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双语资讯速览 | 拜登:内塔尼亚胡对加沙平民的做法伤害了以色列
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-11 18:56 已读 3075 次 2 赞  




Joe Biden has accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of “hurting Israel” through his administration’s treatment of Palestinians, but added the US would not set a “red line” limiting his actions against Hamas. 6park.com

乔•拜登(Joe Biden)指责以色列总理本雅明•内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)政府对待巴勒斯坦人的做法“伤害了以色列”,但他补充道,美国不会设置“红线”限制他对哈马斯的行动。 6park.com

The US president also said in an interview with MSNBC that he would not “give up” on the possibility of a ceasefire ahead of Ramadan, which begins on Monday. The CIA’s director William Burns was still in the region, he said. 6park.com

拜登在接受MSNBC采访时还表示,他不会“放弃”在从周一开始的斋月(Ramadan)之前停火的可能性。他表示,中情局(CIA)局长威廉•伯恩斯(William Burns)仍在该地区。 6park.com

Biden said the Israeli prime minister had the “right to defend Israel and a right to continue to pursue Hamas, but he must, he must, he must pay more attention to the innocent lives being lost”. 6park.com

拜登表示,以色列总理“有权保卫以色列,有权继续打击哈马斯,但他必须、必须、必须更加关注无辜生命的丧失”。 6park.com

——本文2024年3月11日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Joe Biden says Benjamin Netanyahu is ‘hurting Israel’ with high death toll in Gaza



Americans are increasingly happy about the economy but reluctant to give credit to Joe Biden, according to a new poll that underscores the US president’s challenges as he squares off against Donald Trump in this year’s general election. 6park.com

一项新的民意调查显示,美国人对经济越来越满意,但不愿把这归功于乔•拜登(Joe Biden)。这项调查突显了这位美国总统在今年大选中与唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)对峙之际面临的挑战。 6park.com

Almost half of US voters said they were now living “comfortably” or able to “meet expenses with a little left over”, according to the latest FT-Michigan Ross poll. The 48 per cent figure recorded in March compared with just 43 per cent in November 2023, when the Financial Times first asked the question. 6park.com

英国《金融时报》与密歇根大学罗斯商学院(FT-Michigan Ross)的最新民调显示,近一半的美国选民表示,他们现在生活“舒适”或能够“应付开支并略有剩余”。3月份录得的这一数字为48%,而英国《金融时报》在2023年11月首次提出这个问题时,这一比例仅为43%。 6park.com

Similarly, 30 per cent of respondents described overall economic conditions in the US as “excellent” or “good” in March, up from 21 per cent in November. 6park.com

同样,在3月份,30%的受访者将美国的整体经济状况描述为“优秀”或“良好”,高于11月份的21%。 6park.com

——本文2024年3月11日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Biden’s economic rating with voters flatlines despite improving outlook



India has announced a trade pact with four small European countries featuring what New Delhi described as a “binding” commitment by the partner states to invest $100bn and create 1mn jobs over 15 years. 6park.com

印度宣布与四个欧洲小国达成贸易协定,新德里称这四个伙伴国做出了一项“具有约束力”的承诺,即在15年内投资1000亿美元并创造100万个就业岗位。 6park.com

The deal was struck after more than 15 years of negotiations with the European Free Trade Association, whose members are Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein, none of which are big trading partners for New Delhi. 6park.com

该协议是在与欧洲自由贸易协会(European Free Trade Association)进行了逾15年的谈判后达成的。该协会的成员包括瑞士、冰岛、挪威和列支敦士登,这些国家都不是印度的重要贸易伙伴。 6park.com

The announcement comes days before Prime Minister Narendra Modi is due to announce dates for a national election, in which his government’s economic record over the past five years, including on negotiating free trade agreements, will be in focus. 6park.com

几天后,印度总理纳伦德拉•莫迪(Narendra Modi)将宣布全国大选的日期,他领导的政府过去五年的经济记录,包括自由贸易协定的谈判,将成为大选的焦点。 6park.com

——本文2024年3月11日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为India strikes free trade deal with countries including Switzerland



Saudi Aramco boosted its dividend to almost $100bn as it reported the second-highest annual profit in its history, even as lower oil prices and state-led production cuts weighed on performance. 6park.com

沙特阿美(Saudi Aramco)将股息提高至近1000亿美元,该公司公布了其历史上第二高的年度利润,尽管油价下跌和国家主导的减产拖累了该公司的业绩。 6park.com

Net income at the state-owned group was $121bn last year, the company said on Sunday, down about a quarter from the $161bn set in 2022 when soaring fossil fuel prices supercharged profits to record levels. 6park.com

这家国有集团上周日表示,去年净利润为1210亿美元,比2022年的1610亿美元下降了约四分之一,当时化石燃料价格飙升,使利润飙升至创纪录水平。 6park.com

Still, the world’s largest oil producer was able to increase its total dividend in 2023 by 30 per cent year-on-year to $97.8bn, chief executive Amin Nasser said, largely through additional performance-linked payments introduced last May. 6park.com

尽管如此,该公司首席执行官阿明•纳赛尔(Amin Nasser)表示,这家全球最大的石油生产商仍能够将2023年的股息总额同比提高30%,至978亿美元,这主要是通过去年5月引入的额外绩效挂钩支付。 6park.com

——本文2024年3月11日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Saudi Aramco increases dividend to nearly $100bn despite oil price falls

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