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双语资讯 | 攻读研究生的海外学生人数减少,英国大学受到冲击
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-02-28 17:54 已读 4684 次 1 赞  




The number of international students taking up postgraduate places at UK universities has fallen sharply, according to commercial data that sparked further warnings about the financial health of the higher education sector. 6park.com

根据商业数据,选择在英国大学攻读研究生课程的国际学生人数大幅下降,这引发了对高等教育部门财务状况的进一步警告。 6park.com

The figures from Enroly, used to manage one in three offers to overseas students, showed a 37 per cent drop in the number of international offers for UK postgraduate courses in January 2024 compared with January last year. 6park.com

Enroly提供的数据显示,2024年1月,英国研究生课程的国际录取人数同比下降了37%。英国三分之一的海外学生录取用Enroly来管理。 6park.com

University leaders warned that the findings, based on Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) documents issued by universities to support visa applications for about 40,000 students, sounded an alarm bell for the sector. 6park.com

大学领导人警告称,这些发现(基于大约4万名学生的大学签证申请所需的学业接受确认书(CAS)文件)为该行业敲响了警钟。 6park.com

——本文2024年2月28日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为UK universities hit by fall in overseas students taking up postgraduate places



Two large Apple investors are seeking more information about the company’s artificial intelligence risks as tech companies’ ambitions in the fast-growing sector face mounting investor scrutiny. 6park.com

两家苹果(Apple)大投资者正在寻求更多有关该公司人工智能风险的信息,目前科技公司在这个快速增长的行业的雄心正面临越来越多的投资者审查。 6park.com

Norges Bank Investment Management and Legal & General, Apple’s eighth and 10th-largest shareholders respectively, have said they will support a resolution at the iPhone maker’s annual shareholder meeting on Wednesday that asks the company to report about AI in its business operations. 6park.com

苹果第八大股东挪威央行投资管理公司(Norges Bank Investment Management)和第十大股东励正(Legal & General)表示,将在周三举行的苹果年度股东大会上支持一项决议,该决议要求苹果报告其业务运营中的人工智能。 6park.com

The shareholder proposal asks the company to “disclose any ethical guidelines that the company has adopted regarding [its] use of AI technology”. 6park.com

股东提案要求该公司“披露其在使用人工智能技术方面采取的任何道德准则”。 6park.com

——本文2024年2月28日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Large Apple shareholders seek AI disclosures



Apple has cancelled its efforts to build an electric car as it pivots to focus research funding on generative artificial intelligence, according to a person familiar with the matter. 6park.com

据一位知情人士透露,苹果(Apple)已取消了制造电动汽车的计划,该公司正将研究资金集中放在生成式人工智能上。 6park.com

Known as “Project Titan”, Apple’s electric vehicle project was an example of its attempts to diversify beyond its hit product, the iPhone, which still makes up about half of its global sales. 6park.com

被称为“泰坦计划”(Project Titan)的苹果电动汽车项目,是该公司试图在其热门产品iPhone之外实现多元化的一个例子。iPhone仍占苹果全球销售额的一半左右。 6park.com

The decade-long effort to build a product that competes with the likes of Tesla and Rivian has never been officially confirmed by Apple, and a spokesman for the company declined to comment. The news, which was announced to employees on Tuesday, was first reported by Bloomberg. 6park.com

苹果公司一直在努力打造一款能与特斯拉和里维安(Rivian)等公司竞争的产品,这一努力已经持续了十年,但从未得到苹果公司的正式证实,该公司的一位发言人拒绝置评。彭博社(Bloomberg)最先报道了周二向员工宣布的这一消息。 6park.com

——本文2024年2月28日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Apple cancels secretive electric car project in shift to focus on AI



Shein is considering London as a back-up option for a blockbuster flotation if US regulators block the online fast-fashion group’s preferred choice of a New York IPO over its ties to China. 6park.com

Shein(希音)正考虑将伦敦作为其大规模上市的后备选择,以防美国监管机构因为这家在线快时尚集团的中国血统而阻止其在首选上市地纽约进行首次公开发行(IPO)。 6park.com

The Singapore-headquartered company has pitched the UK as an alternative destination if it is unable to list in the US, according to two investors in the company. 6park.com

据该公司的两名投资者称,总部位于新加坡的该公司已将英国兜售为替代上市地——如果它无法在美国上市。 6park.com

One of these people said that Hong Kong had also been considered, but had decided against listing in the city, citing its stock market’s recent poor performance.  6park.com

其中一名人士表示,Shein也曾考虑过在香港上市,但最终排除这一选项,理由是香港股市近期表现不佳。 6park.com

——本文2024年2月28日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Shein considers London listing if US IPO blocked over ties to China

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