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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-05 2:44 已读 4777 次 1 赞  


France Enshrines Abortion Rights in Constitution


周一,法国国民议会议长Yaël Braun-Pivet在议员将堕胎权写入宪法后鼓掌。

法国成为世界上第一个把堕胎权明确写入宪法的国家,法国议员周一在凡尔赛宫举行的历史性投票中以压倒性多数通过了这一改变。 6park.com

France became the first country in the world to explicitly enshrine abortion rights in its constitution after French lawmakers overwhelmingly endorsed the change in a historic vote in the Palace of Versailles on Monday. 6park.com

该修正案在国会特别联席会议上以780票赞成、72票反对的表决结果获得通过,它修改了法国宪法第34条,规定保障妇女享有堕胎自由。 6park.com

The amendment, which passed 780-72 in a special joint session of Parliament, changes Article 34 of the French constitution to state that “a woman has the guaranteed freedom to have recourse to an abortion.” 6park.com

在美国最高法院推翻1973年“罗诉韦德案”(Roe v. Wade)裁决、使堕胎权不再受美国宪法保护之后,法国总统马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)曾承诺,要让堕胎权在法国成为一项不可逆转的权利。 6park.com

The vote followed President Emmanuel Macron’s pledge to make abortion an irreversible right in France after the U.S. Supreme Court eliminated the constitutional right to an abortion, overruling the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. 6park.com

通过修宪,法国正强化1975年的一项使堕胎在本国合法化的法律。选择性堕胎的时间限定在怀孕14周内。近年来,包括波兰、匈牙利在内的多个欧洲国家已限制堕胎权。 6park.com

In changing its constitution, France is reinforcing a 1975 law that legalized abortion in the country. The time limit on elective abortion is set at 14 weeks of pregnancy. In recent years, several countries in Europe, including Poland and Hungary, have restricted access to abortion. 6park.com

“我以前从未想过自己能活着看到这一幕,”74岁的历史学家、《343宣言》(manifesto of the 343)的最年轻签署者Claudine Monteil说。《343宣言》是由法国作家兼哲学家西蒙娜·德·波伏娃(Simone de Beauvoir)于1971撰写。签署该宣言的女性包括法国传奇女演员凯瑟琳·德纳芙(Catherine Deneuve)和作家玛格丽特·杜拉斯(Marguerite Duras)等。通过签署该宣言,她们公开表示自己曾堕过胎。而在当时,堕胎是一项可判处最高六年监禁的罪行。该宣言为几年后法国的堕胎合法化铺平了道路。 6park.com

“I never thought I’d live to see this,” said Claudine Monteil, a 74-year-old historian and the youngest signatory of the “manifesto of the 343,” a petition written by French writer and philosopher Simone de Beauvoir in 1971. The 343 women included the legendary French actress Catherine Deneuve and writer Marguerite Duras. By signing the manifesto, they went public in saying they had had an abortion, a crime punishable by up to six years in jail at the time. The manifesto paved the way for the legalization of abortion in France a few years later. 6park.com

周一,数百人聚集在位于巴黎市中心的特罗卡迪罗广场(Place du Trocadéro),通过一个大屏幕观看这场议会辩论。该修正案通过后,他们爆发出欢呼声和掌声。在上述投票结果宣布后几秒钟,人群背后耸立的埃菲尔铁塔开始闪烁。 6park.com

On Monday, hundreds of people gathered on the Place du Trocadéro, in the center of the French capital, to watch the parliamentary debate on a big screen. They burst into cheers and applause after the amendment passed. The Eiffel Tower, rising behind the crowd, started scintillating seconds after the vote’s results were announced. 6park.com

这次投票标志着法国分裂的议会迎来难得相对团结的时刻。2022年6月,随着极左派和极右派势力的壮大,马克龙所在政党失去了在国民议会(National Assembly)(议会下院)的多数席位。从那时起,法国政府一直难以推动立法在议会获得通过,马克龙常常被迫利用宪法赋予的特殊权力绕过议员们。 6park.com

The vote marked a rare moment of relative unity in France’s divided Parliament. Macron lost his majority in the National Assembly, the lower house of Parliament, in June 2022 as the far left and the far right gained ground. Since then, the government has struggled to push legislation through Parliament, often prompting Macron to use special constitutional powers to bypass lawmakers. 6park.com

根据YouGov最近的一项民意调查,三分之二的法国人支持将堕胎权写入宪法。 6park.com

Two-thirds of French people were in favor of the change, according to a recent YouGov poll. 6park.com

法国总理加布里埃尔·阿塔尔(Gabriel Attal)在凡尔赛宫华丽的19世纪国会议事厅对议员们说:“在一个国家的生命中,有时团结、普遍利益必须压倒日常争吵。”他赢得全场与会者长时间的起立鼓掌。 6park.com

“There are moments in the life of a country when unity, general interest must prevail over daily quarrels,” French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal told lawmakers, speaking in the ornate 19th-century Congress Chamber of the Palace of Versailles, where he received a standing ovation. 6park.com

阿塔尔说:“是的,堕胎自由仍然受到威胁,我们的权利本来就受到威胁,本来就是脆弱的。”他还表示:“不妨与美国女性谈谈这个问题。” 6park.com

“Yes, the freedom to have an abortion remains under threat, our rights are inherently threatened, inherently fragile,” said Attal. “Talk to American women about it,” he added. 6park.com

美国最高法院2022年决定推翻“罗诉韦德案”裁决,当时在全美范围内造成了堕胎难的局面,大量育龄女性目前生活在堕胎基本被视为非法的一些州。 6park.com

The U.S. Supreme Court’s 2022 decision to overturn Roe v. Wade created a patchwork of abortion access across the U.S., with millions of women of reproductive age now living in states where abortion is largely illegal. 6park.com

周一在凡尔赛宫举行的这次投票是数月前开始的一项漫长立法过程的最后一步。法国国民议会今年1月批准了该提案,参议院于周三通过了该法案。 6park.com

The vote in Versailles on Monday represented the final step of a long legislative process that started several months ago. The National Assembly approved the proposal in January, and the Senate adopted the bill on Wednesday. 6park.com


阿塔尔周一称,由此向女性传达的信息是明确的。他说:“你的身体属于你自己,任何人都无权替你控制它。” 6park.com

Attal said on Monday that the message sent to women was clear. “Your body belongs to you, and nobody has the right to control it in your place,” he said.

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