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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-11 1:10 已读 3022 次 1 赞  


Biden Draws Sharp Contrast With Trump in State of the Union



美国总统拜登(Joe Biden)周四直面国会共和党人士,他在激昂的大选年国情咨文演讲中,试图让美国人相信他的政策促进了经济发展、保护了他们的自由,并一再与前总统特朗普(Donald Trump)进行对比。 6park.com

Confronting congressional Republicans, President Biden on Thursday sought to convince Americans that his policies have bolstered the economy and warned that their freedoms are at risk in a feisty election-year State of the Union address that drew repeated contrasts with former President Donald Trump. 6park.com

拜登在国会联席会议上的讲话主要集中于他争取连任的理由。两天前,特朗普几乎拿下了在“超级星期二”举行共和党党内初选的所有州,巩固了他作为共和党推定候选人的地位,也为他与拜登之间进行一场非同寻常的再次对决创造了条件。 6park.com

Biden’s speech before a joint session of Congress focused heavily on his case for a second term. It came two days after Trump cemented his position as the presumptive Republican nominee with victories in nearly all of the Super Tuesday states, setting the stage for an unusual rematch between two candidates who have both sat behind the Resolute Desk. 6park.com

拜登说,他一生的经历“教会我拥抱自由和民主。未来建基于那些定义了美国的核心价值观:诚实、正派、尊严、平等”。拜登还隐晦地提到了特朗普:“现在,与我年龄差不多的某人看到的是另一个故事:一个充满怨恨、报复和报应的美国故事。我不是这样的人。” 6park.com

Biden said his lifetime “has taught me to embrace freedom and democracy. A future based on the core values that have defined America: honesty, decency, dignity, equality.” He added, in a veiled reference to Trump: “Now some other people my age see a different story: an American story of resentment, revenge, and retribution. That’s not me.” 6park.com

拜登从未提及特朗普的名字,但有十多次提到他的“前任”,反复比较他和特朗普的政绩。拜登似乎对与基本上反对他议程的国会共和党人互相拉锯乐此不疲。他在讲话中提到了参议院两党达成的一项边境协议,该协议将允许政府在每天过境移民超过4,000人的门槛时驱逐移民,这引起了共和党人的嘲笑。 6park.com

Biden never uttered Trump’s name but referred to his “predecessor” more than a dozen times, repeatedly comparing his record with Trump’s. He appeared to relish a give-and-take with congressional Republicans who largely oppose his agenda. At one point, he referred to the bipartisan border agreement in the Senate that would have allowed the government to expel migrants if crossings surpassed a daily threshold of 4,000, prompting jeers from Republicans. 6park.com

拜登问道:“哦,你不喜欢那个法案,是吗?”特朗普反对这一措施,并敦促国会共和党人予以否决。拜登说,“真是见鬼了”,后来还说,如果共和党人在参议院通过上述协议,他就准备解决边境问题。 6park.com

“Oh, you don’t like that bill, huh?” he asked. Trump opposed the plan and urged congressional Republicans to reject it. “I’ll be darned,” he said, adding later that he was ready to fix the border if Republicans pass the Senate agreement.


拜登还脱稿回答了共和党人的一些提问,共和党人就22岁的护理专业学生Laken Riley在美国佐治亚州雅典遇害一事向他喊话。警方声称Riley是被一名委内瑞拉公民杀害的,移民官员称这名委内瑞拉人是非法入境美国的。拜登拿着一枚保守派人士分发的印有Riley名字的徽章,讲话时念错了Riley的名字。他还说,“但成千上万的人中有多少被非法移民杀害的呢”。指的是此类凶杀案很少发生。 6park.com

Biden also went off script to address Republicans who shouted questions at him about the killing of Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student in Athens, Ga. Police allege she was killed by a Venezuelan citizen, who immigration officials said entered the U.S. illegally. Holding a badge passed around by conservatives with Riley’s name on it, Biden incorrectly said Riley’s first name. He added: “But how many of the thousands of people are being killed by illegals,” a reference to the rarity of such killings. 6park.com

81岁的拜登是美国最年长的总统,他最近不得不面对一份特别顾问报告,该报告称拜登似乎是一位“记忆力差的老人”。这让捐赠者和民主党高层感到担忧。 6park.com

Biden, who at age 81 is the nation’s oldest president, has been forced to contend with a recent special counsel report that said he seemed like an “elderly man with a poor memory,” creating worries among donors and top Democrats. 6park.com

