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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-02-26 17:54 已读 3782 次 2 赞  


2月26日起,全国多地陆续公布2024年考研(national postgraduate entrance exam)初试成绩。 6park.com

Various regions across the country have been gradually releasing the results of the 2024 National Postgraduate Entrance Exam on Monday. Social media posts related to the entrance exam have been continuously trending on Weibo.



"Shang'an", or "landing ashore", a buzzword meaning "passing an exam or landing a job", has been on people's lips as the 2024 national postgraduate entrance exam started releasing results to its applicants on Monday. 6park.com


❶ get in 6park.com

Get in在《朗文当代高级英语辞典》中有“被录取”的意思,英文释义为to be allowed to be a student at a university, college etc. 6park.com

如果你最终顺利考上研究生,就可以激动地说“I got in(我考上啦)”。 6park.com

I got in属于口语化的表达,在日常对话中很常见。

❷ pass an/the exam 6park.com

“考研上岸”,也就是指“通过研究生考试”,因此我们可以用pass an/the exam来表示。 6park.com

Pilots have to pass an exam in meteorology to fly commercial airliners. 6park.com

飞行员必须通过气象学考试才能驾驶商用客机。 6park.com

I had to do it in order to pass the exam. 6park.com


学霸们如果是高分考过,还可以用一个短语pass with flying colors,指以出色的成绩通过考试、比赛。 6park.com

He passed the competition with flying colors.他高分通过了竞赛。

❸ be/get admitted to 6park.com

“上岸”代表着我们被录取啦,在《剑桥词典》中,admit作动词,有“准许……加入;接纳”的意思,因此“上岸”也可以用英文表示为be/get admitted to… 6park.com

I've been eager to be admitted to PKU since my first year in high school. 6park.com

从高一开始,我就一直渴望考上北京大学。 6park.com

He was admitted to the Software Engineering Department of the School of Computer Science and Technology, Guangdong University of Technology. 6park.com


❹ enroll 6park.com

在《朗文当代高级英语辞典》中,enroll作动词,有“招(生),吸收(成员);注册(课程)”的意思。如果想表达“考入”,便可以用enroll at来表示。 6park.com

At the age of 61, he enrolled at Sichuan Normal University in 1996 and majored in journalism. 6park.com

1996年,61岁的他考入四川师范大学新闻学专业。 6park.com

Is it too late to enroll at the college? 6park.com

现在上大学会太晚吗? 6park.com

I enrolled for/in/on the modern art course. 6park.com


好啦,今天的“上岸”相关英文就介绍到这里啦,你记住了吗? 6park.com


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