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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-10 3:42 已读 3397 次  


EU delays stricter rules on imports from deforested areas

Every country to be designated as standard risk to give them more time to adapt to regulation. 6park.com


The EU intends to delay strict policing of imports from areas prone to deforestation after several governments in Asia, Africa and Latin America complained that the rules would be burdensome, unfair and scare off investors. 6park.com

欧盟打算推迟对来自森林砍伐易发地区的进口产品实施严格监管,此前亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲的一些国家政府抱怨这些规定会造成负担、不公平并吓跑投资者。 6park.com


Brussels will put off classification of countries into low, standard or high risk, which was due to be implemented by December, instead designating every country as standard risk to give them more time to adapt to the anti-deforestation regulation, three EU officials told the Financial Times. 6park.com

三名欧盟官员向英国《金融时报》表示,欧盟将推迟原定于12月实施的将各国划分为低风险、标准风险和高风险的做法,而是将每个国家都划分为标准风险,以便让它们有更多时间适应反毁林法规。 6park.com


“We will simply not classify which means everywhere will be medium risk — we need more time to get the system in place,” said one official. “We have had a lot of complaints from partners. [The delay] means no country will have an advantage over another.” 6park.com

“我们干脆不进行分类,这意味着所有国家都将是中等风险——我们需要更多时间来落实这一系统。”一位官员说,“我们收到了很多来自合作伙伴的抱怨。(推迟)意味着没有哪个国家会比另一个国家更有优势。” 6park.com


The law, part of the EU’s flagship Green Deal, was passed last year and aims to reduce EU consumers’ role in cutting down woodland by barring imports including coffee, cocoa, palm oil and rubber that have been grown in deforested areas from being sold in the bloc. 6park.com

该法律是欧盟旗舰项目“绿色新政”(Green Deal)的一部分,于去年获得通过,旨在通过禁止在欧盟销售在森林砍伐地区种植的咖啡、可可、棕榈油和橡胶等进口产品,减少欧盟消费者在砍伐森林中的作用。 6park.com


But the regulation prompted ire from several developing nations that accused the EU of forcing its green standards on to others. Major palm oil producing countries including Indonesia and Malaysia raised “multiple concerns” over the rules in a letter to the European Commission in September. 6park.com

但这一规定引起了一些发展中国家的愤怒,他们指责欧盟将其绿色标准强加给其他国家。包括印度尼西亚和马来西亚在内的主要棕榈油生产国在9月份给欧盟委员会的一封信中对这些规定提出了“多重担忧”。 6park.com


“The legislation disregards local circumstances and capabilities, national legislation and certification mechanisms of developing producer countries, [as well as] their efforts to fight deforestation and multilateral commitments, including the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities,” it said. 6park.com

报告说:“这项立法忽视了发展中生产国的当地情况和能力、国家立法和认证机制,以及它们为打击乱砍滥伐所做的努力和多边承诺,包括共同但有区别的责任原则。” 6park.com


Companies said they could pull out of “high-risk” areas because the burden of proving their products did not come from deforested land was too high, while several have started to favour supply deals with bigger producers that can afford to deploy sophisticated geolocation technology. 6park.com

企业表示,它们可能退出“高风险”地区,因为要证明其产品不是来自毁林土地的负担太重,而一些企业已开始倾向于与有能力部署复杂地理定位技术的大型生产商达成供应协议。 6park.com


The law, which is a crucial part of Brussels’ plans to reach net zero emissions in the bloc by 2050, requires that importers provide geolocation data to prove their goods have not been sourced from areas affected by deforestation. 6park.com

这项法律是欧盟到2050年实现欧盟净零排放计划的重要组成部分,它要求进口商提供地理位置数据,以证明其货物并非来自受乱砍滥伐影响的地区。 6park.com


It was originally conceived as operating through a traffic light system that would classify countries as having a high, medium or low risk of deforestation. The system will use metrics such as the rate of land degradation and the expansion of agricultural activity as well as evidence from indigenous communities and NGOs. 6park.com

根据最初的设想,该系统将通过交通灯系统进行操作,将各国划分为森林砍伐风险高、中或低的国家。该系统将使用诸如土地退化率和农业活动扩张等指标,以及来自土着社区和非政府组织的证据。 6park.com


The level of checks on imports will depend on the area of origin’s classification, with EU customs authorities tasked with checking 3 per cent of goods from medium-risk nations and 9 per cent from high-risk countries. 6park.com

对进口商品的检查程度将取决于原产地的分类,欧盟海关当局的任务是检查3%来自中等风险国家的商品,9%来自高风险国家的商品。 6park.com


Products covered by the legislation include cattle, soyabeans and wood. Unchecked, EU demand for these imports would contribute about 248,000 hectares a year of deforestation by 2030, according to commission research. 6park.com

该法案涵盖的产品包括牛、大豆和木材。根据欧盟委员会的研究,如果不加以控制,到2030年,欧盟对这些进口产品的需求将导致每年约24.8万公顷的森林被砍伐。 6park.com


In a further effort to placate developing countries, officials confirmed that Brussels would take a regional rather than a national approach, so the plains of southern Brazil would eventually be classified as lower risk than the Amazon region, where vast tracts of rainforest have been cleared. Brazil is a leading exporter of soyabeans and other agricultural commodities. 6park.com

为了进一步安抚发展中国家,官员们证实,布鲁塞尔将针对区域、而非国家进行划分,因此最终巴西南部平原的风险比亚马逊地区低,因为亚马逊地区的大片雨林已被砍伐殆尽。巴西是大豆和其他农产品的主要出口国。 6park.com


One EU official said slowing the classification process would not involve any legislative changes but was a “signal that we’re not planning to rush it”. 6park.com

一位欧盟官员表示,放慢分类进程不会涉及任何立法上的变化,但这是一个“信号,表明我们不打算仓促行事”。 6park.com


Developing countries are particularly incensed that the law was passed in June last year without clear guidance on how to comply. They highlighted issues such as the risk that hundreds of thousands of tonnes of coffee and cocoa beans could be destroyed. 6park.com

令发展中国家尤其愤怒的是,该法律于去年6月通过,但没有关于如何遵守的明确指导。他们强调了一些问题,比如数十万吨咖啡和可可豆可能被销毁的风险。 6park.com


Malaysia’s trade minister Zafrul Aziz said his country and others needed time and assistance to put in place control systems. 6park.com

马来西亚贸易部长扎弗鲁尔•阿齐兹(Zafrul Aziz)表示,马来西亚和其他国家需要时间和援助来建立管控系统。 6park.com


“You need time because it is costly to meet those standards, all those transparency or disclosure requirements,” he told the FT, adding that it would be “no issue” for big companies but many “smallholders” would struggle to comply. 6park.com

他对英国《金融时报》说:“你需要时间,因为达到这些标准、所有那些透明度或披露要求的成本很高。”他补充称,这对大公司来说“不成问题”,但许多“小农”将难以遵守。 6park.com


He added that Kuala Lumpur was collaborating with Brussels on how to implement the law. 6park.com

他补充说,吉隆坡正在与布鲁塞尔就如何实施该法律进行合作。 6park.com


The commission declined to comment. 6park.com


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