拜登在演讲一开始就指出了民主在国内外面临的威胁。他敦促国会议员支持对乌克兰的新一轮军事援助,并警告称,乌克兰抵御俄罗斯攻击的能力已到了关键节点。 6park.com

The president opened his speech pointing to the threats to democracy at home and abroad. He urged members of Congress to back another round of military aid for Ukraine, warning that the country’s ability to defend itself from Russia’s attacks has reached a crossroads. 6park.com

“历史正在凝视着我们,”拜登表示。“如果美国抽身而出,将置乌克兰于危险之中。” 6park.com

“History is literally watching,” Biden said. “If the United States walks away, it will put Ukraine at risk.” 6park.com

拜登一直在敦促众议院议长、路易斯安那州共和党人约翰逊(Mike Johnson)将参议院批准的向美国盟友乌克兰、以色列和台湾提供近1,000亿美元援助的方案提交表决。约翰逊在边境限制方面坚持己见,而民主党人不会接受他的立场。拜登的盟友和一些共和党人正考虑在没有约翰逊支持的情况下通过这项援助方案。 6park.com

The president has been urging House Speaker Mike Johnson (R., La.) to bring up for a vote a Senate-approved package providing nearly $100 billion for U.S. allies Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. Johnson has insisted on border restrictions that Democrats won’t accept. Biden’s allies and some Republicans are considering attempting to pass the aid without Johnson’s support. 6park.com

拜登还在没点名的情况下抨击特朗普在散布围绕2020年大选的舞弊指控中所扮演的角色。受这些指控影响,2021年1月6日,特朗普的支持者袭击了国会大厦。 6park.com

He also called out Trump for his role in disseminating fraud allegations about the 2020 election, which led to the attack by Trump supporters on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. 6park.com

拜登表示:“你不能只在自己获胜时才热爱你的国家。” 6park.com

“You can’t love your country only when you win,” Biden said. 6park.com

目前拜登的总统任期处于一个充满挑战的阶段。《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)最近的一项民调显示,尽管公众对美国经济表现出更乐观情绪,但拜登仍以微弱差距落后于他的共和党对手。在摇摆州进行的民调也显示出拜登在正面交锋中落后于特朗普。 6park.com

The address arrived during a challenging stretch in Biden’s presidency. A recent Wall Street Journal poll found Biden narrowly trailing his Republican rival even as the public expresses a more upbeat mood about the economy. Polls in battleground states also show the president behind Trump in head-to-head matchups.


“我接手的是一个濒临崩溃的经济,”拜登表示。“如今的美国经济让全世界羡慕不已。” 6park.com

“I inherited an economy that was on the brink,” he said. “Now our economy is the envy of the world.” 6park.com

白宫在拜登演讲前表示,美国军方将在加沙沿岸设置一个临时码头,供货船卸载食品、水和其他紧急物资,以帮助解决以色列与哈马斯交战期间的人道主义危机。 6park.com

Before the speech, the White House said the U.S. military would install a temporary pier off the Gaza coast for cargo ships to unload food, water and other emergency supplies to help address the humanitarian crisis amid the fighting between Israel and Hamas. 6park.com


“这个临时码头将使每天进入加沙的人道主义援助数量大增,”拜登说。“但以色列也必须尽自己的一份力量。以色列必须允许更多援助进入加沙,并确保人道主义工作者不会被卷入纷争。” 6park.com

“This temporary pier would enable a massive increase in the amount of humanitarian assistance getting into Gaza every day,” he said in the address. “But Israel must also do its part. Israel must allow more aid into Gaza and ensure that humanitarian workers aren’t caught in the crossfire.” 6park.com

拜登已在推动加沙的以哈战争人道主义停火六周,并敦促交战双方在伊斯兰斋月下周开始前就临时停火达成一致。周四早些时候,这些希望可能因哈马斯退出旨在寻求停火的会谈而化为泡影。 6park.com

Biden has been seeking a six-week humanitarian pause in the fighting in Gaza between Israel and Hamas and urging the parties to agree to the temporary cease-fire before the start of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan next week. Those hopes were likely dashed earlier Thursday when Hamas pulled out of talks aimed at seeking a cease-fire. 6park.com


民主党内的进步派已敦促拜登,应该对以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)采取更强硬立场并要求实现永久停火。在密歇根州和明尼苏达州的总统大选党内初选中,这些担忧以“未表态”选票的形式浮出水面。 6park.com

Progressives within Biden’s party have urged him to seek a tougher line against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and demand a permanent cease-fire. Those concerns surfaced in the form of “uncommitted” votes in Michigan and Minnesota’s presidential primaries. 6park.com

