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《DK: Children's Illustrated Animal Atlas 动物地图集》 2017年
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2021-06-11 8:21 已读 1075 次  


A thrilling animal adventure around the globe includes maps and facts, perfect for kids ages 6-8. 6park.com

With more than 40 full-color maps includes information, Children's Illustrated Animal Atlas zooms in on countries and continents to show key animal habitats and locations around the world. 6park.com

Photographs highlight each continent's most iconic animals and colorful graphics take a closer look, showing the animals, plants, and habitats found within each country. Habitats are introduced and explained on visually stunning pages, from the mountains and deserts to the grasslands and tropical rain forests. Bite-size facts and figures explain where the habitats are found and what the climate is like, and describe the plants and animals that live in them, making the information easy for kids to comprehend. 6park.com

Children's Illustrated Animal Atlas brings the amazing world of wildlife into the home, taking kids on a wild adventure around the globe.

文件大小: 34.6 MB

PDF 下载链接:

https://vk.com/doc654206205_600422855?hash=155c1fe0d554da16cf&dl=4401c5d19f1892b5d7 6park.com


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