Medicare, a federal health program for seniors and the disabled, to 50 a year from a maximum of 20. It would extend a $2,000 cap on out-of-pocket prescription drugs in Medicare, and a $35 cost-sharing cap for a month of the diabetes drug insulin, to the commercial market.


这份预算中不包括稳定美国社会保障(Social Security)的详细计划。美国社会保障与美国联邦医疗保险一样,在未来十年也将面临资金短缺问题。拜登建议与国会合作,通过增加对美国富人的税收来加强该计划,防止削减并确保其偿付能力,具体增税项目未作说明。美国管理及预算办公室主任Shalanda Young周一表示,美国社会保障税对高收入者的计税收入有最高限额是不公平的,但上述预算不会改变这一政策。 6park.com

The budget doesn’t include a detailed plan for stabilizing Social Security, which like Medicare, faces a shortfall in the coming decade. Instead, the president proposes working with Congress to strengthen the program, prevent cuts and ensure its solvency by increasing unspecified taxes on wealthy Americans. Shalanda Young, director of the Office of Management and Budget, said Monday that it was unfair that Social Security taxes are capped for high earners, but the budget wouldn’t change that policy. 6park.com


这份预算案将使针对在交易所购买《平价医疗法案》(Affordable Care Act)计划者的加计保费税收抵免永久化,不会在2025纳税年度结束时失效,不过这在分裂国会的情况下不太可能实现。 6park.com

The budget would make enhanced premium tax credits for people who buy Affordable Care Act plans on the exchanges permanent instead of allowing them to sunset at the end of the 2025 tax year, although this is unlikely in a divided Congress. 6park.com

共和党人在2017年颁布的许多减税措施将在2025年后到期。与去年一样,拜登的预算表示,拜登支持针对收入低于40万美元的家庭延长这些减税政策,并支持为这些减税政策的延长支付费用,以避免增加预算赤字。但他并没有提出相关的具体计划,而是将他建议的增税用于支付扩大的项目和声称的赤字削减。 6park.com

Many of the tax cuts enacted in 2017 by Republicans expire after 2025. Like last year, Biden’s budget says that the president supports extending those tax cuts for households making under $400,000 and paying for those extensions to avoid increasing budget deficits. But he doesn’t lay out a specific plan for doing so, and instead devotes his proposed tax increases to pay for expanded programs and claimed deficit reduction.


拜登还呼吁恢复2021年生效的扩大后的儿童抵税额,但只是暂时性的,期限至2025年。这意味着他所支持提案的全部永久性成本并未纳入这份预算,而如果这项税收抵免延长期限,赤字或增税可能会更大。 6park.com

Biden also calls for restoring the expanded child tax credit that was in effect during 2021—but only temporarily through 2025. That means the full permanent cost of the proposal he supports isn’t included in the budget, and deficits or tax increases would likely be larger if it were extended. 6park.com

Young被问及预算中呼吁暂时扩大儿童税收减免时说:“我们也知道,在这个国家,我们将在2025年底迎来一场关于税收的激烈辩论。” 6park.com

“We also know in this country we’re going to have a robust tax debate at the end of 2025,” said Young, when asked about the budget’s call for a temporary child-credit expansion. 6park.com

预算案重复了拜登过去的许多增税提议,包括提高公司和高收入个人的税率,以及对最富有美国人的未实现资本收益设置最低税率。拜登上周推出了几项新的增税措施,如将新的企业替代性最低税率从15%提高到21%,以及当企业支付给任何员工(不仅仅包括高层管理人员)的工资超过100万美元时不得享受扣除。 6park.com

The budget repeats many past Biden tax-increase proposals, including higher tax rates on corporations and high-income individuals along with minimum taxes on the wealthiest Americans’ unrealized capital gains. Biden rolled out several new tax increases last week, such as raising his new corporate alternative-minimum-tax rate to 21% from 15% and denying deductions when corporations pay any workers, not just top executives, more than $1 million. 6park.com

到2031年,拜登的增税措施将使联邦收入占GDP的比重达到20%,二战以来达到这一比例的情形仅有一次。 6park.com

By 2031, Biden’s tax increases would push federal revenue as a share of the economy to 20%, a level reached only once since World War II. 6park.com

在移民问题上,预算案包括一项要求——向国土安全部增拨87亿美元;该要求去年秋天首次在补充资金申请中提出。其中很大一部分资金将用于填补因去年移民人数激增超出预期而造成的预算缺口,但有29亿美元将用于长期投资,包括雇佣更多的庇护官来裁定案件,以及雇佣更多的边境巡逻人员。 6park.com

On immigration, the budget includes an ask—first made last fall in a supplemental funding request—to send an additional $8.7 billion to the Department of Homeland Security. Much of that funding would plug a budget hole created by a larger-than-expected surge of migrants last year, but $2.9 billion would fund longer-term investments, including hiring more asylum officers to decide cases and more Border Patrol agents. 6park.com

预算提案还重申了拜登提出的向乌克兰提供紧急援助的补充请求,但由于众议院议长约翰逊(Mike Johnson, 共和党, 路易斯安那州)不愿将该方案提交国会讨论,该请求在国会陷入僵局。 6park.com

The budget proposal also reiterates Biden’s supplemental request for emergency aid for Ukraine, which has stalled in Congress amid a reluctance by House Speaker Mike Johnson (R., La.) to bring the package to the floor. 6park.com

经通胀因素调整后,五角大楼的拟议申请连续第二年减少了武器开支,而部队和文职人员的加薪则提高了整体预算。 6park.com

The proposed Pentagon request reduces spending on weapons for the second year in a row after adjusting for inflation, with pay rises for troops and civilians raising the overall budget. 6park.com

据预算文件,武器开支将从2027年开始回升,届时五角大楼希望能够在F-35战斗机和弗吉尼亚级攻击型潜艇的采购方面赶上进度,而在2025年的预算申请中,这些开支将被削减。 6park.com

Weapons spending would start to rise again from 2027, according to budget documents, when the Pentagon hopes to catch up on purchases of F-35 combat jets and Virginia-class attack submarines that would be trimmed in the request for 2025. 6park.com

五角大楼官员表示,他们将继续关注轰炸机、潜艇和导弹等核威慑力量的现代化,加强美国在太空的存在,并提高现有部队的战备状态。 6park.com

Pentagon officials said they remained focused on modernizing the nuclear deterrent of bombers, submarines and missiles, boosting the U.S. presence in space and improving the readiness of existing forces.

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