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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-08 0:02 已读 4054 次 1 赞  


China’s Foreign Minister Questions U.S. Confidence as World Power



中国外交部长将美国描绘成一个偏执多疑的超级大国,并批评欧洲对华政策越来越混乱,这些言论揭示出,尽管中国和西方国家为稳定关系开展了大量外交活动,但彼此间的不信任依然根深蒂固。 6park.com

China’s foreign minister painted the U.S. as a paranoid superpower and criticized Europe’s policy toward Beijing as increasingly muddled, comments that laid bare how deep distrust persists between China and the West despite a surge of diplomacy to stabilize ties. 6park.com

在周四长达90分钟的新闻发布会上,中国外交部长王毅还对俄乌战争升级的可能性发出警告,赞扬了中俄之间的密切关系,并呼应了俄罗斯总统普京(Vladimir Putin)最近做出的关于冲突可能旷日持久的表态。 6park.com

In a 90-minute press conference Thursday, Foreign Minister Wang Yi also warned of the possible escalation in the war between Russia and Ukraine, celebrated the close ties between Beijing and Moscow and echoed recent comments by Russian President Vladimir Putin about the risk of a protracted conflict. 6park.com

尽管王毅言辞锋利,时常发表针对西方的强硬观点,但在此次新闻发布会上,他并没有对美国进行最尖锐的抨击。王毅在会上承认,自去年11月美国总统拜登和中国领导人习近平在加州旧金山举行会晤以来,中美关系改善确实取得一些进展,但他随后指出美方并没有真正兑现承诺。 6park.com

Wang, a strident diplomat known for his at-times hawkish views toward the West, saved his sharpest barbs for the U.S. After acknowledging “some progress” in improving U.S.-China ties since the November summit between President Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping in California, Wang said the U.S. was still failing to keep its promises. 6park.com

他说,“美国如果一听到“中国”这两个字就紧张焦虑,大国的自信何在?”他还表示,“美国面对的挑战在自身,而不在中国。如果一门心思打压中国,最终必将害了自己。” 6park.com

“Where is the confidence of a great power if the U.S. grows anxious when it hears the word ‘China?’” he said. “The challenge facing the U.S. lies within itself and not with China. If you’re focused on suppressing China, you’ll inevitably hurt yourself.” 6park.com


王毅还提到美国对华高科技出口限制(后者包括AI所需的先进半导体),可见北京方面对这一问题的忧虑。 6park.com

The foreign minister also nodded to the anxiety in Beijing over U.S. restrictions on high-tech exports to China, including advanced semiconductors needed for artificial intelligence. 6park.com

王毅说,“美国如果执意垄断价值链高端,只让中国停留在低端,公平竞争何在?” 6park.com

“If the United States insists on monopolizing the high end of the value chain, and only allowing China to remain at the low end, then where is the fair competition?” Wang said. 6park.com


尽管王毅对美国提出了批评,但他的言辞比之前其他中国高级外交官要和缓一些。去年此时,中国时任外交部长秦刚曾警告说,如果美国不改变其做法,中美之间可能会发生冲突。 6park.com

Despite the criticism of Washington, Wang was more tempered than in previous appearances by top Chinese diplomats. This time last year, China’s then-foreign minister, Qin Gang, was warning of potential conflict between the U.S. and China if Washington didn’t change its ways. 6park.com

而现在,首先,中美两国工作层面的官员终于再次就一系列棘手问题进行对话,重启了双方在习拜会后才开始的接触。 6park.com

For one thing, U.S. and Chinese working-level officials are now finally talking again across a range of thorny issues, renewed contacts only made possible by the Xi-Biden summit. 6park.com

此外,随着中国经济增速放缓,中国领导层将重心更多地转向国内,优先考虑促进经济增长。 6park.com

Additionally, as China’s economy has slowed, the focus of the Chinese leadership has turned more inward as it gives priority to jump-starting economic growth. 6park.com

尽管如此,王毅在全国人大会议间隙发表的言论还是提醒人们,随着美国、欧洲和其他民主制盟友巩固伙伴关系,而许多威权国家和发展中国家更加靠近中国,世界在多个维度已被一分为二。中国的全国人大在很大程度上是象征性的立法机构。 6park.com

Still, the remarks by the foreign minister on the sidelines of an annual gathering of China’s largely ceremonial parliament served as a reminder of how the world has in many ways been severed in two, as the U.S., Europe and other democratic allies consolidate their partnerships while many authoritarian countries in the developing world hew closer to China. 6park.com

尽管中国政府多年来一直试图拉拢欧洲,以制衡来自美国的压力,但欧洲在贸易和人权问题上对中国的疑虑与日俱增。欧盟称中国为合作伙伴、经济竞争对手和系统性对手。 6park.com

Europe has grown leery of China over trade and human rights, despite years of attempts by Beijing to woo it as a counterbalance to U.S. pressure. The European Union has called China a partner, an economic competitor and a systematic rival. 6park.com

王毅将欧洲的做法比作汽车开到十字路口,红灯、黄灯、绿灯三种信号灯同时亮起。他说:“这车还怎么开?” 6park.com

Wang likened Europe’s approach to a traffic light where the red, yellow and green lights were simultaneously illuminated. “How can the car drive through?” Wang said. 6park.com

