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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-02-20 17:56 已读 4679 次 1 赞  


在电影《热辣滚烫》的“彩蛋”里,正在痛苦瘦身的贾玲许愿,等拍完电影,她一定要烫个大波浪,穿上晚礼服。 6park.com

后来,成功瘦身100斤的贾玲,以这个造型出现在电影片尾里,让不少网友惊叹不已。 6park.com

Jia Ling, the famous Chinese director and actress, topped the social media topics as her stunning weight loss of 50 kilograms during the shooting of her movie Yolo triggered heated discussions over healthy lifestyle and allowed some viewers to draw aspirations from her arduous weight-loss journey. 


18日上午,《热辣滚烫》发布最新宣传曲《一切都来得及》MV,贾玲在MV中以蜕变前后的两个造型深情献唱,“大波浪+晚礼服”的造型再次让网友直呼“爱了爱了”。 6park.com

On Feb 18, Jia released the movie’s theme song Everything comes in time on Weibo. The song has been hugely popular on social media. 6park.com

《一切都来得及》由贾玲和金灿灿共同作词,曲作者则是拥有《孤勇者》《如愿》《人世间》等经典作品的钱雷。 6park.com

这首歌以贾玲为讲述者,由过去的她和现在的她进行对话,传递“一切都来得及,只要好好爱自己”的主题。 6park.com

In the MV for her song, she sings a duet with her old self, conveying the theme of "Everything comes in time, remember to love yourself." 6park.com

MV中,“过去的贾玲”受困于外界的评价和“大人的规则”,消极地唱道:“已经来不及做任何的改变了,那就这样吧,下辈子再说。” 6park.com

“现在的贾玲”则以耀眼造型出现,鼓励过去的自己:人生没有什么来不及,只需要勇敢地爱自己,你就是这个世上最美好的。 6park.com

"It's too late to make any changes, maybe we can only talk about it in the next life," the previous version Jia sings at the beginning of the song. 6park.com

This is followed by the all-new Jia singing: "You are the most beautiful in the world, stop trying to adapt to any rules, stop thinking about changing anything. Everything comes in time, love yourself now."


据猫眼专业版,截至目前《热辣滚烫》票房已超29亿元,超过《中国机长》,进入中国内地影史票房前20名。 6park.com

As of publication, Yolo had grossed over 2.9 billion yuan at the Spring Festival box office, according to industry platform Maoyan.

国家电影局2月18日发布数据,我国2024年春节档电影票房达80.16亿元,创造了新的春节档票房纪录,观影人次为1.63亿。 6park.com

China's box office revenue during this year's Spring Festival holiday has exceeded 8 billion yuan, setting a new record for the period, statistics showed.


春节期间,电影《热辣滚烫》引发人们对减肥话题的热议,有人赞叹,有人质疑。 6park.com

微博上一条具有代表性的评论写道:“明星减肥很正常,她背后有一个专业的团队,所以用它来营销只会给普通人带来身体焦虑。” 6park.com

“It is normal for a celebrity to lose weight since she has a professional team behind her, so using it for marketing only causes body anxiety for ordinary individuals,” reads one representative comment on Weibo. 6park.com

贾玲减肥的相关话题火爆微博热搜,比如“贾玲减肥全记录”等。网民们纷纷讨论是否应该从今年开始养成一个更健康的生活习惯。 6park.com

Topics related to Jia's stunning weight loss were dominating Weibo such as "full record of Jia's losing weight journey" and "Jia Ling totally shocked me," as netizens discuss whether it is time to develop a more balanced habit starting from the Spring Festival.

贾玲用一年时间减重100斤,对普通人而言有没有参考价值? 6park.com

重庆市体育科学研究所副所长刘猛说:“贾玲减肥前的基础体重较大,减肥周期较长,在科学指导下进行减肥,取得这样的效果是正常的。” 6park.com

西南大学体育学院教授彭莉认为,贾玲的案例是普通人可以复刻的,因为较为适宜的减重速度是每周减1至2斤,一年52周,按照每周减2斤的速度,大体重人群就可以减去104斤。 6park.com

“合理饮食和科学运动是健康减肥的唯一途径。”彭莉说。 6park.com

首先要做一个短、中、长期规划,包括行动方式和阶段性目标。最好制定一个时间表并坚持下去,避免极端减肥。 6park.com

To lose weight in a healthy way, it takes a long-term goal that consists of several reachable short-term goals. It would be better to work out a schedule and stick to it, rather than blindly trying extreme workload to lose weight. 6park.com

其中,拥有可实现的目标至关重要。在此前的一个影片采访中,贾玲也谈到了设立现实目标的重要。 6park.com

其次建立健康的生活规律,包括相对固定的运动方式和时间、就餐时间及一天热量摄入总量计划,让身体代谢形成有效的能量循环。 6park.com



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