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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-01 17:53 已读 4642 次  


当地时间2月28日,美国白宫公布总统拜登的体检结果。 6park.com


US President Biden on Wednesday was declared "fit for duty" by his longtime doctor, who said that the president had undergone an "extremely detailed" neurological exam that did not turn up evidence of stroke, neurological disorders or Parkinson's disease. 6park.com

White House physician Kevin O'Connor said that a team of doctors, including a neurologist, two orthopedists and a physical therapist, examined the president, whom Dr. O'Connor described as an “active 81-year-old white male.” 6park.com

28日晚些时候,拜登在白宫与执法部门官员举行的圆桌会议上,就此次体检结果向记者们开了个玩笑:“他们(医生)认为我看起来太年轻了。” 6park.com

On Wednesday, Biden answered questions about the results of his exam with a joke. "They think I look too young," he told reporters during a round table with law enforcement officials at the White House. "There is nothing different than last year," he said, adding that "everything's great." 6park.com

不过,拜登此次体检并未进行认知测试。 6park.com

白宫28日早些时候就此解释说,总统医生认为认知测试“没有必要”。 6park.com

In a summary of Biden's third presidential physical at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Dr. O'Connor did not say whether the examination contained common tests for assessing cognitive decline or detecting signs of dementia that are often recommended for older adults. 6park.com

Earlier in the day, Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, declined to give specifics about the tests Biden had undergone, but said that the president "doesn't need" a cognitive exam. 

白宫官网随后发布了详细体检报告。拜登自上次体检后(间隔病史),主要存在清嗓子和咳嗽频率增多、严重程度逐渐加重,走路的步态更加僵硬、流畅度降低两项改变。同时因阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停,拜登在睡眠时常规使用气道正压通气(PAP)。 6park.com

Biden has obstructive sleep apnea, a common sleeping disorder in which a person’s airways become blocked. Dr. O’Connor noted that the patient had been “remarkably committed to sticking with therapy” and sleeps nearly every night with a machine that helps his airways clear.  6park.com


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