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《Reader's Digest Australia 读者文摘 澳大利亚版》 2021年 1月刊
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2020-12-28 6:59 已读 2286 次  


Insights and Charm

WITH­OUT EX­CEP­TION, the edi­to­rial team looks for­ward to delv­ing into the Reader’s Digest ar­chives. When the very first edi­tion (Fe­bru­ary, 1922) was put to­gether man­u­ally, with a typewriter, glue and let­ter­press block let­ters, the in­ten­tion of the pocket-sized mag­a­zine was to en­ter­tain and in­form busy read­ers. With a story for each day of the month, the goal was to of­fer per­spec­tives that were pos­i­tive, in­spir­ing and in­for­ma­tive. And, above all, cel­e­brat­ing kind­ness and hope in the world. These core char­ac­ter­is­tics re­main the pil­lars of our mag­a­zine to­day. 6park.com

This year’s Clas­sics Edi­tion has ar­ti­cles and items span­ning over 90 years, each one of­fer­ing in­sights and ex­pe­ri­ences that is a time­less read­ing trea­sure. ‘Passed With Fly­ing Colours’ (page 94) was pub­lished in 1948 and of­fers a dig­ni­fied ap­proach to royal re­port­ing – not in­tru­sive or de­mean­ing for the mem­ber of roy­alty in­volved. Also sure to en­ter­tain is ‘A Dog Like No Other’ (page 56), ‘When Mothers Get the Bug’ (page 108), and ‘How We Broke the Drought’ (page 88) – each one proof that a great story is time­less. Although every one of the sto­ries in this com­pi­la­tion earned its place, my favourite is ‘Joey’s Quiet War’ (page 26), which beau­ti­fully por­trays the brav­ery and in­tel­li­gence of a woman who be­came an un­ex­pected na­tional hero dur­ing a dark mo­ment. 6park.com

Write to us and tell us your favourite story (see de­tails on page 8). Happy read­ing!

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