王毅对美国和欧洲的指责与他对俄罗斯、巴勒斯坦和发展中国家的热情拥抱形成了鲜明对比。王毅表示,在习近平的引领下,中国与俄罗斯保持密切交往,贸易关系不断深化,这是“双方基于两国人民根本利益做出的战略选择”。 6park.com

Wang’s chiding of the U.S. and Europe contrasted with his warm embrace of Russia, the Palestinians and the developing world. He said China’s close relationship and deepening trade ties with Russia were guided by Xi and “a strategic choice made by both sides based on the fundamental interests of the two peoples.” 6park.com

王毅还就乌克兰战争发出严重警告。他表示:“历史经验证明,冲突如果跌宕不止,往往会恶化升级,甚至超出当事方的设想。” 6park.com

He also issued a grave warning over the war in Ukraine. “Historical experience proves that if a conflict is prolonged, it will often worsen and escalate beyond the imagination of the parties involved,” he said. 6park.com

普京在2月底明确警告对手,俄罗斯有能力对其使用核武器。 6park.com

Putin in late February issued an explicit warning to Russia’s adversaries about its ability to use nuclear weapons against them. 6park.com

中国一直试图将自己塑造成世界大国,并在加沙战争和俄罗斯入侵乌克兰的战争中扮演调停者的角色。但这些努力进展甚微。中国负责推进乌克兰和平进程的特使李辉最近几天前往俄罗斯、乌克兰和欧洲各国首都,开启新一轮穿梭外交;去年他的首轮穿梭外交遭到了质疑,由于中俄关系密切,外界怀疑中国能否担任调解角色。 6park.com

Beijing has sought to portray itself as a world power and has pursued mediator roles in both the Gaza war and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. But its efforts have met with little progress. China’s Ukraine peace envoy, Li Hui, has traveled to Russia, Ukraine and European capitals in recent days for a new round of diplomacy after his first trip last year was met with questions about Beijing’s ability to mediate given its close relationship with Russia. 6park.com

王毅没有重申中国围绕乌克兰战争的最严厉批评,即西方向乌克兰提供武器只会加剧局势。在加沙战争问题上,王毅没有重申中国对美国否决联合国安理会加沙停火决议的谴责。 6park.com

Wang didn’t reiterate China’s harshest criticisms over the Ukraine war, that the West was fueling the conflict by providing weapons to Ukraine. On the Gaza war, he didn’t repeat China’s condemnation of U.S. vetoes of cease-fire demands at the United Nations Security Council. 6park.com

提到加沙战争,他说这是“人类的悲剧,更是文明的耻辱”,并重申,中国主张巴以双方尽快恢复和谈,倡议制定落实“两国方案”的时间表和路线图,支持巴勒斯坦成为联合国正式会员国。 6park.com

He described the Gaza war as “a tragedy for mankind and a shame for civilization,” and repeated China’s support for peace talks, a two-state solution and full U.N. membership for Palestine. 6park.com

美国已寻求让中国帮助应对加沙战争的外溢影响,即胡塞武装在红海对船只的袭击。美国官员已经提请中国政府就冲突扩大的风险向伊朗发出警告,但伊朗官员表示胡塞武装不受伊朗控制。红海上的袭击事件仍在继续,周三在也门附近遭到袭击的一艘船上有三人丧生。 6park.com

The U.S. has sought China’s help with a spillover from the Gaza war—the Houthi attacks on ships in the Red Sea. American officials have asked Beijing to warn Iran over the risks of a wider conflict, but Iranian officials have said they don’t control the Houthis. The attacks in the Red Sea have continued, with three people killed aboard a ship attacked off Yemen on Wednesday. 6park.com

几个月来中国的外交政策机构一直处于悬而不定的状态,围绕长期外交工作将由谁来领导的不确定性异常之大。王毅是一位资深外交官,曾在2013年至2022年间担任外交部长,去年在秦刚因可能存在有碍国家安全的行为而被调查并免职后,王毅被重新任命为外交部长。中国基本没有披露秦刚下台的详细原因,王毅周四也没有谈及此事。 6park.com

China’s foreign-policy establishment has been in a state of limbo for months due to an unusual level of uncertainty over who will lead it over the long term. Wang, a veteran diplomat who was previously foreign minister from 2013 to 2022, was reappointed to the post last year after Qin was ousted in an investigation into possible national-security violations. Virtually no details of why he was stripped of his foreign-minister title have been released and Wang didn’t address the matter Thursday. 6park.com

分析人士之前认为,全国人大会议本周在北京举行期间,可能会任命新外交部长,但鉴于已公布的官方议程上没有人事任免安排,这种预期有所降温。在下一任外交部长的潜在人选中,刘建超的希望较大,他做过翻译工作,曾在追捕涉嫌腐败外逃的中共官员的行动中发挥重要作用,目前是中共中央对外联络部部长。 6park.com

Analysts thought a new foreign minister could be appointed during the legislative meetings in Beijing this week, but that expectation diminished after the official agenda omitted new personnel appointments. The leading candidate to become the next foreign minister is Liu Jianchao, a former translator who had a key role in tracking down corrupt Communist Party officials abroad and now heads the party’s diplomatic apparatus.

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