在拜登发表演讲前,美国国会大厦附近的一条街道上聚集了大批呼吁在加沙实现永久停火的抗议者,许多人身穿带有“Biden's Legacy = Genocide”(拜登的遗产=种族灭绝)字样的T恤。 6park.com

A large gathering of protesters calling for a permanent cease-fire in Gaza took over a street near the U.S. Capitol ahead of Biden’s address, with many donning shirts that read “Biden’s Legacy = Genocide.” 6park.com

拜登敦促议员把企业最低税率至少上调到21%,并对美国公司海外利润征收更高的税。 6park.com

Biden urged lawmakers to raise the corporate minimum tax to at least 21% and boost taxes on U.S. companies’ foreign profits. 6park.com

他认为,特朗普政府任内获批的2万亿美元减税政策基本上是让最富有的美国人和大公司获益,并“使联邦赤字爆炸性增长”。 6park.com

He argued that the $2 trillion tax cut approved during the Trump administration overwhelmingly helps the wealthiest Americans and large corporations and “exploded the federal deficit.” 6park.com

“对于国内民众来说,真的有人认为这项税法是公平的吗?”拜登说,并问富人和大公司是否需要再减税2万亿美元。一些人大喊“不”。 6park.com

“For folks at home, does anybody really think the tax code is fair?” Biden said, asking if the wealthy and large corporations need another $2 trillion in tax breaks. Some members yelled, “No.” 6park.com

拜登说:“我当然不这么认为。我会继续拼命斗争,使之公平。” 6park.com

“I sure don’t. I’m going to keep fighting like hell to make it fair,” Biden said. 6park.com

这场电视讲话给拜登带来的观众数量,可能将是他在8月份的民主党全国代表大会上发表讲话之前最多的一次。 6park.com

The televised address offered Biden what will likely be his largest audience of viewers until he addresses the Democratic National Convention in August. 6park.com

堕胎权在此次演讲中占据了重要位置。民主党人认为,美国最高法院2022年推翻“罗诉韦德案”的决定,在今年11月的选举中将具有强大说服力。该案被推翻使堕胎权不再受美国宪法保护。在会议厅内,民主党妇女核心小组(Democratic Women's Caucus)成员身着白衣,支持生育权。 6park.com

Abortion rights played a prominent role in the speech. Democrats view the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision overturning Roe v. Wade that eliminated the right to the procedure as a powerful persuasive force in November’s elections. Inside the chamber, members of the Democratic Women’s Caucus dressed in white in support of reproductive rights. 6park.com

拜登说,他的前任“一心想看到罗诉韦德案被推翻”,并称,“看看由此造成的混乱”。 6park.com

Biden said his predecessor was “determined to see Roe v. Wade overturned,” and added, “Look at the chaos that has resulted.” 6park.com

拜登说,“在座的许多人和我的前任”都希望通过一项全国性的堕胎禁令。他暗示这可能是一个开始。“天啊,你们下一步会剥夺什么自由?” 6park.com

He said “many of you in this chamber and my predecessor” wanted to pass a national abortion ban, suggesting it could be an opening salvo. “My God, what freedoms will you take away next?” 6park.com


众议院共和党议员表示,拜登的国情咨文演讲没能弥合分歧,也没能让选民们相信他们从拜登的政策中受益。 6park.com

Republicans said the speech failed to break the divide or convince voters that they are benefiting from Biden’s policies. 6park.com

亚拉巴马州共和党参议员Katie Britt在发表共和党对拜登演讲的回应时说:“美国人民在勉强度日,而拜登总统却自豪地宣称‘拜登经济学’正在见成效。” 6park.com

“The American people are scraping by while President Biden proudly proclaims that ‘Bidenomics’ is working,” said Sen. Katie Britt (R., Ala.) in delivering the Republican reply to Biden. 6park.com

拜登宣布了降低药品价格和扩大医疗保险范围的更多措施。他还提出了一项新计划,可为已申请某些房贷的房主节省数千美元过户费。 6park.com

Biden announced additional efforts to reduce drug prices and expand health coverage. He also presented a new program to save homeowners thousands of dollars in closing costs on certain mortgages.


《华尔街日报》在俄被拘记者埃文·格什科维奇(Evan Gershkovich)的父母作为约翰逊的嘉宾出席了国情咨文演讲。美国政府已认定格什科维奇被不当拘留。 6park.com

The parents of imprisoned Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, who is detained in Russia, attended the speech as guests of Johnson. The U.S. government has designated Gershkovich as wrongfully detained.

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